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EXCLUSIVE: 'This is playing with fire - it could spark a lab-generated pandemic': Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate
(DailyMail 2022/10/17)
「これは火遊びだ - 実験室で作られたパンデミックを引き起こしかねない」。専門家は、科学者が80%の致死率を持つ新しい致命的なCovid株を作成したボストン大学研究室を非難
・ 研究者たちは、オリジナルの武漢Covid株にオミクロンのスパイクタンパク質を加えた
・ オミクロンのスパイクは高度に変異しており、これまでで最も感染力の強い変異型となった
・ ボストン大学の研究室では、この菌株に感染したマウスの10匹中8匹が死亡した
機能性研究の獲得 - ウイルスを意図的に操作して感染力や致死性を高めること - がCovidの起源の中心にあると考えられている。
・ Researchers added Omicron's spike protein to the original Wuhan Covid strain
・ Omicron's spike is highly mutated which made it the most infectious variant ever
・ Eight in 10 mice infected with the lab-created strain died at Boston University lab
Boston University scientists were today condemned for 'playing with fire' after it emerged they had created a lethal new Covid strain in a laboratory. revealed the team had made a hybrid virus ― combining Omicron and the original Wuhan strain ― that killed 80 per cent of mice in a study.
The revelation exposes how dangerous virus manipulation research continues to go on even in the US, despite fears similar practices may have started the pandemic.
Professor Shmuel Shapira, a leading scientist in the Israeli Government, said: 'This should be totally forbidden, it's playing with fire.'
Gain of function research - when viruses are purposefully manipulated to be more infectious or deadly - is thought to be at the center of Covid's origin.
A Chinese laboratory located just miles from the first cluster of cases carried out similar research on bat coronaviruses.
But the practice has been largely restricted in the US since 2017.
Dr Richard Ebright, a chemist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, told that: 'The research is a clear example of gain of function research.
He added: 'If we are to avoid a next lab-generated pandemic, it is imperative that oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research be strengthened.'
In the new research, which has not been peer-reviewed, a team of researchers from Boston and Florida extracted Omicron's spike protein ― the unique structure that binds to and invades human cells.
It has always been present in the virus but has become more evolved over time. Omicron has dozens of mutations on its spike protein that made it so infectious.
Researchers attached Omicron's spike to the original wildtype strain that first emerged in Wuhan at the start of the pandemic.
The researchers looked at how mice fared against the new hybrid strain compared to the original Omicron variant.
When a similar group of rodents were exposed to the standard Omicron strain, however, they all survived and only experienced 'mild' symptoms.
Writing in the paper, they said: ‘In...mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent.’
The researchers said it signaled that while the spike protein is responsible for infectivity, changes to other parts of its structure determine its deadliness.
Dr Ebright told 'The research is a clear example of gain of function research of concern and enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research.
'It is especially concerning that this new US-government ePPP research - like the previous US-government ePPP research on chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses at Wuhan Institute of Virology that may have caused the pandemic - appears not to have undergone the prior risk-benefit review mandated under US-government policies.
'If we are to avoid a next lab-generated pandemic, it is imperative that oversight of ePPP research be strengthened.
'It is imperative that the existing polices mandating prior risk-benefit assessment of ePPP research be followed, and it is imperative that officials at US-government agencies who repeatedly have placed the public at risk by repeatedly violating the existing policies be held accountable.'
Prof David Livermore, a professor of microbiology at the UK's University of East Anglia told 'given the strong likelihood that the Covid pandemic originated from the escape of a lab-manipulated coronavirus in Wuhan, these experiments seem profoundly unwise.'
Gain of function research was largely restricted in the US until 2017, when the National Institutes of Health began to allow it to take place using government funds.
Previously it had been halted from 2014 to 2017 over concerns that it could lead to the inadvertent creation of a pandemic.
The research involves tinkering with viruses to make them more lethal or infectious - with the hopes of getting ahead of a future outbreak.
The University of Boston refuted that the experiments are gain of function, adding that the research was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and the Boston Public Health Commission.
A spokesperson said: 'This research mirrors and reinforces the findings of other, similar research performed by other organizations.
'Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better, targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics.'
While Covid is officially believed to have been transmitted from an animal to a human - likely from a bat - in a Wuhan wet market, some speculate otherwise.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was performing gain of function research on similar strains before the virus emerged in the city.
Some believe that the pathogen being developed in the lab infected employees, and escaped into the world as a result.
The Boston scientists were performing similar research, and looked at different strains' effect on human lung cells that were grown in the lab.
Covid latches onto human cells with its spike protein, and instructs healthy cells to produce copies of itself.
Scientists measured how many copies each variant caused the health cells to produce.
They found the hybrid strain produced five times more viral particles than the original Omicron.
The scientists admit the hybrid virus is unlikely to be as deadly in humans as it was in mice.
This is because the specific breed of lab mice used are very susceptible to severe Covid disease. Mice and humans also have very different immune responses to the virus.
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