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(Natural News / Spiderman886訳 2022/10/19)
2022年10月18日(火) by: アルセニオ・トレド
この画期的な転換は、英国政府の保健当局に助言する独立した専門家諮問委員会である英国の予防接種・免疫合同委員会(JCVI)の勧告と一致するものです。同委員会は、2月に幼い子どもへのワクチン接種を控えるよう勧告している。(関連記事 :ファイザー社は、COVID-19ワクチンが男性の生殖能力に影響を与えるかどうかのテストを行っていない)
■ COVID-19ワクチンで男性性器の発達を阻む
「ワクチンは精巣を傷つけ、小さな男の子、赤ん坊の男の子、10代の男の子の男らしさと第二次性徴を発達させる精巣の部分を傷つけます」と、スティーブ・バノンとの「The War Room」でのインタビューでウルフは言いました。「だから、彼らは文字通り、あなたの小さな男の子の子供[sic]が男性の人間の大人として正常に成長する可能性に害を及ぼす。
NaturalHealth365のスタッフライターであるSara Middleton氏は、高齢の女性たちはアメリカ人の最後の世代であり、"十数回の注射を特徴とする幼少期のvaxスケジュール「だけ」を持っている "と指摘しています。
"今日の若い女性達が、部分的には、幼児期の毒素への高い曝露を受けたために、出生率の低下に直面している可=性はないのでしょうか?" とMiddletonは問いかけました。
mRNA vaccines targeting children for PERMANENT INFERTILITY and depopulation
このビデオはBrighteon.comのHealth Ranger Reportチャンネルからです。
「ゲルト・ヴァンデン・ボッシュ博士 「本当にお願いします。
どうか、あなたの子供に新型コロナワクチンを接種しないで下さい」 (連新社訳)」
(拙稿 2022/10/16)
「0歳〜4歳児もワクチン接種の対象に 打つ?打たない? どう考えればよい?
(大石が深掘り解説) (CBCニュース)」 (拙稿 2022/10/15)
「UK bans COVID-19 vaccine for boys aged 5 to 11
after investigation reveals shot affects their sexual development」
(By Arsenio Toledo Natural News 2022/10/18)
(Natural News) The United Kingdom’s Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has announced that children who had not turned five by the end of Aug. 2022 would not be eligible for a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine until they turn 12. This comes after an investigation found that the vaccine affects the sexual development of very young boys.
This groundbreaking shift aligns with recommendations from the U.K.’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), an independent expert advisory committee advising the British government’s health officials. The committee advised against vaccinating young children back in February. (Related: Pfizer DID NOT test its COVID-19 vaccine for possible effects on male fertility.)
The UKHSA’s announcement received massive backlash from parent groups and so-called academics.
“When we know there is a safe and effective vaccine available, this seems unjustifiable to me,” claimed Christina Pagel, a professor at University College London. “JCVI itself considered there to be a benefit to young children to be vaccinated even if most of them had already been infected.”
Pagel claimed that providing children with COVID-19 vaccines prevents them from experiencing long COVID, missing school because of preventable severe COVID-19 cases and reducing transmission to household members, other children and teachers.
The professor fearmongered without evidence that the U.K. is expected to experience at least one serious COVID-19 wave later this year, and it will likely infect many children who can’t get vaccinated until they turn 12.
Both the JCVI and UKHSA have defended their decision. The latter said the offer to provide healthy children under 12 COVID-19 vaccines was always meant to be temporary. The JCVI, meanwhile, stated that young children remain at very low risk of developing severe COVID-19.
Adam Finn, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Bristol and a member of the JCVI, noted that the proportion of U.K. parents who had chosen to vaccinate their young children remains small.
COVID-19 vaccine preventing development of male sex organs
The U.K.’s policy change regarding vaccinating young children was very likely influenced by a recent report by Dr. Naomi Wolf, which revealed the devastating effects of the COVID-19 vaccine on young boys. According to Wolf, the vaccine hinders the development of the testes of pre-adolescent boys.
“The vaccines hurt the testes and hurt the parts of the testes that develop the masculinity and secondary sex characteristics of little boys, and baby boys and teenage boys,” said Wolf during an interview on “The War Room” with Steve Bannon. “So, they literally harm the chances of your little boy child [sic] to grow up normally as a male human adult.”
Wolf added that concerning evidence linking the COVID-19 vaccines and fertility is not just about the suppression of the sperm counts or mobility of men, but “something even more insidious” because of how the lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines enter the reproductive organs of young boys.
Widespread vaccination is already affecting the fertility rates of countries with high vaccination rates. In the United States, data from the Census Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics has found that, between 1990 to 2019, fertility rates for women between the ages of 20 to 24 declined by 43 percent, whereas fertility rates for women aged 35 to 39 increased by 67 percent.
Sara Middleton, a staff writer for NaturalHealth365, noted that the older generation of women is among the last generation of Americans “to have a childhood vax schedule ‘only’ featuring a dozen or so injections.”
“Is it possible that today’s younger females could be facing declining fertility rates, in part, because they have had higher exposures to early childhood toxins?” Middleton asked.
Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines at
Watch this episode of the “Health Ranger Report” as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses how the mRNA vaccines for children were specifically created to make them permanently infertile.
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