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(回答先: イグナツィ・パデレフスキ(Ignacy Jan Paderewski, 1860 - 1941) 投稿者 中川隆 日時 2021 年 10 月 05 日 19:20:13)
イグナツィ・パデレフスキ メヌエット
Paderewski plays his Minuet in G (from 'Moonlight Sonata', 1936)
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941) plays his Minuet in G, filmed at Denham Film Studios, Buckinghamshire, England, in September 1936 for the movie 'Moonlight Sonata', directed by Lothar Mendes. Also in this beautiful vignette (featuring children dancing a charming minuet to Paderewski's playing), seated beside the piano, is the singer and actress Dame Marie Tempest (1864-1942) who studied with Manuel Garcia (brother of La Malibran and Pauline Viardot and teacher of Jenny Lind).
Paderewski plays "Menuet" in G - 1937 movie
Rachmaninov plays Paderewski Minuet in G
Sergei Rachmaninoff, piano
パデレフスキ 演奏会用ユモレスク Op.14-第1曲メヌエット(編曲:フリッツ・クライスラー)
Fritz Kreisler(Violin)
Josef A. Pasternack(Conductor)
Studio orchestra
16 July 1917
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