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「Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?」 (Natural News 2022/4/7)
(Natural News)大手保険グループのCEOであるトッド・カレンダー弁護士は、武漢コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の「接種済み」の人の間で過剰死亡率と「あらゆる種類の病気」が急増していると警告している。
■ 米国防省は2015年当時、将来のCOVIDワクチン接種者の大量死について知っていたのか?
「Will everyone who got “vaccinated” for COVID be dead by 2025?」
(Natural News) Attorney Todd Callender, CEO of a large insurance group, is warning that excess mortality and “every kind of disease” is skyrocketing among the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Callender spoke via a video call about how excess mortality is up 84 percent while excess diseases are up 1,100 percent. In 2022 alone, he said, his company is expecting a 5,000 percent increase in deaths, compliments of Operation Warp Speed.
“I happen to be in the morbidity business,” Callender explained during the call. “I don’t think that it’s by coincidence, by the way, that Moderna has now just received licensure of their emergency use authorization HIV vaccine. So, they gave everybody AIDS, and here’s your salvation, another vaccine.”
Preliminary mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2021 shows an expected death count of 2,948,273. In actuality, there were 3,447,405 deaths, meaning there were 499,132 excess deaths for the year.
With a 5,000 percent increase in excess deaths so far in 2022, Callender estimates that as many as 25,455,732 jabbed people in the United States could die just this year alone.
“Add to that the 2.95 million expected deaths, and the result is: 28,405,732 total deaths for 2022,” Hal Turner reported.
■ Did the DoD know about future mass COVID jab deaths back in 2015?
At this rate, assuming it continues on the current trajectory, everyone who got injected for the Chinese Flu will be dead by 2025. This was also forecasted in the population reduction charts that have been posted at the Deagel website for many years.
Before scrubbing the information,’s forecast for the U.S. population in 2025 is 100 million fewer people. For Germany during the same time period, there is expected to be 25 million fewer people.
“About one third of Germanys population remain unvaxxed,” Turner explained. “Today’s population is 83 million, so Deagel’s report may be quite accurate.”
Since Deagel has been around since 2015, the Department of Defense (DoD) guy who runs it appears to have known since at least that far back that there was going to be a plandemic, and that many, if not all, of the people who got “vaccinated” for it will soon die.
“Deagel has always had the forecast at the year 2025,” Turner said. “The numbers may have fluctuated but the date never did.”
We also now know that Big Pharma and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have known for at least the past year-and-a-half and likely long before that that the COVID-19 “vaccines” damage the immune system and trigger antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
In essence, the jabbed now have vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) and could succumb to a deadly cytokine storm (ADE) at any moment. For some, this has already happened and they are now chronically ill or deceased. For the rest, well, time will certainly tell what becomes of them.
“Fifteen fully vaxxed and boosted professional tennis players had to withdraw from the Miami Open this week because of chest pains,” wrote a reader at Natural News. “You draw your own conclusions.”
“99.9% people do more research for a used car than any vaccine they may take,” wrote another. “A pro vaxxer is most of the time someone has done zero research.”
“Vaccines have historically been soft-kill bioweapons wrapped in the ‘Hegelian dialectic’ as … ‘mankind’s greatest achievement,'” added someone else. “Vaccines certainly have been the predator class ‘greatest achievement’ to #1 dupe the sheep class into poisoning themselves especially their own children, and second, make the SICK industry rich and more powerful beyond their own wildest dreams.”
Here’s the full interview with Todd Calender, via
(メモ・独り言のblog 2022/4/7)
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