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「Former Blackrock executive says Big Pharma’s liability shields could be at risk if fraud is discovered」
(by Ethan Huff Natural News 2022/2/4)
(Natural News) エドワード・ダウド氏は本気だ。ブラックロックの元役員でヘッジファンドの第一人者である彼は、もしファイザー社と米国食品医薬品局(FDA)が武漢コロナウイルス(Covid-19)の「ワクチン」臨床試験に関するすべてのデータの開示を拒否したら、不正があったと見なすだろうと述べた。
遺伝子治療薬COVIDに関連した生命保険金の支払いに関して、大手保険会社が大手製薬会社と「対決」する準備をしており、モデルナなどのmRNAメーカーにとっては、ゲームオーバーになるかもしれない」とDaily Exposeは報じている。(関連記事 ダウド氏は先日、スティーブ・バノン氏と対談し、このことについて詳説した)
ダウド氏によれば、「ファイザー社はEUAを通じて包括的な免責を受けたが、この製品は致命的であり、しかも金銭的負担を強いられているのは他人であるようかのようだ」 という。
■ 大手製薬会社の不正は、ウォール街を支えているのか?
FDAは当初、ファイザー社製品について、「安全性、有効性、製造品質に関する高い基準を満たしている 」と主張していた。しかし、多数の公衆衛生関係者、メディア関係者、ジャーナリスト、科学者、政治家、有名人から、この主張の妥当性について疑問の声が上がっている。
「犯罪組織が争いを望まなければ、ロシアが誰とも戦わないように、大手保険会社は大手製薬会社と "対決 "することはないだろう。これはすべて劇場なのだ」
「仏生命保険会社が、ワクチン死に保険金を支払うことを拒否 (Free West Media)」
(拙稿 2022/1/18)
「Former Blackrock executive says Big Pharma’s liability shields could be at risk if fraud is discovered」
(Natural News) Edward Dowd means business. The former Blackrock executive and hedge fund guru has said that if Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuse to release all data on Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” clinical trials, then he will assume that fraud occurred.
Because fraud eviscerates all contracts this is case law this would mean that Pfizer assumes all liability for injuries and deaths caused by its Fauci Flu injections. The same goes for the other drug giants (i.e., Moderna and Johnson & Johnson) if it turns out they, too, committed fraud.
Big Pharma is supposed to be one of the most regulated industries in the country, especially with the FDA. However, the blanket declaration that covid jabs are “safe and effective” combined with the full immunity that was granted to drug companies involved in the plandemic suggests that this “gold standard” is no longer trustworthy.
“This could be game over for companies such as Moderna and other mRNA manufacturers, as big insurance is prepping to ‘square off’ with big pharma over life insurance pay-outs linked to the COVID gene therapy jab,” reported the Daily Expos . (Related: Dowd spoke with Steve Bannon the other day and explained more about this at-length.)
“Pfizer received blanket immunity from liability through the EUA, however, it is looking like this product is deadly according to Dowd, yet it is others who are being financially burdened.”
Is Big Pharma fraud propping up Wall Street?
It turns out that the insurance industry is seeing a major spike in deaths ever since Fauci Flu shots were introduced by Donald Trump under Operation Warp Speed. One actuary reported a 40 percent increase in death claims, adding that this figure applies across the industry.
“It is not just a medical scam,” Dowd says. “It is a financial and capital market scam.”
In the case of Pfizer, the drug giant received approval for its covid jab in individuals 16 years of age and older on Aug. 23, 2021. Four days later, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was submitted.
The FDA claimed at the time that the Pfizer product “meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality.” However, numerous public health officials, media outlets, journalists, scientists, politicians and public figures have raised questions as to the validity of these claims.
To make matters worse, the FDA tried to argue later that it needs until 2076 to fully release the Pfizer documents that were used to grant this approval. That outrageously long timeline is currently being challenged in court.
One wonders what, exactly, the FDA is trying to hide on behalf of Pfizer and its partner BioNTech, both of which claim that the data should not be released because it supposedly contains “confidential business and trade secret information,” as well as the “personal privacy information of patients who participated in clinical trials.”
The Expos says that both of these companies and the FDA must be forced to provide the clinical trial results in their entirety for the safety of the public, many of whom are children.
Since they are reluctant to do so, Dowd can only assume that the whole thing is fraudulent, “and with the already known adverse events and deaths resulting from their gene therapy jab, how can we not?” added the Expos .
“Big insurers and big pharma are all owned by the same hedge funds (as the largest stakeholders), Vanguard, State Street and Blackrock,” wrote one reader. “Their money derives from banksters, royals, and other mobsters.”
“Big insurers will not ‘square off’ against big pharma, just as ‘Russia’ won’t square off against anybody unless the same mobsters want a war. This is all theatre.”
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