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Three Players Drop Out of Australian Open With Chest Issues While Djokovic Awaits His Fate
(Free West Media 2020/1/10)
Several fully vaccinated tennis players participating in the Australian Open qualifying rounds have complained about tiredness and breathing problems.
■ Three players drop out
All the tennis players currently participating in the professional tennis tournament have been fully vaccinated. The world number 22 was however seen leaving the court and abandoning his match while clutching his chest with respiratory difficulties in an ATP match. Nikoloz Basilashvili told his team that “every shot I’m out of breath”.
Colin Fleming, a commentator for Stan Sport, described Basilashvili’s symptoms as “very concerning” and added: “If you feel like you can’t take any kind of deep breath at this level and this intensity, that’s an issue.”
Tennis website OpenCourt claimed Basilashvili “may have been recovering from Covid”, but this could not be verified. “[He] told the trainer he had Covid ’10 days ago’,” the outlet said on social media.
His contender Stefanos Tsitsipas instead blamed the heat, not Covid, for Basilashvili dropping out in an interview with Tennis World USA: “Sometimes it’s a bit too hot. You could fry an egg on the court, but we are ready for difficult matches and also the excitement.” Clearly the heat had not bothered other players and some had even welcomed the weather conditions in Melbourne.
Dalila Jakupovic, who was forced to retire from her match after having dropped to the ground, told news outlet The Western Australian: “I was really scared that I would collapse. That’s why I went onto the floor because I couldn’t walk anymore. I don’t have asthma and never had breathing problems. I actually like heat. The physio came again and I thought it would be better. But the points were a bit longer and I just couldn’t breathe anymore and I just fell on the floor.”
Nick Kyrgios, the world’ number 93 player suffered breathing difficulties in the morning and pulled out of the match six hours before he was meant to play.
Bernard Tomic also had to take medical time out after complaining of breathing difficulties during the early stages of the second set, but he managed to soldier on. “No air is going in. I’m getting tired so easy,” Tomic was heard telling medical staff. “Is anyone else complaining today?” he wanted to know. “No, it’s been okay,” said the medic.
「ジョコビッチ騒ぎの裏で、3選手が肺の問題で全豪オープン棄権 」
■ 3選手が棄権
Stan Sportのコメンテーターであるコリン・フレミングは、バシラシビリの症状を「非常に気になる」とし、「このレベル、この強さで、どんな深呼吸もできないと感じたら、それは問題だ」と付け加えた。
テニスサイトのOpenCourtは、バシラシビリが「Covidから回復していたかもしれない」と主張したが、これは確認できなかった。「彼は "10日前 にCovidに感染したとトレーナーに話した」と同アウトレットはソーシャルメディア上で述べている。
地面に倒れ込んでしまい試合を放棄したダリラ・ヤクポヴィッチ選手は、ニュースメディア「The Western Australian」に、「倒れるんじゃないかと本当に怖かった」と語る。「だから、もう歩けないから床に倒れこんだんだ。喘息持ちでもなく、呼吸に問題があったことはない。実は暑いのは好きなんです。理学療法士がまた来てくれたので、これでよくなると思った。でも、ポイントが少し長かったので、息ができなくなって、そのまま床に倒れてしまった」
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