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Heinrich Bauer Verlag(独)とHypo Vereinsbank(独)、Kirch Media(独)を取得
ドイツのKirchグループの管財人は、今年4月に破産の申し立てを行っていたKirchグループの主幹企業kirch Mediaの取得に対して合計7社が申し出でた、としていたが今月30日にKirch Mediaを管理するHanz-Joachim Zeims氏が、出版社Heinrich Bauer Verlagと銀行Hypo Vereinsbankの企業連合がKirch Mediaを買収することが決定している、と発表。
さらに今後Columbia Tristar(Sonyの子会社)が同企業連合に加わる、とも報じられている。
・関連ニュース:8月6日EmexNews「Kirch Media(独)取得に7社が名乗り 」
Europe Multimedia Express ( http://www.emex-club.com )
ドイツのメディア企業キルヒ・グループは,4月から6月にかけてグループ各社が相次いで破産手続きを申請して崩壊したが,その中核会社であるKirch Mediaの売却先が10月30日に決まった。売却先は,ドイツの大手出版社Bauer Verlagとドイツ第2位の規模の銀行Hypo-Vereinsbankからなるコンソーシアムで,今後交渉を行い,12月半ばまでに調印に至るものとみられている。買収額は明らかにされていないが,約20億ユーロ(約2,460億円)になるものと推定されている。売却先は8月上旬に3つのグループにしぼられ,交渉が行われていた。Bauer Verlagはテレビ情報誌の発行ではドイツ最大の出版社で,国内外で100以上の雑誌を発行している。また商業テレビRTL2に31.5%出資しているほか,いくつかのラジオにも資本参加している。Kirch Mediaは,4月8日,キルヒ・グループで最初に破産手続きを申請した中核会社で,映画などの放送権や商業テレビ大手のPro-SiebenSAT.1社の株式52%を所有している。
Haim Saban in Race to Buy KirchMedia
Feb 12, 7:29 PM EST
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -- U.S. investor Haim Saban is back in the race to buy Germany's bankrupt KirchMedia, a spokesman for the company said Wednesday, indicating the billionaire could yet gain control of the country's No. 2 private broadcaster.
KirchMedia's managers in December had provisionally agreed to sell the business, which comprises a majority stake in broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1 and Europe's biggest film library, to German publisher Bauer Verlag and HVB, a bank.
But deadlines for reaching a final agreement have been missed, and the door appears to have opened for Saban and U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers.
KirchMedia Managing Director Joachim Ziems "no longer rules out a chance for Saban," company spokesman Hartmut Schultz said.
Saban said in a magazine interview published Monday that he was back in play.
"We are very interested, we are very serious, and we are resolved to do this deal and make a success of it," Saban was quoted as saying in Der Spiegel.
U.S. officials have said they discussed KirchMedia with local and federal officials after some German officials expressed concern about a foreigner taking control of an important media company.
KirchMedia, the main business of the collapsed Kirch Group, has been under the control of a bankruptcy administrator since April. The company's main asset is 52.5 percent of ProSiebenSat.1, which vies with Bertelsmann AG's RTL for market leadership in Germany.
The main problem for Bauer in concluding the deal has been how to structure the takeover of the film rights business, officials at Bauer have said.
Top Financial News
03/12 10:24
U.S. Investor Haim Saban Close to Buying KirchMedia Assets
By Julia Werdigier
Munich, March 12 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investor Haim Saban is close to buying the main assets of KirchMedia GmbH, including a controlling stake in Germany's top television broadcaster, after trumping an offer from domestic rival Heinrich Bauer Verlag GmbH.
Saban, creator of the cartoon ``Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,'' was picked for final talks to buy KirchMedia's film rights library and a stake in ProSiebenSat1 Media AG, Munich-based KirchMedia said. The assets together are worth about 1.2 billion euros ($1.3 billion), according to analysts' estimates.
The collapse of Leo Kirch's German media company last year has given investors a rare chance to expand in the world's second- biggest media market. KirchMedia has been negotiating with potential buyers for the assets since April, when it filed for the biggest German bankruptcy since World War II.
``This is a positive development and good news for ProSiebenSat1,'' said Wassili Papas, who manages 400 million euros in stocks, including shares in ProSiebenSat1, at Union Investment GmbH. ``We'll see a greater focus on profitability.''
Saban's offer was chosen over a bid from Bauer, a German publisher of television listing magazines, because of price and ``other conditions and guarantees,'' KirchMedia said. A sale to Saban, who teamed up with Societe Television Francaise 1 SA on the bid, can also be wrapped up faster, the company said.
●●Ninja Turtles
KirchMedia's creditors, including Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., Commerzbank AG and Bayerische Landesbank, two days ago demanded the company find a buyer by the end of the week for ProSiebenSat1 and Europe's biggest film rights library, which includes ``Pretty Woman'' and ``The Sixth Sense.''
Founded by media entrepreneur Leo Kirch in 1956, Munich-based Kirch ran out of money after investments in Hollywood film rights failed to pay off and falling advertising sales erased profit.
For Saban, who also marketed the cartoon series ``Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,'' the purchase would be the biggest acquisition for Saban Capital Group, the investment company he founded in 2001 after he and News Corp. sold the Fox Family cable network to Walt Disney Co. for $5.2 billion.
``We're happy KirchMedia sees our offer as more attractive and will continue to work on completing negotiations,'' said Bernhard Meising, a spokesman for Saban in Germany.
Saban, who was born in Egypt in 1944 and moved to Israel at the age of 12, started his career as a concert promoter. When the Yom Kippur War broke out in 1973 his business collapsed and he moved to Paris, where he continued to work in the music business.
●●`Cartoon Schlepper'
After moving to Los Angeles in 1983, Saban started buying Japanese cartoons and adapting them for U.S. viewers. ``Power Rangers'' became the best-selling licensed toys of the 1990's, according to Saban, who still likes to call himself ``cartoon schlepper,'' according to the Los Angeles Times.
Saban, who is one of the biggest contributors to the U.S. Democratic Party, is also interested in buying Jim Henson Co., the creator of the Muppets, from the German childrens' film producer EM.TV & Merchandising AG, newspapers have reported. NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd. is advising Saban on KirchMedia.
ProSiebenSat1 shares were little changed at 5.16 euros at 4:21 p.m. in Frankfurt after falling 2.9 percent earlier.
Bauer said it pulled an offer for KirchMedia because it doesn't want to take part in a ``bidding auction.'' A purchase by Bauer had been probed by German regulators because the company already owns a quarter of ProSiebenSat1's rival channel RTL II.
Reuters and the Associated Press report today (no URL) that "billionaire investor" Haim Saban is about "to become the first foreigner to take a chunk of the television market in Europe's biggest station." Saban, an Egyptian-born Israeli-American has reportedly outbid Bauer Verlag, a German publisher for the purchase of the bankrupt KirchMedia, Germany's largest TV broadcaster.
What is significant about this is that Saban, a close friend of Ehud Barak, is a major player for the US Israel lobby, his $ 7 million dollar contribution to the Democrats a year ago having been the largest donation to a political party in US history. (He only gave $1,250,000 to the Demos in 2000) . He also funded the Saban Center in Washington where AIPAC held a meeting last December for Jewish college students engaged in battling Israel divestment campaigns on college campuses and from where Kenneth Pollack, the former CIA analyst issues his essays justifying the US war on Iraq which together with that provided by the Wolfowitzes and Perles, have been influential in determining US Middle East policy.
【このニュースの核心は、エフド・バラク(イスラエル前首相)の親友でもあるサバン氏が米国の親イスラエルロビーとして重大な役割を担ってきたという事実である。彼は先年、民主党に700万ドルの献金を行なったが、これは米国史上、政党への献金額としては最大のものとなった。(ちなみにその直前の西暦2000年には、彼は民主党に125万ドルしか献金していなかったのである。) サバン氏はワシントンDCに“サバンセンター”を創設したが、ここは昨年AIPAC(米国最大級の親シオニズム政治軍事ロビー組織「アメリカ・イスラエル公務課題委員会」)が、“対イスラエル投資撤退運動への阻止闘争”を行なっているユダヤ系学生たちを応援する会合を催した。また、前CIA分析官のケネス・ポラックは、すでにポール・ウォツフォウィッツ国防副長官やリチャード・パール国防政策委員長(いずれも親イスラエル系ネオコン結社「PENAC」の主力メンバー)が提出していた“米国による対イラク戦争”実行計画を正当化する一連のエッセイを“サバンセンター”から、発表し、これが米国の対中東政策に決定的な影響を及ぼしてきた。】
This is not good news for Shroeder government and those supporting either peace in the Middle East or justice for the Palestinians in Germany.
Kenneth M. Pollack
Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies
Director of Research, Saban Center for Middle East Policy
●Expertise:Iraq, Iran, Persian Gulf and Middle East affairs, Middle East militaries
●Current Projects:U.S. policy toward Iraq
●Education:Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996; B.A., Yale University, 1988
Previous Positions: Director for Persian Gulf Affairs, National Security Council (1999-2001); Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs, National Security Council (1995-1996); Senior Research Professor, National Defense University (1998-99, 2001); Iran-Iraq Military Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency (1988-1995); Director for National Security Studies, Council on Foreign Relations (2001-2002)
The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq (Random House, October 2002)
Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991 (University of Nebraska Press, 2002)
"Prospects for Improved Military Effectiveness," RAND Corporation (forthcoming, 2003)
"Next Stop Baghdad?," Foreign Affairs (March-April 2002)
"Armies of Sand and Armies of Snow: The Impact of Soviet Military Doctrine on Arab Militaries," with Michael Eisenstadt, Middle East Journal (Autumn 2001)
"Let Us Now Praise Great Men: Bringing the Statesman Back In," with Daniel L. Byman, International Security (Spring 2001)
はて、“対イスラエル投資撤退運動”(Divestment Campaign)とは何ぞや?
・University of California Divestment Petition Website
なるほど。南アフリカがアパルトヘイト(黒人隔離)政策を行なっていた頃、人種差別をしている南アフリカへの経済協力をボイコットしようという広範な運動が高まりました。それは80年代の半ばのことで、「We Are The World」(USA For Africa)キャンペーンなどを通じて社会意識が高まったミュージシャンたちも、南アフリカへのライブツアーをボイコットする「サンシティ・キャンペーン」などを行なったものでした。人種差別問題など我関せずで南アフリカツアーを行なったクイーンやロッド・スチュワートが非難を浴びたものでした。結局、南アフリカはこの国際的な“兵糧責め”にギブアップして、アパルトヘイト撤廃へと動き始めたのでした。
Penn Forum(Debating Societyのようなもの)主催 の、パレスチナ問題に関するディベートを見に行った。テーマは、大学が、イスラエルと取引をしている会社への投資をやめるべきかどうか、というもの。このDivestment Campaignと呼ばれる運動が今学内で盛んになりつつある。このキャンペーンに最初に署名したのは、先月始めに講演に来たチョムスキー氏。
今日のディベートでは、親パレスチナ側は、80年代に行われた南アのアパルトヘイトに対するDivestment 運動を根拠に、イスラエルに限らず人権侵害を行っている全ての国、またその国と取引を行う全ての会社から投資を引き上げるべきだと主張。一方、親イスラエル側は、イスラエルは中東で唯一の民主主義国家であり、人権侵害などはおこなわれていず、よってイスラエルだけが批判の的になるのは間違っている、また、Divestmentは人権侵害を抑止するための 実際的な手段とは言えないと反論。
質疑応答の時間になると、すぐさまたくさんの手が挙がる。始めはパネリストに対する冷静な質問だったけれど、そのうち感情的な意見が多数を占めるようになり、嫌気がさして途中で出てきてしまった。どちらも 自分の意見を主張するばかりで相手の意見にあまり耳を貸さないので、実質的な議論にはなっていなかったし、Divestmentという肝心のテーマは質疑応答ではほとんど触れられず、イスラエルとパレスチナのどちらが悪いのか、という的外れで幼稚な意見ばかりになっていた。もちろん時には冷静な意見もあったけれど。会場に来ていたほとんどの人が、パレスチナかイスラエルのどちらかに社会的、心理的なつながりをもつ人だったので、私のような、まるっきりの部外者は、ただただ黙って傍観しているしかなかった。 中東問題に関しては、日記に長々書くことでもないので、このへんでやめよう。そのうちどこかに書く機会があるかもしれない。
一つだけ印象に残った発言。イスラエルの国旗を持った女性が、声高に、誇らし気に言ったこと。「イスラエルは中東で唯一の民主主義国家で、世界で、この地球で唯一、Self Defense Forceを持っている国。アメリカは軍隊をもっているけど、イスラエルには 世界にも例がないSelf Defence Forceがある」と。日本にもあるよ、とつっこみたくなったけれどね。
下記に紹介したのは、「Huskies for Israel」というシオニスト“親衛隊”のサイトです。それにしてもどうして「ハスキー(Huskies)」なのかニャ〜? 「husky」って、ろくな意味がないんだけど……
1.《形容詞》殻[皮]の, 膜質の; 中身のない,
空虚な; からからの, がさつく; がさつな.
2.《形容詞》しゃがれ声の, 〈歌手の声など〉ハスキーな.
3.《形容詞》がっしりした, がんじょうな, 強大な, 男性的な, 大きな.
《名詞》がっしりした人, 大男; 強力な機械.
4。 標準体重より大きい男児用の衣服サイズ; このサイズの衣服.
5.《名詞》エスキモー犬; 《カナダ》エスキモー人, エスキモー語.
「ハスキー」に「がっしりした大男」の意味があるとしても、たちまち「標準体重より大きい男児用の服のサイズ」などという語義になってしまう。これって国連決議を無視して侵略戦争を重ねて他国の領土を盗んだ結果、今に至っている、イスラエルの“国境線”そのものじゃん。(苦笑) ……あるいは「私たちは泥棒をしている祖国に尽くすためのアタマが空っぽな犬です」と自分たちで宣言しちゃったのかニャ?(笑)
・Huskies for Israel
この「Huskies for Israel 」(イスラエルの犬ども)サイトは自分たちの使命を次のように謳っています――
「Our mission is to educate the University of Washington
campus community about the State of Israel, its culture,
history, and relationship with the United States.
We promote political involvement and activism on campus
specifically, but not limited to, pro-Israel activism
and pro-Israel education.」
●ところで「Haim Saban」とはどういう人物か?
Haim Saban is Chairman and CEO of Saban Capital Group, a private and public equity investment company. He is founder of Saban Entertainment and Fox Family Worldwide. Mr. Saban is a recognized leader in the entertainment industry having also built a chain of recording studios and becoming the top supplier of music for television. Mr. Saban was born in Alexandria, Egypt and moved to Israel as a child. He is a financial donor and founder of the Saban Institute for the Study of the American Political System at the University of Tel Aviv. He has contributed to many educational organizations, including The Fulfillment Fund and Partners in Education, which are college and career counseling and mentoring initiatives. He is also a supporter of The Story Project, an after school literacy program in downtown Los Angeles. He is a board member of the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, the National Campaign Against Youth Violence, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Mr. Saban was appointed as a Regent in 2002 by Governor Davis to a 12-year term.
Appointed: February 1, 2002
Term expires: March 1, 2013
Committee memberships(2002-03): Audit/Investments
Address: Saban Capital Group,
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 557-5100
Haim Saban (with Cheryl)
March 5, 2001
Haim Saban is half-owner of Fox Family Worldwide, a company that produces and broadcasts programming via the Fox Family Channel and Fox Kids' Network. His own company, Saban Entertainment, is best known for producing the children's show "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Saban is a long-time financial supporter of the Democratic Party, as is his wife Cheryl, who is a writer and producer for Fox Family Worldwide.
Children's programming drew political fire during the last election, sparked by the shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. Last Setember, the Federal Trade Commission issued a report concluding that broadcasters were targeting violent content to kids, and Al Gore pledged to regulate children's programming unless the industry policed itself. Fox Broadcasting, which has been negotiating to buy out Saban's share of Fox Family Worldwide, joined several companies in agreeing to stop marketing adult-rated movies during TV shows aimed at young viewers.
The month the report was released, Saban co- hosted a $3.5 million fundraiser for the Democrats with producer-director Rob Reiner (No. 371, $161,300), Warner Brothers President Alan Horn (No. 139, $290,750), and grocery magnate Ron Burkle (No. 102, $330,000). George W. Bush blasted his opponent for accepting contributions from an industry he had criticized; Gore insisted he was willing to take a stand against his financial supporters.
Saban's generosity did not go unrewarded. During the Clinton administration, the entertainment executive served on the President's Export Council, advising the White House on trade issues. He also took an unusual pride in being a top contributor. When Saban learned that another donor had topped his contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee by a quarter-million dollars, he immediately sent the DCCC a check for $250,000, with a $1 bill attached to it.
"I hope this guy doesn't find out," Saban told The Washington Post. "He may send another two dollars."
Kirch-Media-Glaubiger prufen Angebot von Haim Saban
In dieser Woche gehen die Gesprache uber den Verkauf der insolventen Kirch Media in die Endrunde
Munchen - Neben der Offerte des Heinrich Bauer Verlags pruft das neue Kirch-Media-Management auch ein Angebot des amerikanischen Medienunternehmers Haim Saban. Die Vorstellungen der Kauf-Interessenten wurden am Montag auf einer Glaubigerausschuss-Sitzung vorgestellt. Nach Angaben eines Kirch-Media- Sprechers sind die Verhandlungen mit dem Heinrich Bauer Verlag ?weit fortgeschritten“. Mit einem Abschluss sei in den nachsten ein bis zwei Wochen zu rechnen.
Allerdings verfolge auch der US-Investor Saban
ernsthafte Interessen und sehe sich als ein strategischer Investor bei Kirch Media, der auch die Filmbibliothek fortfuhren wolle, heist es aus Verhandlungskreisen. Zudem wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass bei einem Einstieg Sabans Kartellprobleme entfielen. Auserdem hies es, Saban wolle die Unternehmenszentrale der Kirch Media in Munchen belassen. Innerhalb der bayerischen Staatsregierung gilt der Auftritt Sabans als ?ernsthaft und serios“. Bauer wird nachgesagt, er konnte den Firmensitz nach Hamburg verlegen. Dennoch wird dem US- Unternehmer Saban bei dem Poker um das ehemalige Kirch-Kerngeschaft eher eine Ausenseiterrolle eingeraumt.
Der Kirch-Media-Sprecher wollte sich weder zum
Angebot Sabans noch zu jungsten Berichten uber mogliche Krediteinbusen bei den Kirch-Media- Glaubigerbanken ausern. Die Geldinstitute mussten sich demnach darauf einstellen, einen Grosteil ihrer Kredite nicht mehr wieder zu sehen, die sie an das insolvente Unternehmen vergeben haben. Von dem erhofften Verkaufserlos von rund 1,3 Mrd. Euro konnten rund 500 Mo. Euro an US- Filmstudios gehen, hies es in Branchenkreisen. Die ?Frankfurter Allgemeine“ berichtet, die Banken wurden sich sogar darauf einstellen, mehr als die Halfte ihrer Kredite zu verlieren. Die Bayerische Landesbank und die Hypo-Vereinsbank, die zu den grosen Glaubigern der Kirch Media gehoren, wollten sich nicht dazu ausern. Die Kirch Media hatte im April 2002 als erste der Kirch- Gesellschaften Insolvenzantrag gestellt.
Saban hatte sich im vergangenen Dezember durch
ein neues Angebot wieder ins Spiel gebracht. Der Medienunternehmer aus Los Angeles hat als Produzent von Kinderserien ein Vermogen gemacht. Er ist unter anderem der Schopfer der popularen US-Version der ?Mighty Morphin Power Rangers“, die in Filmen und einer Kinder-TV-Serie enorme Erfolge haben.
Unterdessen sieht der Heinrich Bauer Verlag nach
wie vor gute Moglichkeiten, die Senderkette Pro Sieben Sat 1 zu ubernehmen, ohne seine Beteiligung an RTL II zu reduzieren. Den Einwanden des Kartellamts gegen einen solchen Einstieg will Bauer mit verschiedenen Taktiken entgegentreten, hies es aus dem Hamburger Verlag. ?Wir haben verschiedene Modelle entwickelt, die wir auch mit dem Bundeskartellamt besprechen wollen“, sagte ein Bauer-Sprecher. Nach einem Zeitungsbericht hat Bundeskartellamts- Chef Ulf Boge kartellrechtliche Bedenken bei einer Verflechtung der beiden Senderfamilien Pro Sieben Sat 1 und der RTL-Gruppe geausert und diese als ?sehr problematisch“ bezeichnet.
Bauer hatte sich mit Kirch Media kurz vor
Weihnachten im Prinzip auf die Ubernahme der umfangreichen Filmbibliothek und der 52,5- prozentigen Mehrheit an Pro Sieben Sat 1 geeinigt. Die Vertrage sollten spatestens im Februar unterschrieben werden.
Auch die Kommission zur Ermittlung der
Konzentration im Medienbereich (KEK) hat angekundigt, die Ubernahme zu prufen. Dabei soll festgestellt werden, ob der Bauer Verlag die medienrechtlich kritische Grenze von 25 Prozent Anteil am deutschen Fernsehmarkt uberschreitet. ehr
Artikel erschienen am 4. Feb 2003
【上記記事の英訳:http://babelfish.altavista.com/ による機械訳】
Kirch Media creditors examine offer of Haim Saban
In this week the discussions go over the sales of the insolvent Kirch Media into the final round
Muenchen apart from the offer of the Heinrich farmer of publishing house the new Kirch Media management examines also an offer of the American media entrepreneur Haim Saban. The conceptions of the prospective buyers were presented on Monday at a committee of creditors meeting. According to data of a Kirch Media speaker the negotiations with the Heinrich farmer publishing house progressed "far". On a conclusion is to be counted in the next until two weeks.
However pursue also the US investor Saban serious interests and see yourself as a strategic investor with Kirch Media, which wants to continue also the film library, is called it from negotiation partners. Besides it was pointed out that with an entrance Sabans of trust problems were void. In addition it, Saban meant the enterprise center of the Kirch Media wanted to leave in Munich. Within the Bavarian state government the appearance Sabans applies as "seriously and respectablly". Farmer is after-said, it could shift the company headquarters to Hamburg. Saban is granted to the US entrepreneur nevertheless with the Poker around the former Kirch Kerngeschaeft rather an outsider role.
The Kirch Media speaker wanted to express itself neither to the offer Sabans nor to recent reports over possible credit losses with the Kirch Media Glaeubigerbanken. The banks would have to adjust themselves therefore not to see a majority of their credits any longer again which assigned it to the insolvent enterprise. From hoped for proceeds of sale of approximately 1.3 billion euro could go to approximately 500 Mo. euro at US Filmstudios, were called it in industry circles. The "Frankfurt general one" reports, which would adjust themselves banks even to lose more than half of their credits. Bayerische Landesbank and the Hypo Vereinsbank, which belong to the large creditors of the Kirch Media, did not want to express themselves in addition. The Kirch Media had placed insolvency request in April 2002 as the first of the Kirch societies.
Saban had brought itself in past December by a new offer back in the play. The media entrepreneur from Los Angeles made a fortune as a producer of child series. He is among other things the creator of the popular US version of the "Mighty morphine power Ranger", which has enormous successes in films and a child TV series.
Meanwhile the Heinrich farmer publishing house
still sees good possibilities of taking over the senderkette Pro Sieben Sat 1 without reducing its participation in RTL II. Farmer with different tactics wants to advance toward the objections of the trust office against such an entrance, was called it from that Hamburg publishing house. "we developed different models, which we want to discuss also with the Federal Cartel Office", said a farmer speaker. After a newspaper report Federal Cartel Office boss has Ulf would bend trust-legal doubts with an entwinement of the two transmitter families Pro Sieben Sat 1 and the RTL group expressed and "very problematic" called these.
Farmer had briefly agreed with Kirch Media
before Christmas in principle on the assumption of the extensive film library and the 52,5-prozentigen majority at Pro Sieben Sat 1. The contracts should be signed at the latest in February.
Also the commission for the determination of the
concentration within the medium range (KEK) announced to examine the assumption. It is to be determined whether the farmer publishing house exceeds the medium-legally critical border of 25 per cent portion of the German television market. honour
Articles appeared on 4 February 2003
参考のためもうひとつ:http://www.freetranslation.com/web.asp による】
Kirch-media-creditors test offer of Haim Saban
In this week, the discussions about the sale of the insolvent Kirch media go into the Endrunde
Munich - next to the Offerte of the Heinrich of farmer publishing house the new Kirch-medium- management tests also an offer of the American media entrepreneur Haim Saban. The presentations of the purchase interested parties were introduced on Monday on a committee of creditors session. According to a Kirch-medium-speaker, the negotiations with the Heinrich farmer publishing house far advanced ?“. With a termination is to be calculated in the next an until two weeks.
To be sure also the US investor Saban pursues earnest interests and would see itself as a strategic investor in Kirch media, that also the film library wanted continue, it is named out of negotiation circle. Moreover was referred on that, got into fell that with one Sabans cartel problems. Moreover it, Saban hated wanted leave the company headquarters of the Kirch media in Munich. Within the Bavarian country government, the entrance Sabans counts as ?earnestly and serious“. Farmer is repeated, he could transfer the headquarters to Hamburg. Nevertheless Saban is cleared the US entrepreneur in the poker around the former Kirch core business sooner an outsider roll.
The Kirch-media-speaker wanted to express himself neither to the offer Sabans yet to latest reports on possible credit losses in the Kirch-media-loaning banks. The money institutes would have to adjust forgiven have themselves accordingly on that to see a large part of its credit no longer again, that it at the insolvent business. Of the hoped for sale proceeds of approximately 1.3 billion. Euros could approximately 500 Mo. Euros at US film studio go, hated it in industries circle. That ?Frankfurt general“ reported would adjust itself, the banks even on that to lose more than the half of its credit. The Bavarian country bank and the Hypo-Vereinsbank, that belong to the large creditors of the Kirch media, did not want to express themselves in addition. The Kirch media bankruptcy application had placed in April 2002 first of the Kirch companies.
Saban had brought itself in the past December through a new offer again into the game. The media entrepreneur out of lot Angeles made a fortune as a maker of children series. It is among other things the creator of the popular US version of that ?Mighty Morphin Power Rangers“, have the success enormous in films and a child-series of TV.
Meanwhile the Heinrich farmer sees publishing house possibilities good now as ever to receive the transmitter chain Pro Sieben Sat 1, without reducing its participation in RTL II. The objections the cartel office against such a wants got into farmer with different tactics confront, hated it out of the Hamburger publishing house. ?We different models developed, discuss want that we also with the alliance cartel office“, said a farmer speaker. After a newspaper report, alliance cartel has would bend office boss Ulf legal anti-trust objection in an interlocking Pro Sieben Sat 1 and the RTL group expressed to both transmitter families and designated this as ?very problematically“.
Farmer had agreed with Kirch media shortly before Christmas in the principle on the acceptance of the extensive film library and the 52,5-prozentigen majority at Pro Sieben Sat 1. The contracts should be signed at the latest in February.
Also the commission to the ascertainment of the concentration in the media area (KEK) announced to test the acceptance. At the same time is supposed to be assessed whether the farmer exceeds publishing house the media legal critical boundary of 25 percent share in the German television market. honor
Articles appeared at the 4. Feb 2003