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●もう十数年前の話ですが、レーガン政権が軍拡ばっかりやってアメリカ経済をずいぶんと傾けてしまった当時、日本製品の輸出攻勢に腹を立てた好戦的な連中がボイコット運動をやらかしたことがありました。当時、下院議員なんぞが調子に乗って恐怖映画のゾンビみたいにハンマーを振り回し、ニッサンのクルマをぼこぼこにしたり、東芝(だったと思うが)のラジカセを叩き割ったりして労働組合の歓心を買ったりしていたものです。そういうのを見て「なんだかひどいなあ」と思ったものですが、こうした幼稚で感情的な反応ばかりしていると“United States of Apes”などと呼ばれてしまいますね。
United States of Apes は今やロクでもない仲間や子分におだてられて調子に乗り、広域暴力団の頭目というか、「世界最大のならず者国家」として突っ走ろうとしているわけで、世界史を知らない(ついでにブラジルに「黒人」がいるかどうかも知らない)ホワイトハウスの猿にその過ちを教えてやるのは、息子の非行をねばりづよく止めようとする親の姿を見るようで感動的でさえあります。
●レーガン王朝や父ブッシュ王朝の没落家来たちを中心に結成された“政界浪人”の陰謀結社で、男根主義的凶暴性を丸出しにした“ちんちん団”ことピーナス(PNAC)――「米国の新世紀のためのプロジェクト」(Project for the New American Century)――が、9・11事変が起こるはるか以前から“サダム体制に攻め込んで首を取る”ようにとホワイトハウスに圧力をかけ、小猿がその浪人どもを政権の枢要部に招きいれて対イラク戦争陰謀を進めてきたことはもはや公然の秘密なわけです。ちなみに“ピーナス”について紹介や言及した私の投稿は下記の通り。↓
WA23 243 2003/2/04 23:12:22
題 名: ブッシュの取り巻きたちは5年前に
WA24 965 2003/2/26 18:49:05
WA24 1339 2003/3/02 20:09:46
●こうしたチンポな――失礼、“ピーナス”に引っぱられました(笑)――もとい陳腐な戦争陰謀に対して、そりゃおかしい、道理が通らないと批判を行ない、集団非行行為から一歩引くというのはそれこそ“おとなの分別”でありまして、それに反発して駄々をこねて「フレンチ・フライ」を「フリーダム・フライ」に呼びかえるなどというのは、パリコレならぬ“ポリコレ”(笑)、すなわち「政治的に正しい(politically correct)こと以外は表現することを禁じる」などと魔女狩りみたいなことばかりやってるお子ちゃま国家USAらしいお茶目でお馬鹿な反応だといえましょう。(梅毒のことを、かつてイタリアでは「フランス病」、フランスでは「イタリア病」と呼んだそうですが、United States of Apes の狂騒集団は「フリーダムの病」とでも呼ぶのでショーか?[笑])
Residents say 'non' to French boycott
By Jessica Ullian / Correspondent
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Many Americans aren't very happy with France right now, and they're showing their displeasure by participating in boycotts of some of that nation's most popular products.
But business owners in the Brookline area say they haven't seen un exemple of a consumer protest.
In fact, some shoppers here may be stocking up on French products as a way off supporting its opposition to the United States' threats to attack Iraq.
"I would definitely still buy French wines," said Shannon Streets, while shopping at Brookline Liquor Mart last week. "They know what they're doing."
"I go out of my way to buy French things these days," added another customer, who declined to give his name.
Many oenophiles in liberal communities like Brookline have a similar attitude. Some are reluctant to give up their Burgundies and Sauternes. Others told the TAB they do not support another Gulf war. Still others question the efficacy of targeting the wine industry.
"I would never seek to blame winemakers for national policy," said Mark Stephan Reilly, the wine buyer and manager of Fine Wine Cellars of Chestnut Hill.
But when French President Jacques Chirac announced his country's opposition to the United States' Iraq policy, many Americans responded with a call to boycott French products. In Pennsylvania, State Rep. Stephen Barrar suggested barring the sale of French wines. In North Carolina, one restaurant changed the name of his "French fries" to "freedom fries," a throwback to a World War I practice of calling sauerkraut "freedom cabbage" to spite the Germans.
Closer to home, a pub in Waltham proudly displays the sign "No French Wines Sold Here," and Charles Sarkis, a Boston restaurateur, dumped Bordeaux and Burgundy wines from his wine list.
"A lot of people [in Brookline] are opposed to the war, so it's kind of a backlash," said Lisa Ryan, whose family owns Brookline Liquor Mart. "They go for the product as opposed to the politics."
At a wine tasting at Brookline Liquor Mart, no one objected to the presence of two French wines on the table. Many spoke out against the boycott.
"France is a democratic country that takes a different position on going to war than we do," said Bob Jones, whose favorite wine is a 2000 Chateauneuf Du Pape from the Rhone region of France.
"I think it's ridiculous to decide whether or not to buy things on the basis of a country's politics," added customer Richard Tomb.
Jim Barrett, a store employee whose wife is an Air Force officer, also questioned the wisdom of targeting France.
"The French in general aren't any more opposed to the war than the average person in Brookline, so am I gonna go and boycott Brookline?" Barrett asked.
Still, some businesses are trying to help customers who support the boycott find alternatives. At Best Cellars, the national chain with wine stores in Brookline and Boston, a weekly tasting theme was "Boycott France?" The tasting showcased wines from around the world.
According to Best Cellars CEO and co-founder Joshua Wesson, some people interpreted the title as a sign that Best Cellars was endorsing the boycott.
"That couldn't be any further from the truth," Wesson said. "From day one, we have proudly and happily sold wines from every country.
"It's democracy in its most delicious form."
There has been some call nationwide for a boycott of French cheeses too, and the Web site Fromages.com recently reported a 15 percent drop in sales to the U.S. But managers from some area specialty foods stores said that they have not seen any change in sales of French products.
"We haven't seen any effect on that at all, and I personally have not heard any comments," said Bill Ernesti, a manager at Bread & Circus in Newton.
"Not a thing," added Paul Moore, the general manager of Zathmary's. "No one has said anything, or asked about it."
Candi Carter contributed to this report.