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100 FBI Agents Arrest Saudi Student in Night Raid
100人の FBI捜査官は、夜襲撃でサウジ学生を逮捕します
March 11, 2003, 07:56 AM
Over 100 FBI agents raided the graduate student housing unit of the University of Idaho early Friday morning and arrested Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, a 34-year-old Saudi graduate student. Al-Hussayen, a computer science student at the university since 1999, is facing an 11-count federal indictment for alleged visa fraud and making false statements to the government.
Al-Hussayen has pleaded not guilty.
While Al-Hussayen faces no direct terror-related counts, federal prosecutors allege that he failed to disclose his role in the Islamic Assembly of North America, a Muslim charity based in Michigan whose offices were raided at the time of his arrest.
Charging papers contend that Al-Hussayen maintained websites for the organization that featured radical Islamic ideology in order to bring about terrorist acts.
Without elaborating, they further allege that Al-Hussayen kept six US bank accounts through which hundreds of thousands of dollars flowed to the Islamic Assembly of North America and to individuals from Cairo to Islamabad.
The raid happened in a SWAT-team kind of setup, said Cynthia Miller, an Idaho lawyer who represented Al-Hussayen in initial court appearances. Were talking about a family man with three small children who gets up and prays at dawn every morning.
Professor Elizabeth Brandt of the University of Idaho College of Law said in a letter sent to Arab News: The FBI flew in 120 agents, fully armed in riot gear, on two C-17 military aircraft to Moscow, Idaho to arrest one Saudi graduate student for visa fraud.
The raid went down at 4.30 a.m., terrorizing not only the students wife and three elementary school-aged children but also the families of neighboring students who were awakened by the shouting and lights and were required to remain in their homes until after 8:30 a.m.
襲撃は脅迫して、午前4.30に終わった。それだけでなく、学生の妻および3人の小学校の子供、また悲鳴および明かりによって起こされた近隣の学生の家族 までもが、午前8:30過ぎまで彼らの家の中で残ることを要求された。
Brandt said the indictment of Al-Hussayen itself does not comport with the universitys understanding of him. She and others recall Al-Hussayen as a vocal critic of the Sept. 11 attacks, a man who coordinated a blood drive for victims and walked in a town vigil dedicated to their memory.
ブラントは、アル=Hussayen自体の起訴が彼についての大学側の理解と適合しないと言いました。彼女と他のものは、9月11の攻撃の多弁の批評家として、また犠牲者のための献血運動のために熱心に徹夜で町を歩いた活動家として、 アル=Hussayenをリコールします。
I dont know what evidence they have, said Michael Whiteman, who directs the University of Idaho s international programs.
An indictment, he said, is an accusation.
Al-Hussayens arrest has jarred Moscow, a college town of about 25,000 that is a close neighbor of Washington State University across the state line in Pullman. And the manner and implications of the episode have proved very worrisome among the universitys 830 foreign students, many of whom are Middle Eastern.
アル=Hussayens逮捕はモスクワ(プルマンの中の州境を横切ってワシントン州立大学の親しい隣である、約25,000の大学町)にきしみました。また、このやり方や事件の内容は、universitys 830人の外国人学生(その多くは中東である)に非常な不安をあたえた。
Brandt said students told her that agents confiscated some of their hard drives and told them, erroneously, that they had no right to legal counsel.
Officials have defended the timing and nature of their actions as necessary to coincide with related moves in Michigan and New York.
The INS and FBI are working together using Gestapo tactics to question the students, threatening their immigration status and hence their education if they dont answer questions which are really aimed at the criminal investigation. They have also threatened their partners and spouses with perjury charges if they dont talk, Brandt said.
Students are terrified, he added. Many of them are thinking about leaving.
A member of the towns Muslim community, who asked not to be named, said that in the wake of the arrest, families were taking (their) kids, wrapping them in blankets and sticking them in cars to avoid their detection should their own homes be raided.
As the day unfolded, Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne credited Al-Hussayens arrest in part to post-Sept. 11 security measures, while agents questioned all the Saudi students ... and a number of other Muslim students, some of whom had possible immigration irregularities, said Brandt.
-[Arab News (arabnews.com).] Published at the Palestine Chronicle.