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●米国の映画俳優組合(Screen Actors Guild;http://www.sag.org/ )
Web posted at: 15:50 JST
米映画界では1950年代に吹き荒れたマッカーシー上院議員の「赤狩り」旋風のあおりで、共産主義支持者とみられた 俳優や脚本家らの「ブラックリスト」が作られたことがある。ブラックリストにのった映画関係者は仕事を奪われ、オーソン・ウエルズ、チャーリー・チャップリン、アーサー・ミラー、ダシール・ハメットなど多くの才能が映画界から追放された。
米NBCの番組「The West Wing」(邦題「ザ・ホワイトハウス」)で架空の大統領を演じている米俳優マーティン・シーン さんはこのほど、イラク攻撃に反対する自身のスタンスについて、「NBC幹部が不快だと公言している」と明らかにした。 NBC側は「幹部がそのような話をしているとは聞いていない」とこれを否定。さらに4日には、「マーティン・シーンは一市民として活動している。われわれは彼の意見と言論の自由を尊重する」と、シーンさんの個人的見解と番組とは無関係だとの声明を発表した。
また米俳優ショーン・ペンさんは先月、自分がイラク攻撃反 対を主張したため新作映画主演の約束を破られたと、製作者スティーブ・ビング氏を訴えた。ビング氏は、映画出演を自ら降りたのはペンさんの方だと主張し、逆にペンさんを訴えている。
またインターネット上では、反戦を表明する著名人の作品をボイコットするよう呼びかけるウエブサイトも増え始めており、 SAGはこうした一連の動きに強い懸念を示している。
March 3, 2003
Screen Actors Guild Releases Statement
Regarding Free Speech
Los Angeles -- Screen Actors Guild released the following statement today:
As our country again considers the possibility of war, it is the fundamental right of citizens to express their support or their fears and concerns. While passionate disagreement is to be expected in such a debate, a disturbing trend has arisen in the dialogue. Some have recently suggested that well-known individuals who express 'unacceptable' views should be punished by losing their right to work. This shocking development suggests that the lessons of history have, for some, fallen on deaf ears.
Over 50 years ago, this nation was faced with a monumental challenge: whether the world's greatest democracy was strong enough to truly allow its citizens the exercise of their rights of free speech and assembly during a time of international tension known as the "Cold War." Most of America failed that test, averting its eyes as the House Committee on Un-American Activities persecuted citizens, destroyed careers, ruined lives and gave rise to the notorious "blacklist".
During this shameful period, our own industry prostrated itself before smear campaigns and witch hunters rather than standing on the principles articulated in the nation's fundamental documents.
Today, having come to grips with its past, having repudiated the insult of loyalty oaths and examined its own failings, our industry, perhaps more than any other, understands the necessity of guarding and cherishing those rights for which Americans have fought and died.
In that spirit, the Screen Actors Guild Board of Directors, appreciating the value of full and open debate and devoted to the belief that the free flow of information, opinions and ideas contributes to the health of our nation, supports the right of all citizens, celebrated and unknown, to speak their minds freely, on any side of any issue, as is their Constitutional right. In the same vein - and with a painfully clear appreciation of history - we deplore the idea that those in the public eye should suffer professionally for having the courage to give voice to their views. Even a hint of the blacklist must never again be tolerated in this nation.
●映画俳優組合の上記の声明文に、ショービジネス関係の俳優以外の労働者たちの組合であるIATSE(International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees、「アイッツェ」と読む、http://www.iatse.lm.com/)もただちに賛同しました。下記はそれを伝える映画俳優組合のプレスリリースです。
March 3, 2003
IATSE Joins SAG in Condemning Any
Hint of Blacklisting
The IATSE unconditionally concurs with and supports SAG’s statement condemning any hint of blacklisting that is being threatened as a result of any public statements that disagree with the current administration’s dictates.
That we are forced to confront this heinous issue again is a sad commentary. Free speech is a basic right guaranteed to all by the US Constitution and will continue to be the cornerstone of our great democracy.
The IATSE leadership joins with SAG so that the unified voice of our members will be protected, along with their right to work.
Lindajo Loftus
IATSE West Coast Office
SAG: Don't blacklist anti-war actors
Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Posted: 1:27 PM EST (1827 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The entertainment industry must not blacklist people who speak out against war with Iraq, the Screen Actors Guild said.
Iraq, the Screen Actors Guild said.
"Some have recently suggested that well-known individuals who express 'unacceptable' views should be punished by losing their right to work," the union said in a statement posted Monday on its Web site.
"Even a hint of the blacklist must never again be tolerated in this nation," the statement added.
The reference was to the Hollywood blacklist of the 1950s, when actors and writers suspected of harboring pro-Communist sentiments were barred from working.
"During this shameful period, our own industry prostrated itself before smear campaigns and witch hunters rather than standing on the principles articulated in the nation's fundamental documents," the statement said.
Martin Sheen recently said top executives at NBC had "let it be known they're very uncomfortable" with his outspoken opposition to war with Iraq.
Sheen, who plays the president on the "The West Wing," said the network fears his position will hurt the show. An NBC spokeswoman responded that network executives have expressed no such concerns.
In a lawsuit filed last month, actor Sean Penn accused producer Steve Bing of reneging on an agreement to pay him $10 million to star in a proposed movie called "Why Men Shouldn't Marry" after Penn said he was against war with Iraq. Bing denied the allegation in a countersuit, saying Penn pulled out of the project.
Sheen: NBC concerned with my antiwar work
Monday, March 3, 2003 Posted: 9:08 AM EST (1408 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Actor Martin Sheen said NBC executives fear his opposition to a U.S.-led war against Iraq will hurt his popular television show "The West Wing."
Sheen, who plays fictional U.S. President Josiah Bartlet on the NBC series, told the Los Angeles Times for a story Sunday that the show's staff has been "100 percent supportive" but top network executives have "let it be known they're very uncomfortable with where I'm at" on the war.
The 62-year-old actor helped lead a "Virtual March on Washington" last week that flooded the White House with thousands of anti-war e-mails and has spoken out against the potential war in public.
But NBC spokeswoman Rebecca Marks told The Associated Press on Sunday that she knows of "no concern among top management at NBC regarding Mr. Sheen's stand against the war or fear that it could impact the show."