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Iraq's Rising Forces of Faith Create Fears for Future
As Secular Identity Gives Way to Islam, Tolerance in Question
By Anthony Shadid
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, March 15, 2003; Page A14
BAGHDAD, March 14 -- Under the shadows of shimmering white crosses stretching like a rampart along his Baghdad neighborhood, Nabil Jamil fumbled his keys as if they were worry beads.
バグダッド、3月14日−彼のバグダッド近所に沿って城壁のように伸びているかすかに光っている白いクロスの影の下で、まるで彼らが心配ビーズであるように、Nabil Jamilは彼のキーを不器用に取り扱った。
With the nostalgia that so dominates Iraq, he recalled the days in the 1970s when President Saddam Hussein's Baath Party kept religion out of political life, delivering a measure of space to the country's religious minorities. The veil was an uncommon sight in Baghdad back then, bars flourished in some neighborhoods and the government appealed to a secular Arab identity that it hoped would arch over the country's tapestry of faith and ethnicity.
Glumly, Jamil said he fears less and less of that tolerance remains.
On the eve of an expected war, religious sentiment is overshadowing the secularism that once defined Iraq. Through speeches, symbols and slogans, Hussein's government has increasingly turned to Islam in its search for legitimacy, playing down the Arab nationalism that once served as its ideology. Many of its people -- Shiite Muslims and Sunnis, along with a small Christian minority -- have turned to faith, desperate for respite from the misery of war and more than a decade of sanctions.
The forces of faith, Jamil said, are a wild card in the future of an apprehensive country, shaping the fears of what might come after a war.
"To be honest, this is our biggest worry from the attack that is coming," he said, sitting with his wife at the St. George Greek Catholic Church in the neighborhood of Karrada. "Our fear is that whatever comes next will not be tolerant."
He paused and shook his head. "That's my greatest fear."
Some Iraqis question whether the government is inspiring or reflecting the Islamic sentiments that are becoming pronounced in Iraq. But few doubt that the government is making a concerted attempt to ride the wave, a tactic that, to varying degrees, has backfired in Egypt and with other secular governments in the Arab world that cultivated support from Islamic currents, then were forced to confront them.
At the Mother of All Battles Mosque, in a sermon broadcast today on state-run television, the imam issued a call more and more familiar in the government's rhetoric. "It is the duty of Muslims today, Iraqis and others, to threaten American interests wherever they are, to set them on fire and to sink their ships," Abdul-Razzaq Saadi said.
全ての戦いモスクの母に向かって、国営テレビで今日、放送される説教において、イマームは政府のレトリックにおいてますますよく知られている呼び出しを出した。「どこに、彼らを燃えたように設定して、彼らの船を沈めるために、彼らがいようとも、アメリカの利益を脅かすことは、今日、イスラム教徒の義務(イラク人その他)である」と、Abdul-Razzaq Saadiが言った。
A jihad, he added, is their duty.
His sermon, among the most defiant since the confrontation began, followed a religious edict Thursday by Iraq's top Muslim scholars that anyone who provided help to U.S. and British forces would be condemned to hell.
Pronouncing similar themes, Hussein has poured religious rhetoric into his speeches, urging Iraqis to defend their country. Sympathetic religious leaders are fond of pointing out that he claims descent from the prophet Muhammad's family.
Despite meager resources and the relentless repression of any organized religious opposition, his government is building two of the world's largest mosques in Baghdad and has lavished patronage on Shiite Muslim shrines. Across the capital, two icons of Hussein are prevalent: One features him firing a rifle into the air; the other portrays him in prayer.
Since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the government has shuttered bars along Abu Nawas Street, a thoroughfare that take its name from a medieval poet who scandalized Baghdadis with poetry of wine and women. "God is great" was emblazoned on the Iraqi flag. Religious leaders estimate that over the past decade, more than 100 mosques have been constructed in Baghdad, a far cry from just 20 years ago, when the government was known to arrest people solely on the grounds of regular visits to a mosque.
"The government has either decided to use the spread of this phenomenon or to yield to it," said Wamid Nadhmi, a professor of political science at Baghdad University.
「政府は、どちらでもこの現象の広がりを使うか、それに屈すると決定してもらう」と、Wamid Nadhmi(政治学のバグダッド大学の教授)が言った。
Nadhmi said he believes the shift mirrors a transformation underway in Iraqi society, reflecting the failure of Arab nationalism, the hardships that dominate Iraqi life and utter lack of political space.
To him, the veil is the most visible symbol of that religious resurgence. At his university, he said, few if any women covered their hair in the 1970s. In the 1980s, when the revolution in neighboring Iran had its greatest influence abroad, a handful adopted the veil. Today, he said, a majority wear it.
Most striking to him was a televised meeting two months ago of the Federation of Iraqi Women, once a symbol of the rights the secular Baath Party bestowed on women. He said virtually all the women in attendance were veiled.
"The Baath Party has become an Islamic party," Sheik Mustafa Abbas Zaidi, who delivers the sermon at Baghdad's 14th of July Mosque, said without irony. "Now, even the president prays five times a day."
「バース党は、イスラム党になった」と、族長Mustafa Abbas Zaidi(その人はバグダッドの説教が7月14日モスクであることを届ける)が皮肉なしで言った。「現在、大統領さえ日につき5回、祈る。」
In an assessment delivered by religious leaders at Shiite and Sunni mosques across the city, Zaidi said the number of worshipers has doubled over the past five years. At the shrine of Imam al-Kadhim, one of Iraq's holiest sites for Shiite Muslims, the custodian, Sayyid Musawi, said as many 50,000 pilgrims come on a typical day, up from perhaps 20,000 a decade ago.
Under the shrine's ornate tiles of blue, green and black, as a setting sun reflected off the gold-leafed dome, one pilgrim, Mazin Abdel-Hussein, delivered an opinion shared by many gathered Thursday on one of Shiite Islam's holiest days.
青、緑と黒の神社の飾りたてたタイルの下で、セッティング太陽が金のページをめくって読まれたドームを離れて反射したので、1人の巡礼者(Mazin Abdel-フセイン)はシーア派のイスラム教の最も神聖な日のうちの1つの上で、多くの集められた木曜日までに共有される意見を述べた。
"They are waiting for the mercy of God," he said looking out at the gaggle of families, many of them sharing food and tea on the shrine's sprawling stone floor. "Most people feel that life is difficult. They come here to make it easier. They wish for God to provide for better conditions, for their families, for their houses and for their way of life."
His words were strikingly similar to those of a Christian visiting a small church today in the Baghdad neighborhood of Shurja. "All people feel the tension," said Safwat Nikola Awad. "When you feel upset, you feel unsatisfied, you should go to God."
彼のことばは、Shurjaのバグダッド近くで今日小さい教会を訪問しているキリスト教徒のそれらと、著しく類似していた。「全ての人々は、緊張を感じる」と、Safwat Nikola Awadが言った。「あなたがひっくり返ると感じるとき、あなたは満たされてないと感じる、あなたは神へ行かなければならない。」
The Baath Party, whose leadership is dominated by Hussein's clan and loyal Sunni Muslim tribes, has waged a withering war against Shiite political groups, from bloody crackdowns to the forced exile of tens of thousands to neighboring Iran. But in a sign that many are already looking to a war's aftermath, some Iraqis expect such underground Shiite groups as the Dawa Party to emerge quickly in any power vacuum, tapping religious sentiments evident in the capital and elsewhere. Privately, some suggest Sunnis have organized in religious movements as well, joining a group of economic and tribal interests expected to compete for authority in a potentially messy postwar Iraq.
Nadhmi, the political science professor, said only by bringing religious forces into any future arrangement would it be possible to blunt their potential intolerance and avoid splitting the country along religious lines. Taking part in a democratic system, he said, would moderate their demands.
"You have to reckon with them," he said. "You cannot now speak about isolating the Islamists. I don't think it's wise to take a repressive line against them, because they have truly become a popular force."
Jamil, the Iraqi Christian in Karrada, said he believed he had glimpsed the future. For years, he said, Christians and Muslims coexisted in his neighborhood. They attended each other's weddings and funerals. During the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sundown, Christians would take part in the meal that marked the end of the fast.
"But people from outside," he said, "they don't have the mindset to get along. They may exploit the situation."
Over the past week, four churches in his neighborhood were robbed. Thieves made off with microphones, silverware, incense and chrome candle-holders that looked like gold. Another house was robbed after its Iraqi Christian tenants fled to Syria, fearful of war.
"Maybe this is a sign of what will happen after an attack comes," he said. "I want to coexist like we did in the past. But in my dreams, I see a lot of killing. There will be no stability. Really, I'm not relaxed."
c 2003 The Washington Post Company