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投稿者 佐藤雅彦 日時 2003 年 3 月 16 日 10:36:40:




毎日新聞 3月16日 0:46 (国際)


【ワシントン中島哲夫】ブッシュ米大統領は15日、週末恒例のラジオ演説でフセイン・イラク大統領を「史上最も残虐な独裁 者」の一人だと非難し、政権打倒への決意を示した。



ブッシュ大統領は「諸国の政府が、自由と安全のために尽くすという約束は口先だけだったのか、それとも行動の用意が あるのかを露呈しつつある」と述べ、名指しこそしなかったものの、対イラク攻撃に反対するフランスなどを暗示的に非難し た。

[毎日新聞3月16日] ( 2003-03-16-00:42 )





サダム・フセインは自国の市民を化学兵器で殺すほど残虐だとアメリカは指摘する。この批判はレーガン政権からつづくもので、 現ブッシュ政権は 「政権交代」 の第一の理由にあげている。残虐なフセインは化学兵器で地域の 安全をおびやかし、超大国アメリカにとっても脅威だという論法である。

イラク軍が一〇万人のクルド人を毒ガスで虐殺したとジョージ・シュルツ国務長官(当時)が公表した。一九八八年三月、イラク・イラン戦争が終結す る五ヶ月前、イランとの国境に近い北部の街ハラブジャで起きたという。 こ の事件に主流メディアは強い関心を持ち、現在にいたるまで幾度となく報道をつづけている。

確かに当時イラクは不法な生物・化学兵器を備え、毒ガスをイランとの戦争 に使用した。そしてイラクに兵器の製造技術を教え、 薬品や細菌を贈り、コンピュータなどの最新機材を与えたのがアメリカである。これはレーガン政権が八〇年代を通じて進めた政策だった。当時、アメリカが第一の敵とし ていたのはイランで、イランと敵対するフセイン政権とアメリカは友好関係に あった。 アメリカはフセイン政権にさまざまな軍事援助を行っている。CIAの 秘密工作による援助も含まれていたけれど、 今では秘密ではなくアメリカ議会に提出された報告書から検証できる。

一例をあげると、米ラファージ社はレーガン政権の指導のもとに毒ガスの製造に寄与した米欧の企業のひとつである。この企業の実質的な社主は ブッシュ副大統領(現大統領の父)で、ヒラリー・クリントンも同社の役員を務 めていた。


一九九〇年四月、ペンタゴン(米国防総省)が調査報告(Iraq Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East)を公表した。【5】


アメリカの陸軍戦争大学による調査の中心となったスティーブン・ペレティエ博士は、一九八七年まで CIA の イラク担当主任を務めている。博士は次のように結論する。クルド人は青酸ガスで殺された。 当時イラクが使用したのは糜爛(びらん)性ガスで、イラクに青酸ガスを製造する能力はなかった。 一〇万人といわれた被害者の遺体も今日に至るまで見つかっていない。 シュルツ長官のクルド人虐殺説は虚構であると博士は断定した。【6】


ペンタゴンの報告書は国務省の見解に対立するものだったので、発表された当時は広く報道された。 しかし虐殺の伝説は生き残った。クルド人犠牲 者の写真は世界を回り、人びとの記憶に焼きつく。今年になってニューヨークタイムズ紙などが解説記事を採用した。イラク関連記事の中でも繰りかえされ、 ブッシュ政権のイラク侵略を正当化するのに役立っている。

【5】 Stephen C. Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II, and Leif R. Rosenberger, Iraq Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East, (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1990).
【6】 http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/Chin111402/chin111402.html



【ソ ン ミ を 振 り 返 る(A look back upon Son My)
 クァンガイ省一般博物館(QUANG NGAI GENERAL MUSEUM)1998年】
(2002年4月9日第1章掲載 5月6日、訳了)

今年の2月初め、私は、ベトナム中部のソンミ村を訪ねました。ベトナム戦争の最中、1968年に起こっ たあの大虐殺事件の現場です。来年、2003年3月16日は、ベトナム・ソンミ事件の35周年に当たります。 それで、以下のパンフレットを日本語に翻訳 しました。まだ、仮訳です。
このパンフレットは、ベトナム語版と英語版とで出されており、訳は英語からのものですが、文中に、ベ トナムの人名、地名がたくさん出てきます。ベトナム語の発音はとてもむつかしく、私には、スペリングを 見ただけでは、日本語のカタカナに正確に移すことが出来ません。いずれ、ベトナム語の堪能な方に直 していただく予定で、今は、「ソンミ」など、はっきりしているものだけは別にして、あとはそれぞれの後ろ に〔括弧〕に入れて、ローマ字標記をつけておきます。
また、この英語版では、アメリカの文献や証言の引用など、原典にあたってそれを転載しているようです が、いくつかの原典と比較してみると、かなり省略もあり、また、それ以外でも誤植や、一部誤訳、英語に ない単語の使用などもあるようです。なるべくわかりやすい日本語に訳す努力をしてみま したが、いず れ、ベトナム語の堪能な方のご協力を得て、ベトナム語版との対照もしてみる必要があると思っていま す。

このページは、独立したものとして開かれていますので、元へ戻るには、右上の「×」印をクリックしてく ださい。

吉川 勇一


目 次

表 紙
1. ソンミから「ピンクビル」へ
2. 戦慄の朝
3. 良心の裁き




subject: The day Bush cited as of Kurdish gas massacre is the day of My Lai massacre

In his radio address on March 15, "DABYA" Bush reminded his listeners the next day to be the 15th "bitter anniversary" of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons attack on the Iraqi Kurdish village of Halabja. Bush reportedly called Saddam as one of the "most cruel dictator in the history".

But in fact it is the USA that militarily helped and equipped Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war. And it is American LaFarge company that provided Iraq with chemical weapon materials. It is reported that "Papa" Bush was the owner and Hillary Clinton was a director of this company. Moreover, the very claim that Kurdish people of Halabja were killed by Iraq's toxic gas was found to be fake.

Such a pack of shameless lies from DABYA's mouth seems to prove him to be a kind of crude ape. And interestingly this day (March 16) is the 35th anniversary of MY LAI massacre in which American troops raped and killed as much as 500 unarmed residents, many of which were women and children and elders, in My Lai village on this day of 1968 during Vietnam war.

Today we shall voice the My Lai massacre in antiwar rallies. Let's remind ourselves and other people of the fact of wars by US and other contries has been always bloody massacre of unarmed people, among all, women and children and elders.

@1. News Article on yesterday's "Dabya" address

New York Times

U.S. Names Iraqis Who Would Face War Crimes Trial

WASHINGTON, March 15 -- For the first time, the Bush administration has identified several senior Iraqi officials, including Saddam Hussein's two sons, who would be tried for war crimes or crimes against humanity after an American-led attack on Iraq, a senior American official said today.

Around the world, including in Washington, protesters assembled to demonstrate against the impending war. But Mr. Bush continued to make what he called a moral case for war, which he still maintains would be a last resort.

In his radio address, Mr. Bush reminded his listeners that it was the 15th "bitter anniversary" of Mr. Hussein's chemical weapons attack on the Iraqi Kurdish village of Halabja.

The attack, Mr. Bush said, "provided a glimpse of the crimes Saddam Hussein is willing to commit, and the kind of threat he now presents to the entire world."


@2. Article on a myth of Iraqi gas massacre

The deep politics of regime removal in Iraq: Overt conquest, covert operations
Part Four: The unfinished business between Saddam Hussein and George H.W. Bush
( By Larry Chin ; Online Journal Contributing Editor )
November 14, 2002

Reagan-Bush also provided Saddam with dual-use technology -- computers, armored vehicles, helicopters, chemicals -- through a vast network of companies, based in the U.S. and abroad.

Apologists for Bush might insist that, regardless of US involvement, the Iraqis still gassed the Kurds. Not entirely true.

According to UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott, Stephen Pelletiere, chief of the CIA Iraq desk at Langley in the 1980s (and author of Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Gulf) confirms that several hundred Kurds were likely killed by Iran?not Iraq. Furthermore, these deaths were caused by cyanide gas, which Iraq had not used in the war against Iran (they used mustard gas), and which, says Pelletiere, they had no ability to produce.

Pelletiere argues that the gassing deaths of 100,000 Kurds claimed by former Secretary of State George Shultz was a complete fabrication, and that to this day no bodies were ever found. Scott concludes that although there is evidence that both sides used gas, and Iranian gas killed the Kurds, this information was not revealed until 1990, leaving the impression that only Iraq was involved, and cementing the "Saddam gassed Kurds" legend into place?to be exploited and repeated endlessly.

@3. Article on American Lafarge company

Skolnick's REPORT
( by Sherman H. Skolnick 2/10/02 )

In the 1980s, the Elder Bush was a secret, private business partner of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. They split billions of dollars as "protection money" from the weak, oil-soaked sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf. [Details of the little-known lawsuit in Chicago about the same are mentioned in our website story, "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".] In its simplest form, the Persian Gulf War was a falling out of business partners. As part of his secret dealings with Saddam, Bush was a sizeable owner of the unit of a French firm, American LaFarge, that reportedly supplied to Bagdad the ingredients for making poison gas. The diabolical weapon, outlawed by the Geneva Convention, was used by Iraq to beat back the hordes of very young Iranian youngsters pressed into service as soldiers. A director of American LaFarge was Hillary Rodham Clinton. [From an early age, long before they were married, Bill and Hillary each had separate roles with the American CIA.]

@4. Article on the My Lai massacre

BBC: Monday, 20 July, 1998, 17:00 GMT 18:00 UK

@@@@ Murder in the name of war - My Lai

The My Lai massacre, which took place on the morning of March 16, 1968, was a watershed in the history of modern American combat, and a turning point in the public perception of the Vietnam War.

(photo: Paul Meadlo, father of two, and one of the soldiers involved in the massacre)

In the course of three hours more than 500 Vietnamese civilians were killed in cold blood at the hands of US troops. The soldiers had been on a "search and destroy" mission to root out communist fighters in what was fertile Viet Cong territory.

Yet there had been no firefight with the enemy - not a single shot was fired at the soldiers of Charlie Company, a unit of the Americal Division's 11th Infantry Brigade.

The 48th Viet Cong Battalion - the intended target of the mission - was nowhere to be seen.

When the story of My Lai was exposed, more than a year later, it tarnished the name of the US army. Most Americans did not want to believe that their revered GI Joe could be a wanton murderer.

My Lai was the sort of atrocity American patriots preferred to associate with the Nazis.

(photo: Many of those killed at My Lai were women)

@@ Charlie Company

Charlie Company had arrived in Vietnam three months before the My Lai massacre.

By then the US - fighting alongside the South Vietnamese army - was deeply entrenched in war against North Vietnam's communist forces. The United States's had deployed nearly 500,000 soldiers in Vietnam, a commitment which cost it $2 bn every month.

In January 1968 the Viet Cong guerrillas and the regular North Vietnamese Army launched a joint attack on US positions, known as the Tet Offensive. Washington maintained it could win the war, but on the ground morale among its troops was low.

Charlie Company was down to 105 men by mid-March of that year. It had suffered 28 casualties, including five dead. Some of its soldiers had already begun to drift towards brutal tactics for which they appeared to enjoy impunity.

(photo: A military map used in the My Lai operation)

@@ My Lai

The brief for its March 16 mission was to prise out the Viet Cong, whose elusive troops were thought to be hiding in My Lai - a hamlet of the Son My village.

Two platoons moved in shortly after 8pm in the morning, while a third held back for "mopping up" duties. Both platoons soon splintered and once the shooting started it seemed to spark a chain reaction.

Soldiers went berserk, gunning down unarmed men, women, children and babies. Families which huddled together for safety in huts or bunkers were shown no mercy. Those who emerged with hands held high were murdered.

(photo: Some lucky villagers, like these two children, survived the massacre)

Some of the 120 or so soldiers opted out of the killing spree, but troop commander Lt William Calley was not one of them. In one incident, Lt Calley ordered two of his men to fire on a group of 60 civilians they had rounded up. When one refused, Calley took over and, standing 10 feet from the crowd, blazed his gun at them.

Elsewhere in the village, other atrocities were in progress. Women were gang raped; Vietnamese who had bowed to greet the Americans were beaten with fists and tortured, clubbed with rifle butts and stabbed with bayonets. Some victims were mutilated with the signature "C Company" carved into the chest.

By late morning word had got back to higher authorities and a cease-fire was ordered. My Lai was in a state of carnage. Bodies were strewn through the village. The death toll totalled 504.

Only one American was injured - a GI who had shot himself in the foot while clearing his pistol.

@ Part 1 - Murder in the name of war: My Lai
@ Part 2 - My Lai: the cover-up
@ Part 3 - My Lai: the whitewash
@ Part 4 - Timeline: Vietnam war 1945-1975
@ Part 5 - Heroes of My Lai honoured

@5. Other articles on the My Lai massacre

The My Lai Massacre, 1968

colin powell: don't ask about my lai, don't tell about iran-contra
by Russ Kick (russ@mindpollen.com) - May 21, 2001


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