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●今回紹介するのはイスラエルの『ハアレツ』紙に昨日登場した無視できない記事です。米国の国務次官がイスラエル首相の“戦争犯罪人”アリエル・シャロンなどと先頃会談し、「イラク戦争の次はイラン、シリア、北朝鮮を片づけるつもりだ」と言明したというのです。これを国家テロリストの陰謀と言わずして何と呼べばいいでしょうか? ……まあ、公然と「やる」と言ってるのだから、もはや“陰謀”とは呼べないのでしょうが……。戦争計画を公表したわけだから、公然と“魔女狩り”をやるようなものです。
Monday, February 17, 2003 Adar1 15, 5763 Israel Time: 19:57 (GMT+2)
U.S. official to Israel: We'll deal with Syria, Iran after Iraq war
By Aluf Benn and Sharon Sadeh, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and Agencies
U.S. Undersec'y of State John Bolton: Syria and Iran are next.
(Photo: AP)
U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton said in meetings with Israeli officials on Monday that he has no doubt America will attack Iraq, and that it will be necessary to deal with threats from Syria, Iran and North Korea afterwards.
Bolton, who is undersecretary for arms control and international security, is in Israel for meetings about preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
In a meeting with Bolton on Monday, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that Israel is concerned about the security threat posed by Iran. It's important to deal with Iran even while American attention is turned toward Iraq, Sharon said.
Bolton also met with Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Housing and Construction Minister Natan Sharansky.
●●No uniform position in EU
The European Union has not yet succeeded in arriving at a uniform position regarding Iraq, leaving the disagreements between the pro-war and anti-war camps continuing virtually unabated.
German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer said at Monday's emergency summit in Brussels that the deliberations are about Europe itself as well as Iraq, and rejected the need for military force.
Representatives from France and Belgium are also adamant in their opposition to war, and French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin praised Belgium for helping stall the NATO deliberations.
On the other side, Britain, Spain and Italy remained consistent in their support of the United States.
“Time is running out,” said British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. The United Nations "set out very clearly that this was the final opportunity for Iraq to comply," Straw said. "That involves hard decisions for everyone across Europe. It is only by fighting tyranny that we are able to enjoy the freedoms that we do."
戦争・国際情勢 投稿NO:154 2001/9/13 06:44:17
投稿者: 佐藤雅彦
題 名: 米国テロ事件の興味ぶかい“影響”
(アフガンゲリラの育成に熱心だった米国が、今そのゲリラに報復されているなんて……。 私は『ランボー3:怒りのアフガン』[ http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~dq4k-kmd/eiga116c.html ]を思い出して、歴史の皮肉に苦笑してしまうのです。)
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Updated 9-12-01
Breaking news - Analysis - Correction
Bin Laden Fading as Suspected Mastermind
Reuters, CNN Predict Global Recession
Central Banks Dump Massive Amounts of Cash to Stave Off Oil, Gold Speculation - May Spark Inflation
Asian Markets Tank
Michael C. Ruppert
[c Copyright 2001. All Rights reserved. FTW Publications, www.copvcia.com. May Be Reprinted for Non-Profit Purposes only.]
Full reporting and Analysis will be published in the next issue of From The Wilderness. Expected mailing date Sept. 18, 2001. Additional reports for paid subscribers only will be available in a secure area of the web site beginning on approximately 9-13-01.
FTW - On Sept. 11, 2001 the two most visible symbols of American economic and military power were simultaneously attacked in a well-planned and well financed attack that will have enormous and permanent impact on the world economy and American culture. Just a day after the attacks, which brought the planet to a halt, both CNN and Reuters - after interviewing many financial experts - are reporting the likelihood of a worldwide recession. As major central banks have acted swiftly, with as much as $70 billion in instant cash infusions to stem immediate spikes in oil and gold prices, the likelihood that perennial bogeyman Osama Bin Laden was the prime of origin of the attacks diminishes. In a number of media appearances beginning on the evening of September 11, former CIA Director James Woolsey has now begun pointing the finger at "state sponsorship," - the prime suspect being Iraq.
Continuing revelations as to the complexity of the attacks continues to suggest logistical, intelligence and financial resources beyond Bin Laden's known abilities. In addition, Bin Laden's lineage, as a protege of the CIA from the Afghan conflict of the 1980s, threatens to raise serious questions which the American government might not want answered. [See other FTW stories at www.copvcia.com] .
A stunning report from the respected military and intelligence report Stratfor (www.stratfor.com) has officially raised the question that many who watched the Trade Center towers collapse vertically, have been asking about secondary explosions and the likelihood that charges had been physically placed within the buildings before the attacks. In a bulletin yesterday Stratfor wrote:
"Mounting an attack of this sort is not simple. In the case of the World Trade Center, the collapse of the towers indicates massive delayed explosions. This means either the planes were loaded with explosives or that massive explosive charges were planted in the buildings to go off later. This is supposition, but a secondary explosion is a necessary factor for explaining the collapse."
As reported last week in bulletins for our paid subscribers, the attacks came at a moment when US and world markets were in dire straits and as two hidden factors threatened to disclose even greater weaknesses in the US economy. The first of these factors is a monstrous derivatives investment bubble -- orchestrated by JPMorganChase -- estimated to be near $30 trillion (US), on the verge of implosion and a gold price artificially suppressed by the US Treasury and Goldman Sachs that was scheduled to be publicly aired in a lawsuit by the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) in US District Court, Boston on October 9th.
These revelations, on the heels of a near 900 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the preceding three weeks, could have tipped the US economy even without yesterday's attacks.
As reported around the world, especially in London, gold and oil prices spiked in the first two hours after the attacks before the European markets closed. The price of London gold rose by 6% in less than two hours. Yesterday FTW reported that the Comex precious metals exchange had been destroyed in the attack. That is now uncertain. Three years ago the Comex moved out of the World Trade Center to a nearby building which has been reported to be heavily damaged. However, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which polices precious metals trading, had its offices in WTC Tower 1 and was totally destroyed.
World confidence in the security of US markets and the economy has been shattered. FTW correspondents in Moscow report a divergence between public and official government reaction. Three people reported from Moscow yesterday an immediate move by Russian citizens to sell US dollars - the most common form of savings in the economically battered country - resulting in a dramatic plunge in public exchange rates from 29:1 to as low as 15:1 overnight. However a Russian government source told FTW this morning that rates on MICEX (The Moscow International Currency Exchange) have remained stable. In early trading the Russian stock exchange lost 5% of its value.
Asian markets crumbled over night.
As reported by MoneyNet, these are the results of post bombing trading on the Asian markets:
Australia -4%
Japan -6.63% (the lowest level since 1984)
Hong Kong -9.52%
Taiwan -2.62%
Korea -12.07%
Singapore -8.43%
China -4.92%
Thailand -0.39%
Malaysia -0.00%
Indonesia -3.86%
When the NYSE reopens, amidst what will certainly be massive sell orders, the first casualties will be insurance companies who face billions of dollars in immediate claims. Preliminary claims estimates, for fire, casualty, life, disability and workman's compensation claims have been estimated in the press as high as $50 billion. One of the largest insurance companies, American International Group (AIG), will surely be hard hit. On the World Trade Center Directory AIG Aviation Brokerage, Inc. is also the first listed tenant.
Of a certainty, consumer confidence -- recently touted as the savior of the US economy -- has been demolished around the globe. Asian economies, already venturing deeper into recession, had been looking for increased US orders, based upon consumer confidence, to boost exports as a life preserver. That life preserver evaporated yesterday. A CNN story today quoted Asian financial expert Andy Xie of Morgan Stanley as saying that consumer confidence had "tipped over."
"We are going down to the bottom," Xie said. "no one knows where that is."
Reuters quoted a Chief Economist at Wells Fargo as saying, "A full-blown global recession is highly likely."
The massive infusions of cash from the world's central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve may unleash inflationary pressures which will, in turn, act o increase the prices of gold and other commodities.
The fact that no one has yet taken credit for the attacks and the US government's short term inability to identify credible suspects, along with an obvious intelligence "failure" is diminishing US credibility around the globe. Excessive delays will only further erode investor perceptions in US efficacy and increase the economic effects in the US as the world looks for "safer" places to put its capital.
In the meantime, the US military and political pressure for an increased presence in Colombia and what are certain to be inflated military budgets can only increase global instability.
戦争・国際情勢 投稿NO:201 2001/9/14 03:54:56
投稿者: 佐藤雅彦
題 名: イスラエルの諜報当局が「米国攻撃にイラクが資金供与」と発表
(戦争・国際情勢 投稿NO:154 2001/9/13 06:44:17/
http://asyura.com/sora/war1/msg/154.html )で、
● Iraq recruited Saudi billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden and his Islamic allies to carry out the suicide attacks around the United States, according to Israeli intelligence.
●Israeli officials and intelligence analysts said the suicide hijackings that downed the World Trade Center and destroyed parts of the Pentagon was too large an operation for any one group.
The analysts said the operation was also too big even for a coalition of Islamic terrorists headed by Saudi billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden is accused of masterminding the bombings of the U.S. embassies in eastern African in 1998.
●Intelligence sources briefed the Cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on late Tuesday, hours after the catastrophe in New York and Washington, Middle East Newsline reported.
The sources were quoted as telling the Cabinet that a Middle East government was probably the sponsor of the attack.
●The most likely sponsor for such an attack, the sources said, is Iraq.
The Baghdad regime has long maintained an alliance with Bin Laden and Islamic groups.
●"All the steps lead to him [Bin Laden]," Reuven Paz, a leading expert on Islamic terrorism, said. "Of all the countries, Iraq seems the most reasonable [candidate]."
【イスラム関係のテロリズムに関する代表的な専門家であるReuven Pazは、こう語る――「すべての“道”はあの男(ビン・ラディン)に通じている。そしてすべての国のなかで、もっとも“やりそう”なのはイラクだ」。】
● In Baghdad, Iraqi state television appeared to welcome the bombings.
The television said the spate of attacks demonstrated the vulnerability of the United States.
●"The massive explosions in the centers of power in America, notably the Pentagon, is a painful slap in the face of U.S. politicians to stop their illegitimate hegemony and attempts to impose custodianship on peoples," the television said.
"It was no coincidence that the World Trade Center was destroyed in suicidal operations involving two planes that have broken through all U.S. security barriers to carry the operation of the century and to express rejection of the reckless U.S. policy."
【 (中略)世界貿易センタービルは、全米の防衛網を突破した2機の航空機による自殺的作戦によって破壊され、この作戦は歴史的な意義を持つことになったし、向こう見ずな米国の政策に敢然と異議を唱えるものとなったが、これは偶然に起きたことではない」。】
●"The collapse of U.S. centers of power is a collapse of the U.S. policy, which deviates from human values and stands by world Zionism at all international forums to continue to slaughter the Palestinian Arab people and implement U.S. plans to dominate the world under the cover of what is called the new [world] order," the television added. "These are the fruits of the new U.S. order."
●The Israeli Cabinet was informed that the United States might launch a massive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan over the coming days.
The sources said such an attack could prompt a regional war.
●On early Wednesday, Afghanistan appeared to have been a target of retaliation.
Several bombings were heard in the Afghan capital of Kabul.
U.S. officials denied that their country was responsible.
●In the aftermath of the suicide bombings in the United States, Israel closed its air space.
Israel also warned the Palestinian Authority to immediately stop all attacks against the Jewish state.