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●ところで全くの余談……。「National Gulf War Resource Center」のサイトを見ていてたまたまこんな論文が出ていることを見つけました。
Delayed Toxic Effects of Nerve Gas Sarin and Pyridostigmine under Physical Stress in Mice
その名も「burning semen syndrome」。直訳すると「灼熱の精液症候群」。
●似たような名前の病気に「口腔灼熱症候群(buming mouth syndrome:BMS)」というのがあります。
Burning semen haunts Gulf War vets
December 31, 2002
As the military prepares for a possible war with Iraq, researchers have identified a new malady among veterans of the first Gulf War: burning semen syndrome.
【対イラク戦争への準備が進む中で、研究者たちは第一次湾岸戦争から帰還した復員軍人たちの間に広がっている新たな疾患を確認した。その名は「精液灼熱症候群(burning semen syndrome)」。】
In these veterans, exposure to semen causes burning, pain and swelling at the tip of the penis and in the vaginal areas of their partners.
In some couples, the pain is so severe "they just don't want to have sex, or as much sex as they used to have," said Dr. Leonard Bernstein of the University of Cincinnati medical school, co-author of a study funded by the Army and published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.
【この痛みがあまりにも激しいため「セックスをする気が全くなくなったり、これまでのように盛んにセックスできない」カップルも出てきている、とシンシナティ大学医学部のレオナード・バーンスタイン教授は語る。彼は陸軍の資金によって調査を行ない、『産婦人科学雑誌(J. Obstet Gynecol)』に発表した論文の執筆者のひとりだ。】
The condition also can cause severe allergic reactions in some female partners, including hives, wheezing, dizziness and unconsciousness.
Researchers said the condition is rare, but did not estimate how many veterans might have it. Nor do researchers know the cause.
Bernstein speculated veterans may have been exposed to chemicals that changed the proteins in their semen. He notes that some partners developed antibodies to the semen. This finding provides objective evidence the condition is not just in the veterans' heads, he said.
Veterans of the 1991 Gulf War have suffered health problems including chronic fatigue, diarrhea, migraines, dizziness, memory problems and loss of balance. While some researchers blame exposure to toxic substances, most scientists have blamed stress.
Researchers used a Web site and doctors with the Veterans Administration to recruit veterans who believed they had burning semen syndrome. Of the 211 respondents, 89 percent had experienced burning after contact with their own semen or had a partner who experienced burning. Only 7 percent said they had experienced the symptoms before the Gulf War. Forty-two percent had sought medical treatment for the condition.
Burning semen syndrome is similar to a condition called seminal plasma hypersensitivity, which affects a small percentage of the general female population. However, seminal plasma hypersensitivity causes burning only in women, and can almost always be prevented by wearing condoms.
【「精液灼熱症候群」は「精漿過敏症(seminal plasma hypersensitivity)」という疾患と似ている。後者はごく少数の女性がかかる疾患だ、だが「精漿過敏症」は女性に灼熱痛を起こすだけだし、ほとんどつねにコンドーム装着で予防できる。】
Burning semen syndrome affects men and women, and condoms work in fewer than half of the couples.
Dr. Michael Kilpatrick of the U.S. Defense Department's Deployment Health Support called the study "excellent professional research." He noted, however, that of the 697,000 Gulf War veterans, researchers could identify only 211 who might have the condition.
The rate among veterans "does not appear to be higher than the rate in the normal population, although we do not have statistics to prove this," Kilpatrick said.
Bernstein said a treatment similar to allergy shots might cure burning semen syndrome in some women. The shots gradually expose the woman to proteins from the man's semen until she is able to tolerate his semen without adverse affects.
Reports of burning semen syndrome have been circulating among veterans for several years, said Steve Robinson of the Gulf War Resource Center.
"It's very debilitating," Robinson said. "It pretty much ends any intimacy you can have with your spouse."
Burning Semen Syndrome
●About This Web Site
Dear Sir/Madame
My name is Dr. Jonathan Bernstein and I am an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cincinnati in the Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Allergy/Immunology. I was recently awarded a research grant from the Department of the Army to study Gulf War "Burning Semen Syndrome". This condition has been reported by numerous Gulf War veterans or their sexual partners since returning from the Persian Gulf where they or their sexual partners(s) experiences a burning sensation after skin and/or vaginal contact with semen.
If you or your wife or current sexual partner is experiencing localized vaginal burning, pain or swelling after contact with your semen, please complete the following questionnaires. If your are interested in further evaluation of this problem please indicate this on the questionnaire with your address, phone number and the best time to contact you day or night. I will contact you to determine your interest for further evaluation.
Please take the time to fill out the following questionnaires. If you require more information about me, please take the time to review my credentials or e-mail me at bernstja@ucbeh.san.uc.edu
Thank you for your cooperation with this project.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
For Release: January 1, 2003
The Mysterious 'Burning Semen' Syndrome and the Gulf War
WASHINGTON, DC -- A small number of Gulf War veterans reported a condition known as 'burning semen syndrome' in which they and their female partners experienced burning, pain, and swelling in and around their genitals immediately after exposure to the veteran's semen, according to a study published in the January issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The study was funded by the Department of Defense.
Burning semen syndrome (BSS) is a rare but well-documented disorder that surfaced after the Persian Gulf War ended. Unlike seminal plasma hypersensitivity (SPH) in which only women experience symptoms after exposure to semen, burning semen syndrome caused symptoms in the men and in some female partners. Researchers say that the precise causes and triggers for both conditions remain unknown. However, use of condoms usually solves the problem for women suffering from SPH. Another treatment for both conditions entails using specific proteins from semen to desensitize the sufferer, much as allergy shots are used for desensitization to an allergen.
Contact: Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, OH, at jonathan.bernstein@uc.edu.
# # #
Studies published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, the peer-reviewed scientific journal of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of ACOG. ACOG is the national medical organization representing over 40,000 physicians who provide health care for women.
Copyright c 2003 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
409 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2188
Reporting Copyright Infringements
Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity May Explain 'Burning Semen' in Gulf War Vets
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 03 - For some Gulf War veterans with "burning semen syndrome," a rare but well-documented condition in which men and their sexual partners experience burning, pain and swelling of the genitals following contact with semen, the problem may the result of seminal plasma hypersensitivity, researchers report.
Dr. Jonathan A. Bernstein from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Ohio, and colleagues collected data on 211 Gulf War veterans who reported burning semen. The subjects completed a questionnaire used to screen women in the general population for seminal hypersensitivity. The men and their partners were also tested for infections, such as STDs, and had immunoglobulin G and E immunoassays performed for seminal plasma protein.
Eighty-nine percent of the subjects had either experienced burning after contact with their semen or had a sexual partner who reported burning after contact with their semen, the researchers report.
The veteran's seminal plasma protein was used to desensitize the female sexual partners, according to the report in the November 2002 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Of the five asymptomatic female partners who had specific immunoglobulin E skin and antibody responses to seminal plasma proteins, all responded successfully to rapid desensitization, Dr. Bernstein's team notes.
Dr. Bernstein and colleagues conclude that "couples from the general population with seminal plasma hypersensitivity and Gulf War couples with burning semen syndrome have similar and overlapping features."
They add that "the precise causes and triggers for seminal plasma hypersensitivity in general population couples and for burning semen syndrome in Gulf War couples remain unknown."
However, "the results clearly demonstrate that a new case definition of some Gulf War patients with burning semen syndrome should include seminal plasma hypersensitivity."
Obstet Gynecol 2002;100:000-000.
Reuters Health Information 2003. c 2003 Reuters Ltd.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Volume 101 / Number 1 / January 2003/ pp.93
Is Burning Semen Syndrome a Variant Form of Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity?:
Gulf War couples with burning semen syndrome and couples from the general population with seminal plasma hypersensitivity have similar features that require a detailed evaluation.
Jonathan A. Bernstein, Adrienne Perez, Roger Floyd, I. Leonard Bernstein