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(回答先: Re: 米軍準機関紙『星条旗』が、朝鮮戦争が再開されれば初日の死傷者100万人と想定 投稿者 倉田佳典 日時 2003 年 2 月 11 日 20:50:13)
WA23 650 2003/2/11 18:24:41
Re: 米軍準機関紙『星条旗』が、朝鮮戦争が再開されれば初日の死傷者100万人と想定
WA23 670 2003/2/11 20:50:13
投稿者: 倉田佳典
さっそく「NORTH KOREA TODAY: BBS」を見てみました。
★ ★ ★
民族時報 第873号(99.2.1)
韓米軍事委員会と第三十回韓米年例安保協議会議が一月十四、十五日の両日、ソウルで開かれた。 二つの会議は、この間の韓日、米日間の「軍事協力」協議を締めくくるもので、会議内容に関心が集 まっていた。
十四日に開かれた韓米軍事委員会では、韓米間の戦時対応能力を大幅に強化することを決めた。金 振浩合同参謀議長とヘンリー・セルトン統合議長はこの日、韓米連合司令部のもとに戦時連合心理戦司令部(CPOTF)を創設、運営することに合意した。韓半島で「デフコン―3警戒状態」が発令 されれば、両国の心理戦部隊で同司令部を即時構成し、活動に入る。戦時状態では「空飛ぶ放送局」 といわれる航空機から妨害電波を出し、テレビやラジオなどの北韓放送は完全に遮断して韓米の放送 だけが受信できるようにし、北韓住民を自由民主主義体制に同化させ、北韓軍に対する宣撫(せんぶ)工作を主任務とする。
また韓米軍事委員会では、米国のミサイル防御部隊と対北戦略目標物の打撃部隊が韓半島に展開す るためにかかる時間を大幅に減らし、駐韓米軍の化学戦模擬分析モデルを共同で使用するなど、韓米 連合戦時対応態勢を強化することが話し合われた。
第三十回韓米年例安保協議会議では、コーエン米国防長官が北韓の地下施設を必ず査察するとの立 場を明らかにした。また韓米ミサイル指針で、射程距離が百八十キロに制限されていた韓国製ミサイ ルを、三百キロに延長することに合意した。韓米軍事委員会の合意内容が公開されるのは異例のこと だ。韓国のマスコミは、合意内容の公開について北韓に軍事的圧力を加えるためだと分析している。
『国防総省軍事関連用語辞典』(DOD Dict. of Military and Associated Terms,1989年12月発行)では「敵対的な外国の集団が、こちら側の国家目的の達成に力を貸してしまうように仕向けるべく、そうした敵対勢力の意見や感情や態度に感化を及ぼすことを最大の目的として、プロパガンダや他の心理学的活動を計画的に駆使すること」と定義している(いずれも米国陸軍省司令部が1993年2月に発表した『心理戦争・実戦マニュアルFM33-1』からの引用)。
●The Nautilus Institute が発行している北東アジア平和安保ネットワーク
Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network
For Thursday, January 14, 1999, from Berkeley, California, USA
US-ROK Psychological War Planning
Chosun Ilbo ("PSY-WAR COMMAND TO BE CREATED," 01/14/99) reported that at the twentieth Military Command Meeting (MCM) between the US and the ROK at the Ministry of Defense on Thursday, ROK and US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairmen Kim Jin-ho and Henry Shelton reached an agreement to form a Combined Psychological Operations Task Force (CPOTF) to operate in times of war. According to the plan, when a DEFCON-3 situation is reached, the command will be assembled under an ROK general and mount psychological warfare operations against the DPRK. The two sides also agreed to reduce the time for deployment of troops from Japan and the US, and to increase cooperation on localized infiltration, such as submarine and spy boat incursions. In preparation for either a nuclear or biochemical threat, additional Patriot missile defense systems will be deployed, as will strike capabilities against rear areas of the DPRK. Biochemical defense will also be strengthened.
Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network
For Monday, March 22, 1999, from Berkeley, California, USA
ROK-US Psychological Warfare Plans
Novosti razvedki i kontrrazvedki ("SPECIAL PROPAGANDA," Moscow, 2, #5- 6(129)/99) reported that a decision to create a joint special unit to wage psychological warfare in case of a war on the Korean Peninsula was among the results of a meeting between the chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US and the ROK. General Kim Chong-ho and General Henry Shelton agreed that the "CPOTF" unit is to be engaged at a so-called Defcon-3 stage; that is, when both countries' armed forces detect signs of an imminent invasion of DPRK troops. An ROK general will be the commander of the unit, which is to be subordinated to the Joint US-ROK Command on the Peninsula.
Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR)
Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force (CUWTF)
Units ーー
Facilities:Camp Kim
Official Homepage ーー
Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR), located at Camp Kim in Yongsan, Korea, is the theater SOC responsible for special operations on the Korean peninsula and, when established, the Korean Theater of Operations (KTO). The KTO and SOCKOR exist because there has never been a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War. Military forces on the Korean Peninsula maintain a heightened state of readiness to respond to the resumption of hostilities with little or no warning.
The KTO achieves unity of effort through a complex web of command relationships comprised of three military elements with different but complementary missions, all commanded by a single CINC. The KTO is unique because the CINC in Korea is not a U.S. unified commander. As the commander in chief, United Nations Command (CINCUNC), he is the international commander responsible for maintaining the armistice that has existed in Korea since 1953. As the commander in chief, Republic of Korea (ROK)/U.S. Combined Forces Command (CINCCFC), he is a bi-national commander who supports CINCUNC by deterring North Korean aggression and, if necessary, defeating a North Korean attack. As the commander of U.S. Forces, Korea (COMUSKOREA), he is the subordinate unified commander of USPACOM responsible for providing U.S. forces to CINCUNC/CFC.
Because of the unique command relation-ships in Korea, SOCKOR is the only theater SOC that is not a subordinate unified command. Established in 1988 as a functional component command of U.S. Forces, Korea (USFK), SOCKOR is the principal organization responsible for the integration of U.S. SOF in Korea. Its primary mission focus is simple: be ready to employ U.S. SOF and win, should war resume in Korea.
During armistice, SOCKOR is responsible to CINCUNC/CFC and COMUSKOREA for SOF war planning, targeting, training, and participation in exercises and contingency operations on the Korean peninsula. SOCPAC supports SOCKOR in these responsibilities and routinely demonstrates its capability to reinforce SOCKOR rapidly during a crisis. During armistice, contingencies, and hostilities, SOCKOR exercises operational control of the U.S. Army Special Forces Detachment, Korea (SFD-K), which is the longest continuously serving SF unit in Asia. This organization is key to ensuring interoperability between ROK and U.S. SOF. The SF liaison NCOs of SFD-K live, train, and work with the ROK Special Forces Brigades on a daily basis, and thus play a critical role in the shaping of ROK and U.S. SOF operations to support CINCUNC/CFC.
●Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force (CUWTF)
Should war resume in Korea, SOCKOR will combine with the Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command to establish the Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force (CUWTF). As the special operations component of CFC, the CUWTF will plan and conduct joint and combined special operations throughout the KTO in support of CINCUNC/CFC, exercising operational control of all assigned and attached U.S. and ROK SOF. Additionally, SOCKOR will function as the Special Operations Command, UNC, integrating all third-country SOF committed to CINCUNC. When fully reinforced with U.S. forces, SOCKOR comprises the largest JSOTF in the world.
SOF helps to shape the strategic environment by contributing directly to CINCUNC/CFC’s deterrence efforts through long-term deployments of SOF, such as AC-130 gunships, during critical periods. Through the integration of ROK and U.S. SOF in combined exercises, SOCKOR assists in expanding allied SOF capabilities to respond to the spectrum of threats as well as to ensure that there is post-reunification relevance for ROK SOF. Although not under the operational control of SOCKOR, U.S. CA and PSYOP forces have also assumed significantly greater roles in support of CINCUNC/CFC through the newly established Combined Civil Affairs Task Force (CCATF) and Combined Psychological Operations Task Force (CPOTF). The U.S. SOF elements apportioned to the CCATF and CPOTF are helping to shape the combined capabilities of CFC to execute CA and PSYOP missions across the full range of military operations.
To add to the challenge posed by a return to hostilities, there are a number of “wild card scenarios” that may occur, including North Korean terrorist actions, direct military confrontations, threats of the use of WMD, missile launches, and other forms of provocation to gain political and economic concessions. Other potential crises include massive refugee flow, natural or manmade disasters, transfer of or loss of control of WMD, the outbreak of civil war within North Korea, and collapse of the North Korean state. Therefore, as U.S. SOF train for war, they must also prepare for the uncertainty and complexity of post-hostilities and a wide range of potential crises requiring swift and skilled military intervention. This is a uniquely human endeavor and while advanced technology will have important applications in these scenarios, it is the human element which is key to success.
The cultural awareness and language abilities of SOF units will play a critical role in influencing the North Korean population and assisting allied forces in the transition to a reunified Korean Peninsula. ROK and U.S. SOF have an important role to play in supporting CINCUNC/CFC. It is highly likely that the entire range of special operations missions will be conducted in some form should hostilities resume or other crisis occur. Therefore, SOCKOR and U.S. SOF must remain focused on their ability to execute the full spectrum of special operations in Korea.
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on The Creation and Dissemination of All Forms of Information in Support of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in Time of Military Conflict