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(回答先: 米、イラクを攻撃する 投稿者 21cent 日時 2002 年 11 月 17 日 07:02:43)
Sunday, November 17, 2002 Posted: 9:53 AM EST (1453 GMT)
STUTTGART, Germany (CNN)-- Iraqi forces fired anti-aircraft artillery Sunday
at coalition aircraft operating in the northern no-fly zone, an act the White
House and Pentagon have said is a violation of the latest U.N. Security Council
resolution on Iraq.
日曜日、飛行禁止空域において イラク軍は米英機に対して2度目の攻撃を行った。
It is the second such incident in the skies above Iraq since Wednesday, when
the Baghdad government accepted Security Council-mandated weapons inspections.
The U.S. European Command, whose mission includes maintaining ready forces to
conduct military operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, said Sunday
that "Iraqi forces threatened Operation Northern Watch aircraft." ----