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人々は彼に手を振っていた −私も彼に手を振った。」
「La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah(アッラーの他に神は無く、ムハンマドはアッラーの使徒である)」
15 November 2002:
404 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Fahad Fowzan Al-Fowzan from the Arabian Peninsula.
Mir Aimal Kansi Martyred Friday in Virginia
38-year old Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted of killing two CIA employees in 1993, has been executed by the American authorities by lethal injection, Friday morning at 0200GMT.
After the killing, he fled to Pakistan, but was captured by the Pakistani authorities and immediately extradited to the U.S. where he was sentenced to death after admitting to the killings.
Strangely, the Pakistani Government, in a bid to conceal its betrayal of Kansi, attempted to plea for clemency for Kansi to the U.S. Government.
Before his execution, he had the following to say, "I have no regrets...I told the US that its officials would not be safe in their homes if it continues to target Palestinians," and "Yes, I did kill two people outside the CIA headquarters and I said so in my confession to the FBI.
I told them I wanted to register my objection to their foreign policy - their Middle East policy, specifically their pro-Israel policy, their anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian policy...I saw Usama Bin Laden once in Kandahar.
I was standing there.
People were shaking his hands - I, too, shook hands with him."
An unnamed source from Balochistan, Pakistan, had the following to say in an interview:
"Mir Aimal Kansi, the heroic martyr stood up for Islam and the Muslim Ummah by single-handedly killing two employees of the organisation that has the deaths of millions of innocent Muslims on its hands.
This incident proves how easy it is for an individual, if he is sincere, to attain martyrdom in Allah's Path.
Kansi did not regret his actions until the end and Allah blessed him with the best martyrdom (we hope that it is so) on the blessed day of Friday, in the blessed month of Ramadan.
His name will go down in history as the Muslim heroes who were martyred for the sake of Allah, after standing up to the heads of disbelief and oppression.
May Allah accept him as a martyr, bring him into the Highest Paradise, and make him an example for the rest of the Muslim Ummah.
May Allah bring those Pakistanis who extradited him, together with Kansi's executors, in the Fire of Hell.Ameen."
Kansi appeared calm and relaxed before the execution and he was mentally prepared to become a martyr.
He repeated the phrase, "La ilaha illalah Muhammadur-Rasoolullah (there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)" until he lost conciousness.