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(回答先: 03/02/07 更新:OCN関係の職場で働いて起こった出来事 投稿者 ひで 日時 2003 年 2 月 08 日 11:40:56)
モントーク ・ プロジェクトーーー it says that it is the terrible secret experiment which a robot turns to about the human being.
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Mr. プレスコン ・ ニコルズ that モントーク air base where secret fruit was done was concerned with モントーク ・ project before was asked.
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"An image turned in the complex electronics ・ system, and it was the secret experiment of sending it to another human being's brain in モントーク ・ project 【 the human image 】."
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"Supported this experiment."
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It was a strictly confidential project like it.
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「 I was made to do the design of the various experiment machines by the electronics with this project as a specialist of the electronics.
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A brain was controlled, and it was the terrible experiment which a robot turned to in a kind of electromagnetic place as for it 【 the human being 】.
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モントーク air base "The important machine of マインド ・ control was gathered there."
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It was being used for fruit's putting a human idea sense with the radar reflection vessel in the electromagnetic wave and transmitting a message that it seemingly seemed to be an antenna on the roof.
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I took the training of the super-ability as a secret information bureau staff.
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It was sent as NSA, that is, the member of the state security.
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We モントーク ・ waiter was locked up in the establishment where underground was dark at that time, and he was being made to continue the experiment just like a prisoner from the morning until the evening.
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I had the special ability which could draw the image which got clear in the head.
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It was put in the body, and it was the thing that it was read and it amplified as for the experiment 【 the image which I drew 】 【 the extreme ultrashort waves 】.
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Human thought is read by measuring the weak electromagnetic wave which appears on the surroundings of the body.
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An experiment develops further, and a certain image inputted to the computer is sent to the brain of モントーク ・ waiter, and it is further amplified, and it is said that it learned to send it to the person of un-specific many from the radar reflection machine about it.
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「 In other words, it is amplified, and sent to the enemy soldier of the battlefield when it has an image of fear with me as an image in the head.
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Then, an enemy mistakes it so that the fearful image may happen in the reality.