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で、この独立調査委員会とやらが強調しているのは、NASAが初期の説つまり、発射直後の左翼損傷が事故につながったという説を翻したが、それを再吟味する、というのだ。しかも、調査が始まる前の現時点で既に調査には数カ月かそれ以上という長期の時間がかかる、とまでいいきっている(10日付けUSA Today紙)。
"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts." - Defense Secretary William Cohen, 1997
そしてもうひとつは、イラク戦争には電磁波兵器が初めて投入されることが確実なことだ.阿修羅で紹介されているニュースウィークの記事(ニュースウイークでいっている電子兵器といっているのは、実は電磁波兵器のことのようだ)のほかに電磁波兵器専門の科学者Tom Beardenの論文をまとめた文章による以下のような記事。
【Iraq: World's First Scalar War?】
【Scalar Wars】
The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
by Bill Morgan
http://www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/glossary/index.html *
また電磁気兵器を使ったという結論を支える具体的物証があるのかという問題がある。ただ、上記のBeardenという電磁波兵器専門科学者(核エンジニアで退役した米軍大佐)によると、以下のように、今回のシャトルの破片をテストして、電磁波が測定される、あるいはアルミの同位体が測定される なら、その可能性は100%である、という。
"I do hope they also do some radioactivity tests and others (test for longitudinal EM wave radiation, which can be done with a Geiger tube), etc. If longitudinal EM wave emissions from the fragments are found, that is a 100% certain signature. If anomalous isotopes of Aluminum are found, that also is a 100% certain signature. If not, then one has to sort out (or try to) all the other phenomena etc." (Feb 3rd Correspondence)
以下は先月1月15日のロシアの新聞プラウダに掲載されたウクライナ国会議員(Yuri Solomatin氏)の論文の英語訳
Global Threat
by Yuri Solomatin
Deputy, Ukrainian Parliament
DATELINE: 18:08 2003-01-15
NOTE: This English Edit by Fintan Dunne,
Editor, www.SickOfDoctors.com is based on the
Pravda article and other unpublished material by Yuri Solomatin
The use of a new geophysical weapon
might lead to global catastrophe
Many specialists and scientists believe that unexpected natural disasters, some surprising technological catastrophes and the striking social cataclysms that struck Europe and Asia in the summer of the year 2002 might have certain global reasons in common in their origin. Principally the possibility of secret geophysical weapon tests. Tests which were either secret or unauthorized.
The discussion deals, first of all, with the possibility of unsanctioned or concealed application of a geophysical weapon by specific world forces. This assertion requires at least a brief explanation.
The Russian Federation State Duma spent almost a year, considering the global threat of the HAARP program(operated by the US). The Duma finally prepared two documents: the first to President Putin and the UN, to international organizations, parliaments and governments worldwide and the global scientific community; the second for the mass media. The Russian parliament suggested the global banning of HAARP tests.
In September, 2002 the State Duma of Russia discussed this question held a vote on sending these documents. One hundred and eighty-eight deputies voted to send the document to President Vladimir Putin, and 220 voted to send it to UN. This shows that Russian parliamentarians were seriously concerned about the development and possible use of geophysical weapons.
It is well known that the USA and the USSR concluded an agreement at the end of the 1970's. Pursuant to the agreement, scientific developments in the field of geophysics for military purposes were banned. The projects in this field became classified.
But de facto such developments, in spite of concluded agreement continued either under the guise of scientific studies, or development of dual purpose technologies, and the content and the purposes of such developments were wrapped in a fog of reservations, scientific speculations and even mysticism.
Many specialists and scientists believe that a special American program called HAARP is one of those projects. American scientist Bernard Eastlund is considered to be the godfather of this program. He received the patent for the method and for the device to measure the layers of the Earth atmosphere, the ionosphere and/or the magnetosphere.
It is an open secret that the USA (and probably not the USA alone) has already constructed high-frequency transmitter facilities. Those devices can heat the earth environment up to a plasma state by means of pumping ions. This makes it possible to control the environment in ways which might have considerable influence on atmospheric phenomena.
The operators of such a weapon are able to program floods, tornados storms and even earthquakes in any region of the planet. It is also possible to paralyze civil and military electronic surveillance systems, and even to affect the psyche of entire nations.
There is a suspicion that in 2002, the unusual natural phenomena and cataclysms, technological catastrophes (†like the SU-27 incident at Skynliv [ Editor's note: Soviet SU-27 jet-fighter air show crash in Ukraine on 27 July 2002, which left 83 dead 199 injured] †), and the scientifically incomprehensible apathy of entire peoples in the post-Soviet territories, can be connected to testing BY THE USA of such geophysical weapons at low power.
However, neither American politicians, nor the world scientific community know if it is going to be possible --if such a geophysical weapon is used at full power-- to stop its action, or to be more precise, those catastrophic natural and social processes, which it will entail.
Here is the major problem: it is quite possible the first full capacity use of a geophysical weapon of mass-destruction might end in planetary catastrophe.
Does this seem like science fiction? Not really. As a matter of fact, high frequency transmitter facilities already exist. They are located in Norway and at a military base in Alaska. For the specialists and scientist, more detailed information about the program (brief description, photo of antenna fields and their separate elements) can be found on the official site http://www.haarp.alaska.edu.
Another high power transmitter facility, a more powerful one, will become operational in Greenland soon. When this happens, the geophysical weapon will be capable of covering Eurasia from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.
The information on this subject appeared on several Ukrainian websites on September of 2002. In this connection, I think that the Ukrainian parliament must support the initiative of the Russian State Duma as well. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences ought to consider the issue of HAARP’s potential threat to Ukraine. Adequate institutions ought to collect all available information and to determine the position of state the Ukraine on this global danger.
Yuru Solomatin is a deputy in the Ukrainian parliament, and Secretary of the Ukrainian committee for economic policy, ecological management and the cleanup of the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy.
Original Translation from Russian by Dimitry Sudakov
Yuro Solomatin Article in Pravda