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(回答先: 【超弩級続々報】これがイラク戦争の舞台裏だ!!英国中央銀行は通貨デリバティブ失敗で事実上破綻した! 投稿者 アフリカひきがえる 日時 2003 年 2 月 24 日 17:26:16)
Vatican Assasins(バチカンの暗殺者たち)
(※)写真は黒い教皇、ピーター・ハンス・コルベンバッハ(Peter-Hans Kolvenbach)
ピーター・ハンス・コルベンバッハ(Peter-Hans Kolvenbach)、がこの前の火曜日
NY Attack
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, the General of the International Military Order of the
Society of Jesus, commonly known as “the Black Pope”, ordered the attack on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon this past Tuesday (September 11, 2001)
with the advice and consent of his General Staff composed of four assistants
(each representing a hemisphere and under whom are many advisory Provincials),
an advisor (resembling the likes of a military commander to warn him of any
faults or mistakes), and his confessor (to ease his conscience and absolve him
of his many sins).
Why? Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy
the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained Mossad
while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war.
This will enable the General’s crusading Knights Templars (the present day
Shriner Freemasons) to rebuild Solomon’s Temple ? for the Papal Caesar in Rome.
And how could he destroy the Muslim “Al Aqsa Mosque”, the third most important
Islamic religious site in the world behind Mecca and Medina, without causing an
uncontrollable Muslim holy war, called a “jihad”, resulting in the destruction of
Pope Pius XII’s creation of ZionistIsrael?
(Remember, Israel was admitted into the New York-based United Nations in 1949
through the efforts of Francis Cardinal Spellman (the darling of Pope Pius XII),
while governed by the Papal Caesar’s Chaim Weizmann and his Masonic Jewish Zionists.)
The Black Pope must cause a war using a country he also wishes to further destroy.
Enter the “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created
in 1868 on the ruins of George Washington’s Calvinist Republic, the last political
stronghold of the Protestant Reformation with freedom of conscience, freedom
of speech and freedom of the press.
パックスアメリカーナ = パックスロマーナ
Pax Americana Equals Pax Romana!!
Roman Emperor John Paul II urges President Bush to hurry up and fulfill Fatima
before he croaks, during a strategy session at the Vatican on July 23, 2001.
Just 50 days later the WTC was bombed giving the Pentagon the excuse to surround
Russia with military bases.
The United States of America that we all knew and loved has been taken over by an
alien force....
This alien force is called the Society of Jesuits the Gestapo of the Vatican.
They will do ANYTHING to bring our beloved land under the iron heel of Rome.