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Micro Nuke Used in Bali "Terrorist" Lookalike Attack
Zionists forcing Australian support for American war on Iraq
Copyright Joe Vialls, 14 October 2002
Latest Update 16 October 2002
Indonesian police use a [long] pole to plumb the depth of the Micro-Nuke crater before dawn breaks
Bottom of crater after slurry was removed with powerful pumps. Sewage continues to leak inside red circle
The huge 5' deep Micro-Nuke crater in Kuta
Beach that you were never supposed to see
At 11.05 p.m. local time on Saturday night, a giant blast scattered pieces of the Sari Nightclub right across Kuta Beach in Bali, Indonesia. Though two other synchronized blasts shook the American Consulate and a Philippines travel agency office at exactly the same time, there were no injuries or deaths at these other locations, both of which served as mere "flash cardsモ to reinforce the unexpected presence of "Al Qaeda" in this beautiful tourist paradise.
Al who? So far as I am aware, the Muslim world does not yet have access to a sophisticated "Special Atomic Demolition Munitions [SADM]", one of which certainly went critical in a sewer more than four feet below the road bed outside the Sari club.
Within five microseconds of detonation the awesome million-foot-per-second shock wave hurled two tons of road bed and sand particles upwards and outward in a deadly fan, cutting tourists to bloody ribbons and hurling body parts for several blocks. The body count is currently 187, with more than 300 injured.
The blast from this weapon was so severe that its detonation terminally damaged 47 buildings in the immediate area, and trashed more than one hundred vehicles. In the words of a tourist who earlier survived attacks on London during the nineties, "I felt my hotel shake violently and ran to look out of the window.ハ In the distance I could see a large white mushroom cloud, and knew I wasnユt looking at an ordinary attack."
Photographic evidence proving the use of an unconventional weapon was edited out almost immediately by the major media, though not from the amateur video cameras which provided the pictures above. The very presence of the crater itself proves the weapon was detonated sub-surface, while the crater's depth in combination with its diameter, prove the depth at which the weapon was initially placed.
Flash Burns on Kuta Beach victim and bodies
Anyone doubting the nuclear identity of this weapon should take a look at the biggest car bombs detonated in Northern Ireland during the thirty years of trouble, which ranged in size up to 1,000 pounds of conventional explosive. None of them left craters in the road, because simple physics dictate that shock waves always takes the line of least resistance -- largely outwards and upwards to atmosphere. Nor am I aware of any 1,000 pound IRA car bomb trashing 47 buildings and 100 vehicles.
This thousand-poundハ IRA car bomb was detonated in Omagh
during August 1998, killing 29 people but leaving no crater.
An equally valid example would be the Israeli destruction of Arafat's compound in Ramallah. Overall, the Jewish State took more than a week to trash significantly fewer than 47 buildings, despite the fact they were brazenly attacking every day with multiple 120-mm tank guns and Hellfire missiles.
It is factual information like this that helps us to analyze the available evidence at the crime scene, in order to determine which weapon or weapons were used, and hopefully by whom. At the very minimum the damage caused in the Kuta Beach area would require an 8,000 pound HE blast-bomb of the sort used on Hamburg during the Second World War. Problem!
How on earth do you squeeze 8,000 pounds of very bulky low-specific-gravity HE into a twelve-inch diameter sewerage pipe, located nearly five feet underground?
Obviously what you need is a specialized weapon significantly less than twelve inches in diameter, but with a blast capability significantly in excess of 8,000 pounds of conventional explosive. Believe me people, there is only one weapon for the job, which explains why you will probably never see the damning crater picture at the top of this page anywhere else.
The actual photograph of SADM shown below is of an early version nominally rated at 10 tons TNT equivalent.
More recent variants are as small as a coffee mug, though still very heavy, and haveexplosive yields ranging from 2 to 100 tons TNT equivalent.
Nations possessing such weapons include America, Britain, France, Israel and Russia, with China a distinct possibility. In turn, under top-secret defense agreements with one of more of the above nations, certain Commonwealth and other countries maintain a strictly limited stock of "proxy weapons" on their own sovereign territory.
Bearing in mind the fact that Bali is a hugely popular destination for Australians, many of whom were killed in the blast, the attack seems aimed at shifting Australian public opinion towards an attack on Iraq, or even an attack on Islam in general.
Until now most Australians have been loudly opposed to any premeditated strike on the Middle East, to the point where the only people in Australia blatantly playing メRamboモ and apparently obeying the American Zionists without question, are Prime Minister John Howard, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, and a loose group of obsequious followers. In fact their blatantly subservient behavior recently offended a member of the opposition so much, he felt moved to publicly call John Howard an "Arse Licker".
To suggest that Australian politicians actually caused the attack on their own citizens in Bali, and now have Australian blood on their hands would be technically inaccurate and probably unfair.
But it is certainly fair to say that a limited number of politicians have led the American Zionists to believe they have the full support of Australia and its military forces, when this is demonstrably untrue.
Playing silly little political games like these can be dangerous. Do doubt the Zionists initially believed the "full support" statements gushing out of Canberra, and only found out later that the Australian Government would not be able to deliver on its rash promises.ハ Annoying, but not insurmountable for people as depraved and ruthless as the Zionists. All they had to do was dispatch a two-man team to Bali with a SADM, in order to force メsimpleモ Australians to see it their way.
ハWhat will haunt me for many years is not knowing what might have happened in Bali, if from the outset Australian officials had taken the hard line advocated by a vast majority of the electorate, and refused to participate in pre-emptive action against the Middle East. With no forward expectations of assistance "built in" by ignorant fools in Canberra, the Zionists might have forgotten all about Australia. And if they had forgotten, then perhaps all those tourists would not have died in Bali on Saturday night.
.Update 16 October
At the bottom of this page is a list of victims named by the medical authorities in Bali at 6 p.m. local time on 14 October 2002. Remember that authorities only release the names of victims when their identity is beyond any doubt, so currently the list is quite short.
Please note that on this list of forty-one confirmed dead are 11 Australians, 10 Indonesians, 2 Swedes, 2 Germans and a French woman. Put another way, 63 percent of the identified victims are from countries where a serious majority of citizens strongly oppose any attacks on Muslim countries in the Middle East.
To suggest that "Al Qaeda" [or any Muslim group] would deliberately attack the citizens of countries where it has strong public support, is as absurd as claiming that "Al Qaeda" has access to strictly regulated micro nuclear weapons of the kind detonated in Kuta Beach. This page will be updated as and when new photographs and/or additional data become available.
Micro Nukes in London
Torpedoed French Tanker
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.List of confirmed dead as of 16 October
1. Mugianto (M) Indonesia 2. Kadek Beri Prima (M) Indonesia 3. Anna Sesilia Aviles (F) Equador
4. Christopher Bradford (M) Singapore 5. DJ Sari Club (M) Indonesia 6. Josua K. Daegan (M) Australia
7. Pascal M. Dolf (M) - 8. Faturraman (M) Indonesia 9. Mr. S. Foley (M) - 10. March Benny Gajardo (M) UK 11. Nash Gary (M) Australia 12. Maria Johansson (F) Sweden 13. Chris K. Kays (M) Singapore
14. Bjorn J. Abon Magnusson (M) Sweden 15. Christian Redman (M) Singapore 16. Julie Stephen S. (F) Australia 17. Mr. Stafford (M) UK 18. Achmad Suharto (M) Indonesia 19. Nassima Cladia Tele (F) Germany 20. Jean Underwood (F) France 21. Robin G. Webster (M) - 22. Joshua Illifee (M) Australia
23. Clint Thompson (M) Australia 24. Adam Howard (M) Australia 25. Agus Suhaeri (M) Indonesia
26. David Majendies (M) Australia 27. Kadek Sukerna (M) Indonesia 28. Berry (M) Holland 29. Norbert Frericks (M) Holland 30. Made Martana (M) Indonesia 31. Steven Brooks (M) USA 32. James Corey (M) Australia 33. Findley (F) UK 34. Linda Makwana (F) Australia 35. Aris Munandar (M) Indonesia 36. Deborah Snodgrass (M) USAハ 37. Michael Stanoring (M) Australia 38. Marlene Doris Whiteley (F) Australia 39. Widayati (M) Indonesia 40. X (F) Unknown 41. Eun Jung Moon (F) Korea
altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........
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