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「ムスリムへの不正と攻撃が続くなら、アメリカは地球上から消し去られる」 オサマ・ビン・ラディン
彼は更に、ムスリム・ウンマの若者は『心のうちを恐怖で満たす』方法でアメリカの経済的シンボルと利益を攻撃する準備をしている 。 アメリカがムスリムに対する露骨な攻撃を止めることを学ぶまでそれは続行されるだろうと語った。
09 October 2002:
367 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Abul-Hasan As-Soori from Syria.
"If Unjustice and Aggression Continues Against Muslims then the US will be Wiped out from the Globe", Usama Bin Ladin
Usama Bin Ladin, in a 2 minute audio statement released to by Al-Jazeera TV network, has warned the United States of America that if the US continues to attack Muslims - US interests and installations will be targetted and that the US will be wiped from face of the Earth.
Al Jazeera reported that they received the tape from reliable source, and confirmed that the narrator's voice was that of Usama Bin Ladin.
Usama Bin Ladin addressed the US people, and warned them that the Washington and New York attacks were a consequece of the crimes they had previously perpetrated.
He continued by stating that if the White House and its associated Zionist agents do not heed this lesson, more attacks on US interests are forthcoming.
He claimed that these criminals (the White House) are engaged in dividing the Muslim Ummah (Nation) and attacking Muslims.
He further stated that the Youth of Muslim Ummah are preparing to attack US economic symbols and interests - in a way that will 'fill your hearts with fear' - and will proceed to do so until the US learn to stop its naked aggression against the Muslims.
Western intteligence agencies were on high alert after the release of this statement.