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●ウェブサイト閉鎖についての声明 Azzam.Com
彼は『イスラミック テラー サイト オン ザ ウェブ』(http://www.geocities.com/johnathanrgalt)というタイトルのウェブサイトとメールアドレス(johnathanrgalt@yahoo.co.uk.)をセットアップした。
Googleで『Johnathan Galt』(2つの'h'綴られる'Johnathan')を検索すると、ゴールト氏が彼の訴えを投稿した多数の親ユダヤのウェブサイトが返ってくる。
(i) 我々のサイトを使ってアフガニスタンで起きている出来事の情報を収集する。
(ii) サイトの背後にあるインフラの情報を収集すること。
(a) アメリカ当局は、我々のドメイン(azzam.com)を占有し、『テロ/イスラムとの戦争』の為の誤ったプロパガンダを提供するたに使おうとするだろう。
(b) 当局は、『ショーを一人占めする』ために新しい『ジハードの』ウェブサイトを構築するだろう。これらのサイトには若干の特徴があるだろう:
(i) 彼等は、彼等自身がジハードに関係し、聖戦士情報に通じているように装う。そして、そのサイトのコンテンツの一部は疑う余地なく親ジハードであり親聖戦士である;
(ii) 彼等は、決して閉鎖の圧力を受けない。そのサイトはメンテナンスとアップグレードのときだけオフラインになるだろう。
(iii) 彼等には、地上で信憑性を確認できる通信員がいない;
(iv) 彼等は、殆どのイスラミック・ウェブサイト(これらは僅かな資金と未熟なウェブ・オペレーターの『最善の努力』で運営されている)とは違い、彼らの使い捨ての用品(ウェブサイト)にかなりのリソースとエキスパートを注ぎ込むだろう。;
(v) 彼等は、シオニスト・ウェブ・グループの真の標的にはならない。−しかしながら、我々のこの声明の後では、当局はムスリムがそれらのサイトを本物だと信じるように、シオニスト・ウェブ・グループを浸透させて彼等に偽物のサイトを標的にするよう指導するだろう。
(vi) 彼彼等は、ムスリムの感情に水をさし、既に我々自身が明確にした問題を混乱させようとするだろう。
(c) シオニストのウェブ・グループは、ムスリムが彼等と同じことを始め、扇動的なシオニストのウェブサイト(例えばhttp://freeman.io.com,その他)のホスティング会社に不満を訴えるまでイスラミック・ウェブサイトの閉鎖を目的としたキャンペーンを続けるだろう。
(d) 当局は、バーミンガムの英国イスラム協会(ISB)の博士が2001年11月のラマダン月に始めた『ボイコット・アッザーム』キャンペーン(それは、リーフレットとラジオ声明を兼ね備えた運動だった)に類似したムスリムの間の『ボイコット・アッザーム』キャンペーンを更に支援するだろう。
(e) 我々のサイトは、我々のサイトを閉鎖しようとするあらゆる試みに法的に立ち向かう準備があるムスリムのインターネット・サービス・プロバイダがもっと沢山出現するまでオンラインになったりオフラインになったりし続けるだろう。
28 September 2002:
Eight US Soldiers Killed and Two Vehicles Destroyed In Rocket Attack
In an operation in the Khost province, two US Army vehicles were detroyed and all eight soldiers on board were killed.
The team of US troops were ambushed by the Mujahideen at a place called Laika in Khost and fired upon using rockets.
Following the attack, a search operation was conducted by the Coalition forces with the aid of helicopters and warplanes, but the attackers evacuated the region safely.
Missile Attacks Launched at Coalition Locations In Kunar.
In another operation by the Mujahideen, four missiles were fired at residential locations of Coalition forces in Kunar.
All four missiles hit their targets creating an inferno at the camp which could be seen for miles around.
The Coalition warplanes and helicopters heavily bombed the Marora mountains but no loss of life has yet been reported.
Statement from Azzam.Com Regarding Closure of its Web-Site
By the Grace of Allah, upon its launch in 1996, Azzam.com was one of the first Islamic web-sites on the Internet and the first web- site dedicated to Jihad and Mujahideen news and information.
Allah has enabled us, with meagre resources and little technological experience, to provide information on the Mujahideen and to provide daily news and interviews from the Jihad in Chechnya (from September 1999 to August 2001) and the Jihad in Afghanistan from November 2001 until today.
A great deal of effort and sacrifice goes into providing a single news bulletin and those involved in the news process put themselves at risk from either the missiles or the prying eyes of unfriendly authorities.
The last six years have seen at least two or our correspondents killed, who provided news and information from the World's hot spots so that the rest of the World could be kept informed as to what was happening 'on the other side'.
The first of these was Masood Al-Benini, from Benin, who was martyred in Chechnya in April 2000 whilst attempting to leave the country after receiving a serious shrapnel injury to his thigh.
His vehicle was ambushed by the Russians at a checkpoint and he fought to defend himself until he was killed-may Allah accept him as a martyr.
The second of these was Suraqah Al-Andalusi, who was martyred by an American cluster bomb in the Battle for Tora Bora in Eastern Afghanistan, December 2001, whilst providing news and information about the events in Afghanistan.
The biographies of both of these individuals have been previously posted on our web-site.
Therefore, our web-site also, has not been spared damage.
We have had to change through a number of servers and hosting companies over the years in order to keep the site open.
In the times when the site has been shut, we have been emailing out news bulletins to keep the World informed.
The purpose of this statement is to clarify the chronology of events leading to the closure of our web-site and what we perceive to be the future of our site.
After the events of 11 September 2001, our site was shut down after the American hosting company received numerous emails from viewers upset at the attacks.
The hosting company informed us that they had to remove our site for 'Terms of Service' (TOS) violations.
A few weeks later, our site reappeared on the servers of a Muslim hosting company in Canada, who also duly shut the site down, after receiving a written order from the local law enforcement authorities.
No reason was given in the order, but the Muslim company still shut down the site without contesting it.
Also after 11 September, a group of Zionist Jews surfaced on the Internet, led by a British individual who goes by the pen-name of Johnathan R. Galt.
He set-up a web-site titled 'Islamic Terror Sites on the Web' at http://www.geocities.com/johnathanrgalt and an email address, johnathanrgalt@yahoo.co.uk.
Both addresses are still functional at the time this statement goes to press.
Mr Galt organised a collective, concerted campaign, to have a number of Islamic web-sites shut down, by complaining to and putting emotional pressure on the hosting and service-providing companies.
Mr Galt slandered our site as labelling it, Al-Qaida's Azzam.Com and this label was enough to convince many companies to remove our site.
A search for 'Johnathan Galt' ('Johnathan' spelt with two 'h's) on Google returns a number of pro-Jewish web-sites where Mr Galt has posted his appeals.
Sometime in November 2001, our web-site was transferred to hosting companies in South-East Asia and we began to provide daily, uninterrupted news on the events in Afghanistan.
The site continued to remain online until July 2002.
During this time, whilst tracking the continuing efforts of Mr Galt, we realised, as we thought at first, that the FBI was ensuring that our site remained online, even though officials at the US State Department cited concern over our site, in news reports that were carried by major news organisations.
A number of discussion boards specific to web hosting companies, e.g. webhostingtalk.com, revealed threads stating that companies wanted to shut down service to the web-hosting companies hosting our sites, but they were specifically instructed by the FBI that 'this site must remain open at any cost'.
We concluded that US Intelligence wanted our site to remain open for two reasons:
(i) To use it for gathering intelligence on events happening on the ground in Afghanistan and perhaps that our news bulletins might lead them to capture 'Mujahideen suspects'.
(ii) To gather intelligence on the infrastructure behind the site.
Mr Galt and Co., apparently not convinced of the 'benefits' of the FBI's strategy, continued to pressurise both the FBI and the web hosting companies, to remove our web-site, and this tit-for-tat saga continued until July this year.
In June and July 2002, American forces in Afghanistan took heavy casualties and many of the incidents in which these casualties occurred, were being daily reported by us.
By the end of July 2002, the Americans concluded that there was no useful intelligence to be gleaned from leaving our site open and they decided that enough was enough.
During the South-East Asian 'Anti-Terrorism' Summit in July, Secretary of State Colin Powell's delegation personally delivered a written order to the local authorities asking them to immediately shut down our site.
Our site has remained shut since then, but we have continued to post daily news bulletins on other web-sites, such as Waaqiah.com.
As for the future, we predict the following to happen so we are informing our viewers in advance of what to expect:
(a) The American authorities will attempt to take control of our domain, azzam.com, and use it in their 'War Against Terror/Islam' in order to provide false propaganda.
It will be easy to spot fake sites because we will email other, established web-sites and organisations such as Waaqiah.com or Maktabah.net, and inform them of which site is genuine and which site is not.
(b) The authorities will create new 'Jihadi' web-sites in order to 'steal the show'.
Some characteristics of these sites will be:
(i) They will portray themselves as Jihad-linked and informed on the Mujahideen and some of their content will undoubtedly be pro-Jihad and Mujahideen;
(ii) They will never be forced down and will only go offline for maintenance upgrades;
(iii) They will not have correspondents whose credibility can be confirmed on the ground;
(iv) They will have sizeable resources and expertise at their disposable, unlike most Islamic web-sites that are run on pennies and a 'best-efforts' basis by unskilled web operators;
(v) They will not really be targetted by Zionist web groups (although after this statement of ours, the authorities may infiltrate the Zionist web groups and instruct them to target the fake sites in order to establish credibility for them in the eyes of the Muslims).
(vi) They will attempt to dampen emotions within the Muslims and create confusion amongst them as regards to issues that have already been clarified by ourselves.
(c) The Zionist web groups will continue their campaigns to shut down Islamic web-sites until Muslims begin doing the same and start complaining to web hosting companies of inflammatory Zionist web- sites, such as http://freeman.io.com, etc.
(d) The authorities will sponsor further 'Boycott Azzam' campaigns amongst the Muslims, similar to the 'Boycott Azzam' campaign that was launched by a Doctor from the 'Islamic Society of Britain' (ISB) in Birmingham, UK, in Ramadan/November 2001, complete with leaflets and radio announcements.
There will also be more articles and statements made against our site by 'Muslims', with a view to put the Muslims off our site.
(e) Our site will continue to go online and offline until more Muslim Internet Service Providers appear who are prepared to legally challenge any attempts made to shut down our site.
We conclude by informing our viewers that our unedited news postings are posted throughout various Muslim discussion boards and an Islamic web-site by the name of Waaqiah.com has also been posting our daily, unedited news bulletins.
The best support that our viewers can give us is to disseminate our news bulletins as widely as possible, counteract anti-Azzam campaigns,set up new web-sites that mirror and archive our content, and visit our site when it returns.
As for our own web-site, Allah willing, we hope to have a new site up and running shortly, in which we ourselves would have modified the content so that the news and articles will remain the same, but there is nothing on the site that can be deemed illegal or 'inflammatory'.
Please continue to check back at our site every few days and spread the news round when it is back online.
Finally, we would like to thank both our Muslim and non-Muslim viewers for their support over the last six years.