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19 September 2002:
347 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Turki Al-Aseeri (Al-Mu'tasim Al-Makki) from Makkah, Arabian Peninsula .
1. US Authorities Have Failed To Gather Information From Prisoners In Cuba
After 10 months of being shackled and locked in cages in the scorching Cuba Sun, some prisoners in Cuba are finally being released.
One such prisoner reached Kandahar and a close relative of his (without either disclosing his or the Prisoner's name)informed us that the CIA are extremely frustrated by the sheer courage of the prisoners as they have been unable to glean any information from them.
After 10 long months, there has still been no significant success with respect to finding out either the whereabouts or future operations of Al-Qaida Mujahideen throughout the World.
According to the relative, the Prisoner together with the others held in Cuba have been subjected to the most barbaric forms of torture imaginable, some being forced to expose the most sensitive parts of their body and then having that tortured.
The Prisoner considers himself as one of the fortunate ones as only his tongue had been tortured, however, his treatment was so appalling that even after so long he is still unable to eat any food.
2. UN Office In Jalalabad Came Under Rocket Attack
On the evening of Tuesday 17th september 2002 two rockets were fired at the UN office in the Eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad.
The attack managed to seriously injure one security guard, whilst windows of the building were shattered and nearby buildings were also damaged.