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17 September 2002:
345 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Muhammad bin Jayid Al-Sabeei (Haidarah An- Najdi) from Riyadh, Arabian Peninsula.
Confirmation of the Arrest of Mujahid Ramzi Bin Al-Sheebah in Karachi
Our sources have confirmed the arrest of the Mujahid Ramzi Bin Al-Sheebah in Karachi.
Pakistan authorities announced his arrest a few days ago, but the Jehad Online web-site later refuted the claim due to some discrepancy in the incoming news reports.
Pakistani's Interior Minister, Moinudeen Haider, announced that Ramzi is currently undergoing interrogation by Pakistani and American officials and then he would swiftly be handed over to the United States.
Strangely, Haider said that the reason for the handing over was that Ramzi had not committed any crimes in Pakistan so he would be handed over to whoever asked for him.
If Ramzi has not committed any crimes in Pakistan, it begs the question, why then did Pakistani forces fight so vigorously and endure injuries in a four-hour gun battle, whilst attempting to arrest him?
It is said that Ramzi was one of the planners of the 11 September attacks and a close companion of Muhammad Atta in Hamburg, Germany.
He was said to be the 20th Hijacker, but he did not obtain an American visa despite several attempts.
Strangely, US officials have also said that Zacharias Moussawi, the French Muslim currently awaiting trial in the US for the 11 September attacks, was the 20th Hijacker.
So how many 20th Hijackers were there?
This claim further proves that the US prosecutes and imprisons people on circumstantial evidence and official 'statements' that are made by finely-dressed American officials, infront of crowds of media teams.
The arrest of Ramzi Bin Al-Sheebah will not bring back the American companies that have become bankrupt since the 11 September attacks, nor will it return the jobs lost, nor will it return the billions of dollars lost from the US Economy and nor will it closen the gulf between America and the Muslim World.
Therefore, in comparison to the losses suffered by America thus far, the arrest of Ramzi Bin Al-Sheebah, is not considered a sizeable victory as such.
As for the circumstances that led to his arrest, it is clear that America cannot lay a finger on any Muslim in any Muslim country without the support, assistance and help from 'Muslim' hypocrites in that country.
In this case, there would have been some so-called 'Muslims' who would have tipped off the authorities of the presence of Arabs in their neighbourhoods.
Some other so-called 'Muslims' would have carried out the surveillance and then others would have raided the premises, fighting for their lives as if they were fighting for the Lord.
The Martyred Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said, "We Muslims can never be defeated by others. Instead, we are defeated only by our ownselves."
As for the status of those so-called 'Muslims' who knowingly assist the disbelievers against the believers, it is very clear according to all the divine texts and opinions of both classical and contemporary scholars, that all such individuals are outside the fold of Islam and have apostasised from the religion, regardless of their excuses or reasonings for assisting the disbelievers against the believers and regardless of their amount of prayers and acts of worship.
Every so-called 'Muslim' who assists the disbelievers against the believers, even with a silent hand-gesture or signal, is an apostate whose Muslim wife is no longer lawful for him, there is no inheritance for his children (as Muslim children cannot inherit from an apostate parent) and he cannot be prayed over by the Muslims or buried with them if he dies in that state.
The whole nation of Pakistan is guilty before the Lord of the Worlds, for betraying these Mujahideen.
It is incorrect to blame only the leaders and government, for the armed forces, Police, intelligence and media all comprise ordinary Pakistanis from ordinary walks of life.
Those who tipped off the Pakistani authorities were not Pakistani leaders or ministers or military officers, but ordinary Pakistanis.
When a nation allows its leaders to fight Islam, it is only a matter of time before Allah's punishment comes to that nation, either in the form of natural disasters, or worse, by Allah taking away Islam from that country as He did with Turkey after the people of Turkey supported Kamal Ataturk in destroying Islam in Turkey.
Two other companions of Ramzi Bin Al-Sheebah, from Hamburg, are still at large, as is the Kuwaiti, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, who was not killed in the shootouts last week as was claimed by the Pakistani officials.
US Operation in Kunar Fails
Recent operations carried out over the last five days by American troops in Kunar, against Al-Qaida, Taliban and Hezb- e-Islami (Hekmatyar forces) have failed.
The US troops destroyed five former Mujahideen bases in Darra Mengal and raided a well known Afghan Mujahideen Commander Haji Arif's house in Dangam, claiming to have recovered huge quantities of ammunition from there.
The US Commandos also raided one of the houses of a commander of Hekmatyar, but they did not find anything there.
The American troops returned back to their bases after five days of failure.