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A message from Ameer-ul Mu'mineen...
In Arabic Jehad.net
Translated by Abu Dujanah The letter is dated 11/9/02
"Oh you who believe, bear patiently, and encourage patience [endure], and do ribaat (guarding borders), and fear Allah, so that you may be successful"
Oh Muslim brothers in the lands of the Muslims, and in everywhere on earth.
Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
The Islamic nation, for nearly a year, has been subject to the most severe associated attack from its enemies, who want it to abandon and sacrifice its religion, and to leave ruling by the heavenly Sharee'ah, which Allah has honoured us with, because the enemies of this Ummah, realised that abiding by its religion is the reason that they [the Muslims] gain glory and honour and it is what protects them from decline and it [abiding by Islam] is what raises its status amongst the nations.
And the war that America led against our lands is only a part of the war against Islam.
Verily America, when it declared war against Afghanistan, wanted - at a primary level - to remove the Islamic system and the ruling of the Islamic Sharee'ah, and the prevention of the revival of the Islamic religion that she is scared of...
And if America has made the attacks of 11 September a pretext by which she attacks the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and the declaration of a war against Muslims, then we know that this is not the sole reason, and we know that America wanted to attack us, and destabilise and remove the Islamic emirate long before that [those attacks], and it tried gathering the justifications [for these attacks], and if she did not find 11 September [to use as an excuse], then America would have found other than her!
And had America not had this clear intention, and firm cause then it would have not declared a war upon us, which her herself has not made sure who was behind, until yet.
The priority upon America, after 11 September was to account itself, and to revise its policies and to realise its mistakes and to change its ways in which she treats the Muslims, and other than them from the weak nations of the world and if America asks herself:
what made us prone to these bombings on 11 September?
And what caused that small group of people to sacrifice their entire lives to attack America and harm her?
Why did she gain the enmity of the Islamic world?
Why did the weak ones of this world become pleased at these events?
Why were they against her?
If America asks herself these questions, then it would have blamed her policies and actions, and it would have cared about herself, and reformed her condition...but America doesn't want that, she wants highness and power and control of the world, and America cannot pose to herself these questions because she is reliant upon the Jews and Zionists who control her and command her.
And we, and the entire world knows, that what happened to America on 11 September is a harvesting of what she planted around the world from oppression, and raping [the wealth], and flouting and arrogance which she has over the weak, and robbing them and preventing them of their necessities and rights, under what she calls the "world order" and "globalisation" and other than that [of organisations].
And our Islamic Ummah, has suffered the most full portion of American oppression, in Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, and Kashmir, Afghanistan and in all the lands of the Muslims.
The oppression and force which the Muslims suffer from in Palestine from the hands of the Israeli Jews every day, and the killing, and injuring and expulsion and embargos - all of this, is done with complete support of America, and with its care and sponsorship.
For it is America which feeds Israel, and strengthens it and aids it with wealth and weapon, and helps it with its [American] political strength, so that it may punish the Muslim nation in Palestine and occupy it and enslave its people.
America is a large country, but it is small in mind and proud, and it is strong with its planes and bombs and machines, but weak in its meaning [existence];
she claims to be the mother [beacon] of freedom and justice, and she commits the most extreme forms of injustice and enslavement upon the nations;
she claims that she is fighting terrorism, and she is the one who practices the most extreme of terrorism upon our weak nations in Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and upon many of the worlds nations...but the world today [thankfully] has become upon more awareness of America.
Where is what America proclaims of, from humanity and fraternity and respect to the rights of man, from the massacre of Mazar Shareef, which she killed with her own bombs, the thousands of prisoners, and those who were given amnesty in the fortress of Jahaathaji?
[Where is this] from her refusal of treating her imprisoned enemies appropriately as war prisoners?!
People know today that America is the capital of international terrorism, and she is the Sheppard of oppression, enslavement and injustice, and she is the Sheppard of moral and social corruption in the world, and she is the reason for the prohibition [of provisions], and poverty and suffering of the nations, and what America gets today, of hatred and dislike, and condemnation, is a proof for all this.
And America today, in Afghanistan, fantasises with pride of the apparent power [here], and thinks that her abode will be different from those who came before her from invaders, and that she is capable of fulfilling what Russia before her couldn't fulfil, and she assumes that she will establish herself easily in Afghanistan, and she will be able to control half of the eastern world from here, but [unfortunately for her] she did not read the history of Afghanistan well, because she does not care about history and about the conditions of the weak and poor nations.
If she read the history of Afghanistan, then she would have known that she [Afghanistan] crushes the foreigner and invaders from the day she knew Islam and entered it with faith and certainty, and that she cannot be at rest, nor submit her will other than to Islam, and [never] to those who rule by other than the Sharee'ah of Islam.
And we have said to our Ummah, and we still say, that we are holding firmly unto the promise of Allah, and we are sure of it, and we are not afraid of the promises of Bush and American, verily Allah promised us victory and establishment if we hold firmly unto our religion and rely upon Him, so we are remaining upon doing Jihad against America and all the invaders, relying upon Allah, patient to His orders and certain of them.
We assure the Muslims everywhere, that we are upon the covenant [with Allah] remaining, and that victory is coming, and that comfort will come, and after relying upon Allah, then we of course are in need of the support of the Muslims, and their standing with us in any and every manner.
And if Allah wills, the rule of the Sharee'ah will return to Afghanistan, and Muslims will be happy with the victory of Allah, and America will not be pleased in Afghanistan, and will never gain relax, until she leaves ashamed and regretful, and her day will never be with her ever
"And on that day, the believers will rejoice with the victory of Allah"
The Servant of Islaam and the Muslims, Mullah Muhammed 'Umar Mujaahid.
Wednesday, 5th of Rajab 1423 AH - 11/9/02