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レビュー: 19人の殉教者のビデオ
他にいろいろなものを引用した後、ビデオはこのビデオの製作者の名前「Al-Sahaab Productions for Islamic」と、アル-シャハーブがリリースした他のビデオのリストで終わる。
そこには英語とフランス語、ウルドゥ語とマレー語に翻訳された「The Will of Ahmad Al-Haznawi」のビデオ、英語とウルドゥー語とマレー語に翻訳された「The Destruction of the Destroyer, USS Cole」のビデオが記載されている。
最初のビデオ(「The Will of Ahmad Al-Haznawi」)のフランス語に翻訳されたシーンおよびフランス語に吹きかえられたシーンが見られる。
340 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Fahad bin Salih bin Sulaiman Al-Jateeli (Hamza Aqeedah) from Qaseem, Arabian Peninsula.
Khost's Custom House Destroyed In A Rocket Attack , More Than 19 Killed
Clashes continued between Badshah Khan's troops and those belonging to the Afghan Government in Khost resulting in the death of seven people and destroying Khost's custom house.
Three innocent children were killed when a house was hit by a rocket while four other people living in a house on Gardez road were killed due to a rocket strike.
Badshah Khan is planning a military advance on Khost in order to take hold of all official buildings and offices in the province.
Currently official Afghan troops upon orders from Khost's Governor Hakeem Tunri Wal have taken control of all official buildings and offices in the province.
There is a curfew in Khost's market and ordinary people are prohibited to carry weapons to protect their families.
A Fresh US Operation Against Al-Qaida In South Eastern Afghanistan
US troops have started another large scale operation against Al-Qaida and Taliban troops in Afghanistan.
The US military spokesman while speaking to journalists at Bagram airbase said that a new operation had begun against Al-Qaida operatives in South Eastern regions of Afghanistan.
He added that so far this operation had found heavy ammunition.
US Troops Residence In Meeranshah Attacked
In the Pakistani tribal region adjacent to Afghan borders, Meeranshah, two rockets were fired targeting US troops residence, but they missed the target.
Just one day before this, a Pakistan military checkpoint came under grenade and automatic weapon attack in a nearby tribal area.
Al-Jazeera Releases Al-Qaida 911 Video
Editors Note:Jihad Unspun will be airing this video shortly on JUSPLUS.
Stay tuned for details of its release.
Arab television channel Al-Jazeera has released a new Al-Qaida video, however Osama Bin Laden did not appear in the video.
A voice, supposedly his, can be heard speaking of the men involved in the September attacks of last year.
Speaking in Arabic, he describes the men who carried out the attacks as men who changed the course of history and torpedoed decades of scheming by the crusaders and their agent rulers in the region.
According to analysts, it is impossible to say with certainty that the voice is of Osama Bin Laden or not, but state that the voice does bear a resemblance to that of prior videos.
In the video four of the men, Muhammad Atta, Marwan Atshami, Hai Janjur and Meenawah Jarah were named as leaders.
The men are shown studying flight manuals and maps, one of which is of the Washington DC area.
Review: The Nineteen Martyrs Video
The uncut and unedited English and Arabic versions of this video will be released on CD by Al-Ansaar News Agency at 1800GMT today, to bona-fide media organisations.
Public release will follow a week or so later.
The complete video has been professionally produced and shows a touch of expertise with graphics and special effects.
It begins with some footage showing an aeroplane taking off and then the Pentagon, before and after it was hit.
A Quranic verse is read in the foreground, with the destroyed Pentagon in the background.
The next scene contains photos of all nineteen hijackers, group by group, grouped by the airplane that they were on.
The images contain the bearded photographs of the hijackers, complete with hats and/or turbans.
Usama Bin Ladin's voice is heard speaking about each group in turn.
This is followed by Usama Bin Ladin speaking about each of the hijackers, their origins and personalities.
For example, he mentions the two Al-Shehri brothers from the United Arab Emirates, whose father was a prominent, wealthy businessman and the leader of their tribe.
After this, an introduction is given to Sheikh Abul-Abbas Al-Junoobi (Sheikh Abdul-Aziz bin Abdur-Rahman Al-Omari Az- Zahrani), who was in Mohammad Atta's plane that hit the World Trade Center Tower One.
Information is given about Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Omari, his birth and upbringing, together with a list of all the prominent scholars in the Arabian Peninsula, whom he studied with.
It is said that he memorised the Quran in two months, memorised the nine-volume hadith collection of Sahih Al-Bukhari complete with the narrator chains, memorised the hadith collection of Bulugh Al-Maram and An-Nawawi's 40 Hadith.
He was also said to have led the people in his community, in Night Prayers in Ramadan.
This section is narrated by an individual with a native American accent.
Then the nineteen are seen studying maps and flight manuals and this is followed by the Will of Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Al-Omari, which comprises the majority of the video.
In between the Will, the voice of Bin Ladin is heard, in his most recent address, speaking about various things.
There are also some scenes of Arab children training in Afghanistan and the voice is heard of Bin Ladin's 11-year old son reciting a poem encouraging his father to remain steadfast on his path.
After various other quotes, the video concludes with the name of the producers of this video, Al-Sahaab Productions for Islamic Media, and a list of other videos that Al-Sahaab have released.
It mentions the video, 'The Will of Ahmad Al-Haznawi', which has been translated in English, French, Urdu and Malay.
It mentions the video, 'The Destruction of the Destroyer, USS Cole', which has been translated into English, Urdu and Malay.
Some French-translated and French voiceover scenes are shown from one of the first videos.
The video ends with references and thanks to all those who assisted in its production and distribution.