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●カブールで大爆発 死者1名、負傷者4名
現在、パキスタン軍、FC Tochiスカウト、FRバンヌー、南北ワジルスタンの当局者に加えて北西辺境州政府の高官がそこに集まっている。
Another Massive Explosion In Kabul, 1 Killed 4 Injured
Sep 04, 2002 Source:Azzam Publications
On the fourth consecutive day, another bomb was detonated in Kabul.
Resulting in one fatality and four serious injuries.
One of the injured was a woman, both of whoms legs were shredded by the explosion.
The explosion's intensity was such that all mirrors and windows in the surrounding buildings were shattered.
US Central Command are under a state of heightened tension due to the consecutive nature of major bomb attacks at sensitive locations in Kabul, irrespective of significant US and coalition forces deployed there.
The explosion was near to the Russian consulate in the south of Kabul at Darul Aman road.
The nationality of the dead and injured has yet to be ascertained.
After the end of Taliban rule, the Russian counsulate was rennovated and restarted its operations.
Four Imprisoned Al-Qaida Mujahideen Rescued by Tribesmen In Bannu
Preparations for a large scale operation in the frontier regions of Bannu and the nearby tribal areas of Pakistan have been completed.
Pakistan Army troops were called into the region after 4 arrested Al-Qaida mujahideen were forcibly released by local tribesmen on Sunday night (1st September.)
Proximate to F R Bannu, Frontier Constabulary (FC) Packet troops arrested 6 Al-Qaida mujahideen.
2 of these fighters managed to escape, and informed the nearby tribesmen of Janni Khail about the situation.
Later hundreds of of armed Janni Khail tribesmen descended upon the FC Packet, and threatened the FC troops - forcing them to released the 4 remaining mujahideen.
The next day, in the early morning - a large delegation of Pakistani Army and FC troops attempted to negotiate with the tribes.
However, so far the tribes have not handed any of the mujahideen to these troops.
Thus, the situation remains very tense.
Currently, Pakistani Army, FC Tochi Scouts, FR Bannu, the Political administration of Northern and Southern Waziristan additional to senior officials of the NWFP government have gathered there.
An operation is expected at any time.