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("I don't think a military expansion of violence is the solution. First we have to ask the right questions and then you come up with a solution. I don't think we've yet formed the right questions. I still think they're trying to define who the enemy is.")
18 August 2002 01:21 BDST Home > News > World > Americas
Hollywood actress warns US against war on Iraq
By Louise Jury
17 August 2002
The Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon said yesterday that attacking Iraq was no solution to the terrorist attacks on the United States last year.
The Oscar-winning star of the film Dead Man Walking spoke out at the Edinburgh Festival, where she has been appearing with her husband, Tim Robbins, in a reading of a play about a firefighter caught in the events of 11 September.
Asked what she thought about President George Bush's plans to attack Iraq, Sarandon said she would not want America to go to war. "I don't think a military expansion of violence is the solution. First we have to ask the right questions and then you come up with a solution. I don't think we've yet formed the right questions. I still think they're trying to define who the enemy is."
The couple, who are known for their humanitarian views and support for left-wing causes, performed their final reading of The Guys by Anne Nelson at the Royal Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh last night. They will present further readings at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin next week, where they expect the play to have special resonance because of the number of Irish people with relatives in the New York fire service. The work is based on a true story of how Nelson, a journalism lecturer, helped a fire captain compose eulogies for colleagues killed when the twin towers collapsed.
Sarandon and Robbins first performed the work in New York where they both live. It was originally staged with Sigourney Weaver, who is now starring in a film version, and Bill Murray.
The actress admitted that before the attacks most Americans had been protected from the kind of "inexplicable terrorist violence" experienced by many other countries. "The first thing I said to my children was, 'We have joined the rest of the world now'," she said.
Susan Sarandon
1946.10.4 ニューヨーク生まれ
大学で演劇を学んだ後、ニューヨークでモデルを始める。70年の「ジョー」で映画デビュー後、数々の話題作にも 出演。80年の「アトランティック・シティ」でアカデミー主演女優賞にノミネートされ実力派女優の地位を築く。95年の「デッドマン・ウォーキング」で念願のアカデミー 主演女優賞を受賞。シリアルドラマからコメディーまで幅広く活躍する実力派女優。
02 Baby's in Black
02 Banger Sisters, The
02 This Child of Mine
01 Igby Goes Down
01 Uphill All the Way (voice)
01 Rudyland
01 Cats & Dogs (voice) キャッツ&ドッグス
01 900 Women (voice)
00 Time of our Lives
00 Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (voice) ラグラッツのパリ探検隊
00 This Is What Democracy Looks Like (voice)
00 Iditarod: A Far Distant Place
00 Ljuset haller mig sallskap
00 Joe Gould's Secret
99 Anywhere But Here 地上(ここ)より何処かで
99 Cradle Will Rock クレイドル・ウィル・ロック
99 Earthly Possessions (TV) ブロークン・ハイウェイ
98 Twilight トワイライト
98 Illuminata 天井桟敷のみだらな人々
98 Stepmom グッドナイト・ムーン
96 James and the Giant Peach (voice) ジャイアント・ビーチ
95 Dead Man Walking デッドマン・ウォーキング
95 Celluloid Closet, The セルロイド・クローゼット
94 Client, The ザ・クライアント 依頼人
94 Little Women 若草物語
94 Safe Passage 運命の絆
92 Player, The ザ・プレイヤー
92 Bob Roberts ボブ・ロバーツ
92 Lorenzo's Oil ロレンツォのオイル 命の詩(うた)
91 Thelma & Louise テルマ&ルイーズ
91 Light Sleeper ライト・スリーパー
90 White Palace ぼくの美しい人だから
89 Dry White Season, A 白く渇いた季節
89 January Man 乙女座殺人事件
88 Bull Durham さよならゲーム
88 Sweet Hearts Dance スウィート・ハート・ダンス
87 Witches of Eastwick, The イーストウィックの魔女たち
85 Compromising Positions ジュディスの告発
85 Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce (TV) ムッソリーニと私
84 Buddy System, The バディ・システム
83 Hunger, The ハンガー
82 Tempest テンペスト
81 Who Am I This Time? (TV) クリストファー・ウォーケンのアクターズ・ラブ 舞台は恋のキューピット
80 Atlantic City アトランティック・シティ
80 Loving Couples ラヴィング・カップル
79 Something Short of Paradise
78 King of the Gypsies キング・オブ・ジプシー
78 Pretty Baby プリティ・ベビー
77 Other Side of Midnight, The 真夜中は別の顔
77 Checkered Flag or Crash アドベンチャー・ラリー・クラッシュ
76 Great Smokey Roadblock, The
76 Dragonfly ドラゴンフライの幻想
75 Rocky Horror Picture Show, The ロッキー・ホラー・ショー
75 Great Waldo Pepper, The 華麗なるヒコーキ野郎
74 Front Page, The フロント・ページ
74 Lovin' Molly
71 Fleur bleue
71 Mortadella, La
70 Joe ジョー
96 「デッドマン・ウォーキング」 主演女優賞受賞
95 「ザ・クライアント」 主演女優賞ノミネート
93 「ロレンツォのオイル」 主演女優賞ノミネート
92 「テルマ&ルイーズ」 主演女優賞ノミネート
82 「アトランティック・シティ」 主演女優賞ノミネート
18 August 2002 01:19 BDST Home > Argument > Commentators
Robert Fisk: Be very afraid - Bush Productions is preparing to go into action
They are setting up the Arab world. We are being prepared for an epic supported by Hollywood and a plot of lies
17 August 2002
I have always been a sucker for wide-screen epics. Ever since my Dad took me to see Quo Vadis -- which ends with centurion Robert Taylor heading off to his execution with his bride on his arm -- I've been on the movie roller-coaster. My dad didn't make a great distinction between the big pictures and B-movies; he managed to squeeze Hercules Unchained in between Ben Hur and Spartacus. But the extraordinary suspension of disbelief provided by the cinema carried me right through to Titanic, Pearl Harbor and Gladiator. Awful they may be. Spectacular they are.
But the important thing, as my dad used to tell me, was to remember that the cinema did not really imitate reality. Newly converted Christian centurions did not go so blithely to their deaths nor did love reign supreme on the Titanic. The fighter pilots of Pearl Harbor did not perform so heroically, nor did wicked Roman emperors die so young. From John Wayne's The Green Berets, war films have lied to us about life and death. After the crimes against humanity in New York and Washington last September, I suppose it was inevitable that the Pentagon and the CIA would call on Hollywood for ideas -- yes, the movie boys actually did go to Washington to do a little synergy with the local princes of darkness. But when Vice-President Cheney and Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld turned up together for the premier of Black Hawk Dawn, I began to get worried.
After all, if the Bush administration is so keen on war, it better work out the difference between Hollywood and the real thing. Yet what we've been getting is a movie version of reality, a work of fiction to justify the prospect of "war without end". It started, of course, with all the drivel about "crusades" and "war against terror" and "war against evil", the now famous "they hate us because we are a democracy", the "axis of evil" and most recently -- it would be outlandishly funny if this trash hadn't come from the Rand Corporation -- the "kernel of evil". The latter, by the way, is supposed to be Saudi Arabia, but it might just as well have been Iran, Iraq, Syria or anywhere west of the Pecos. Along with this tosh, history is being falsified. Even a crime movie supplies a motive for the crime but after 11 September, Bush Productions would allow no motives to be discussed. The identity and religion of the perpetrators was permissible information: they were Arabs, Muslims. But the moment any of us suggested glancing towards the area from which these Arabs came -- an area rich in injustice, oppression, occupation and UN-sanctioned child death -- we were, as I've described before in this column, subjected to a campaign of calumny.
As Bush's regional enemies grew in number to include not just al-Qa'ida but Iraq and Iran and their allies, a fabric of stories began to be woven. Last June, for example, we had Donald Rumsfeld spinning tales about Iran. At a press conference in Qatar -- these lies can be spun, please note, just as well in the Arab world as in the West -- Rumsfeld told us that Iranians "are engaging in terrorist activities and transporting people down through Damascus and into the Bekaa Valley. They have harboured al-Qa'ida and served as a facilitator for the movement of al-Qa'ida out of Afghanistan down through Iran."
Now the implication of all this is that al-Qa'ida men were being funnelled into Lebanon with the help of Iran and Syria. Yet we know that Iran, far from "transporting" al-Qa'ida men to Syria, has been packing them off to Saudi Arabia for imprisonment and possible death. We know that the Syrians have locked up an important al-Qa'ida official. The Americans have since acknowledged all this. And, save for 10 Lebanese men hiding in a Palestinian camp -- who may have no contact with al-Qa'ida -- there isn't a single Osama bin Laden follower in Lebanon.
So Hezbollah had to be lined up for attack. The Washington Post did the trick with the following last month: "The Lebanon-based Hezbollah organisation, one of the world's most formidable terrorist groups, is increasingly teaming up with al-Qa'ida on logistics and training for terrorist operations, according to US and European intelligence officials and terrorism experts." This tomfoolery was abetted by Steven Simon, who once worked for the US National Security Council and who announced that "there's a convergence of objectives. There's something in the 'zeitgeist' that is pretty well established now." Except, of course -- zeitgeist notwithstanding -- it is simply untrue.
The Washington Post had already lined up the Palestinians as America's enemies -- again "terrorism experts" were the source of this story -- by telling its readers in May that "the sheer number of suicide belt-bombers attacking Israel this spring has increased fear among terrorism experts that the tactic will be exported to the United States".
A similar theme was originally used to set up Saddam Hussein as an al-Qa'ida ally. Back in March, George Tenet, the CIA director, stated that Baghdad "has also had contacts with al-Qa'ida", although he somewhat diluted this bald statement by adding that "the two sides' mutual antipathy toward the United States and the Saudi royal family suggests that tactical cooperation between them is possible". Note the discrepancy here between "has also had contacts" and "is possible".
On the West Bank, Rumsfeld has already talked about the "so-called occupied" territories, a step down from William Safire's outrageous column in The New York Times last March in which he admonished us not to call the occupied territories occupied. "To call them 'occupied' reveals a prejudice against Israel's right to what were supposed to be 'secure and defensible' borders," he wrote. Now we have Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's National Security Adviser, telling us that "Arafat is somebody who failed to lead when he had a chance. Ehud Barak gave him a terrific opportunity to lead. And what did they get in return? Arafat started the second intifada instead and rejected that offered hand of friendship".
Now it's true that Ms Rice's knowledge of the Middle East gets dimmer by the week, but this palpable falsification is now the Washington "line". No mention, you'll note, that Arafat was supposed to "lead" by accepting Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem, no mention of a "right of return" for a single refugee, of the settlements built illegally outside east Jerusalem in Israeli hands, of the 10-mile-wide Israeli buffer zone round "Palestine", of scarcely 46 per cent of the 22 per cent of Palestine under negotiation to be given to Palestinians.
It's not difficult to see what's going on. It's not just al-Qa'ida who are the "enemy". It's Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia. Bush Productions are setting up the Arab world. We are being prepared for a wide-screen epic, a spectacle supported by Hollywood fiction and a plot of lies. Alas, my dad is no longer with us to remind them all that cinema does not imitate reality, that war films lie about life and death.
Fergal Keane is away