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●コースト空港にミサイル攻撃 アメリカ兵3名死亡
マリー市長Khurshid Abbasiは、負傷者の正確な数はまだ判っていないとジャーナリストに話した。
Al Intaqami Al Pakistaniという名前の組織が犯行声明を出した。
Three Coalition Soldiers Perish and U.S. Helicopter Destroyed in Missile Attack on Khost Airport
08 August 2002:
305 days have passed since America launched its latest Crusade against Islam and its people.
A number of Muslim prisoners were captured in this Crusade and taken to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba where their beards were forcibly shaved and they are being held in cages subject to Malaria, heatstroke and other tropical diseases.
One of these prisoners is Abdur-Rahman bin Abdullah bin Ali Al-Shatibi from Sanaa, Yemen.
His elderly, disabled father finds it difficult to sleep at night thinking about his son.
Khost (Azzam):
Unknown assailants attacked the old Khost airport with missiles resulting in one U.S. helicopter being destroyed whilst three Afghan soldiers were killed and five others severely injured.
According to authentic news reports, at about 13:30 on Tuesday, unknown assailants fired two remote controlled missiles on Khost airport.
The first missile hit a U.S. helicopter that was stationery at the airport and thus it was destroyed.
Fire was seen blazing from it until the evening.
The second missile hit an Afghan soldiers barracks due to which three Afghan soldiers were killed instantly whilst up to five others were injured.
As usual after an attack of this nature, coalition warplanes and helicopters started roaming over the old Khost airport.
Later that evening coalition troops encircled a house in the city of Khost in order to arrest suspected Al-Qaida or Taliban mujahideen, but they did not find anyone of that description there.
Six Killed in Attack on Chrisitan Missionary School In Murree, Pakistan
Murree (Azzam):
In Murree near to Clock chowk in Northern Pakistan, a Christian school was attacked by unknown attackers due to which six people were killed whilst up to five others were injured.
All attackers were motorcyclists who succeded in escaping after the attack.
According to authentic reports, on Monday some 20 miles away from the capital Islamabad and four miles away from Murree in a village named Gharial, unknown attackers targetted a Christian school with a barrage of automatic fire resulting in the killing of two security guards, one chef, one reception clerk and two school servicemen.
In all six men were killed whilst five others were severely injured.
All the casualties were shifted to Murree Civil hospital.
The mayor of Murree, Khurshid Abbasi, while speaking to journalists said that the exact number of injured is not yet known.
According to certain sources, it is believed that the attackers escaped and are hiding in a nearby forest.
It must be noted that after offering their support to the U.S. led War against Islam, this was the third biggest attack against christians residing in Pakistan.
The responsibility of this attack has been accepted by an organization named Al Intaqami Al Pakistani.
The attackers are believed to have left a written message during the attack.
It was written that this is the beginning of a series of revenge attacks in response to the ongoing atrocities carried out by the U.S. and coalition troops upon Muslims all over the world including Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya to name a few.
Two U.S. Soldiers Killed, Four Injured in Shahi Kot
Kohat (Azzam):
Two U.S. soldiers were killed with four others severely injured in an attack in the Afghan region of Shahi Kot.
It is believed that at 0500 local time on Monday some 13km away from Gardez city center in the region of Argola, a number of unknown assailants attacked a U.S. checkpoint at very close range.
The attackers managed to get away unharmed and left the checkpost burning in flames.
A number of coalition troops were spotted running from the scene as their stored ammunition caught fire and began to explode.
U.S. helicopter gunships were seen encircling the area afterwards.
An Afghan interim government spokesman verified this attack and said that these attacks occur on a daily basis usually with a 'few' losses.
A spokesman for coalition forces said that there was no loss of lives in this attack whilst independent sources said that six coalition troops were killed in this attack.
US Counsulate Shut Down in Karachi for Reasons of Security
Karachi (Azzam):
U.S. authorities ordered the closure of its consulate in Karachi on Monday due to major security concerns.
Islamabad has verified the closure and have refused to comment on the reasons for doing so.
However, a spokesman for the U.S. consulate in Islamabad said that this was done due to security concerns, whilst the Police department in Karachi denied that such security concerns existed.
It is more likely that after the 14 June attack on the U.S. consulate in Karachi and a number of martyrdom operation threats, the U.S. authorities wish to take all the precautionary measures it can.