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1. アメリカはオサマ・ビン・ラディンとムッラー・オマルを捕えると約束した ― これは成し遂げられていない。
2. アメリカはアル・カーイダの土台を破壊すると約束した−これは成し遂げらていない。― アル・カーイダによって定例インタビューやオーディオ・テープ、ビデオ・テープがリリースされている。
3. アル・カーイダおよびタリバンがアメリカのアフガニスタン傀儡政権の安定性をもう脅かすことが出来ないようにアル・カーイダとタリバンを破壊すると約束した。― これは成し遂げられていない。アル・カーイダとタリバンは毎日アフガニスタンの連合軍とそのポジションを攻撃している。
4. アメリカはアフガニスタンに平和を齎すと約束した。― これは成し遂げられていない。タリバンとアル・カーイダの攻撃よりも、アフガンの軍司令官の内ゲバのほうがカルザイ政府に悩みの種を与えている。
5. アメリカはアフガニスタンの人々の『心と精神』を勝ち取ると約束した。― これは成し遂げられていないどころか寧ろ正反対の結果を得た。それは、アフガニスタンの民間人に対するアメリカ軍の定例の攻撃に起因する。
Abu Zubaydah May Have Been Killed in March
Aug 06, 2002Source: Azzam Publications, Uncensored
Reliable sources have disclosed that Abu Zubaydah, alleged senior Al-Qaida operative who was arrested by US and Pakistani authorities in March earlier this year, may have died shortly after his arrest as a result of injuries sustained in a shootout.
In the morning of 28 March 2002, Pakistani and US Special Forces raided a house next to a madrassah in the Punjabi town of Faisalabad in order to capture Abu Zubaydah.
Abu Zubaydah refused to surrender and fired on his Pakistani attackers saying to them, "You are not Muslims."
Pakistani forces shot Abu Zubaydah in his stomach several times and then captured him.
What happened next is the subject of a cover-up by US authorities and the truth remains to be seen.
Both US and Pakistani authorities said that Abu Zubaydah had been taken to an undisclosed location where he was undergoing medical treatment.
Some weeks after that, US authorities announced that he had recovered and was helping them with their enquiries.
It is said that he alerted US agencies to possible Al-Qaida attacks on banks and shopping malls on the US East Coast.
Recently, US authorities announced that he had been shifted to the Indian Ocean US Naval Base at Diego Garcia.
Throughout this period, American officials were gleefully boasting about the victory gained from capturing Abu Zubaydah, how it had led to more of America's objectives being completed in its War Against Terror/Islam and how much Abu Zubaydah was helping them with their enquiries.
As a measure of their appreciation to Pakistani authorities, the US Government recently awarded the sum of US$250,000 to be distributed amongst the Pakistani officers and troops involved in the operation to catch Abu Zubaydah.
A more realistic account as told by reliable Pakistani doctors is different.
Abu Zubaydah sustained life-threatening injuries to his chest and abdomen in the 28 March 2002 raid.
Due to a lack of specialist medical attention available in Faisalabad, he was speedily taken under heavy Police escort to the nearby city of Rawalpindi where medical facilities are better.
Soon after arriving at a medical facility in Rawalpindi, Abu Zubaydah breathed his last.
His body and medical reports were witnessed by several Pakistani doctors who were ordered by the government "to save Abu Zubaydah's life at any cost" because killing Abu Zubaydah would have been a defeat for the US due to the potential information that he could have provided them.
These doctors then disclosed what they saw to other people and the news became well-known amongst the Pakistani medical community in the region.
The question that arises is why would the American authorities not announce his death but rather continue to lie to their own people and the World that he was with them and providing useful information.
The answer to this follows along the lines of America's other objectives in its War Against Islam/Terrorism.
1. America promised to catch Usama Bin Ladin and Mulla Umar - this has not been done.
2. America promised to destroy the infrastructure of Al-Qaida - this has not been done with regular interviews, audio and video tapes being released by Al-Qaida.
3. America promised to destroy Al-Qaida and Taliban so that they can no longer pose a threat to the stability of any American puppet government in Afghanistan:this has not been done with daily Taliban and Al-Qaida attacks against Coalition forces and positions in Afghanistan.
4. America promised to bring peace to Afghanistan: this has not been done with Afghan warlords and infighting amongst Afghans causing more problems to Karzai's Government than Taliban and Al-Qaida attacks.
5. America promised to win the 'hearts and minds' of the Afghan people: this has not been done, but rather the opposite has, with regular attacks by US forces on Afghan civilians.
Therefore, after all these defeats, the Bush administration had to show the American public that they were winning this 'war'.
Abu Zubaydah's name happened to be one in a series of inflated and exaggerated claims of US victories.
US officials claimed that Abu Zubaydah was providing them with all sorts of information and that they had thwarted several 'terrorist' attacks as a result of the information provided by him.
The reality awaits to be disclosed with dissident American officials still saying,
"It is not a matter of if, but when the next major terrorist strike against America and Americans will take place."
Coalition Troops House Attacked in Paktia
Aug 06, 2002 Source:Azzam Publications, Uncensored
Reports have come in that a residence of US and Coalition troops in Paktia was attacked on Friday and Saturday night.
Three rockets were fired on the house of an Afghan named Dawar, where these troops were staying, leading to a ferocious exchange of fire between American soldiers and the attackers.
This exchange of fire lasted for about two hours, causing an undisclosed number of casualties on both sides and structural damage to the house.
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