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''War with Iraq is imminent''
Printed on Sunday, July 28, 2002 @ 00:02:31 EDT
By Keiler Hook
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (United States)
(YellowTimes.org) - The United States is going to war with Iraq. The plans leaked by the New York Times on July 5, 2002, much to the chagrin of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, were described as covert. Doesn't covert mean secret?
Actions taken by the United States in that region are overt. Cable television broadcasts news of former military intelligence officials concerning preparations made by the United States to attack Iraq. There are masses of troops coming into Qatar, one of many countries in which this is occurring, according to foreign news reports and alternative media.
A friend's daughter is in Qatar with the United States Air Force and has called home telling of large numbers of troops storming into its bases. In his column in YellowTimes.org, Christopher Reilly reports, "A buildup in support of recently disclosed administration plans to assault Iraq from several fronts may explain why so many U.S. logistic service members are being called to duty in the Middle East."
Osama bin Laden must be praising Allah in answer to his prayers. Two hundred thousand American troops pouring into the Arab world will surely swell the ranks of al-Qaeda, and will most likely provoke more radical fundamentalism throughout the Muslim world. Reporter James Carroll for the Boston Globe on July 23, 2002 writes, "What effect would a major American war against Iraq have on the broader conflict between Islam and the West? If Al Qaeda grew out of the humiliations attached to the Gulf War, what would grow out of the new humiliation of a massive U.S. imposition on Iraq, including a long-term occupation by the United States?" What can President Bush be thinking? Starting a war in a war torn region won't bring peace. He's using terror to fight terror.
The United States is in the middle of a war on terrorism in Afghanistan where there is so much chaos that our government appears to be losing the confidence of the American installed Afghani leaders. There is the on-going trouble in the Middle East between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Just last week the Israeli government attacked Gaza City killing a Hamas leader and his entire family, along with more than a handful of children. And Bush wants to attack Iraq and create even more chaos. Half of the world will be afire. Is this what he means by peacekeeping?
Attacking Iraq would destabilize a region already shaken by the UN sanctions. The Iraqi bordering countries of Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Kuwait oppose President Bush's policy of "regime change" and the Arabic, Kurdish, and Turkish people are war weary. Perhaps the United States should follow their example and rely on diplomacy, which is the most civilized of reactions.
Turkey's Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit warned against an invasion of Iraq. He fears an uprising of the Kurds in his own country if things change for the Kurds in Northern Iraq. U.S. Deputy Defense Minister Paul Woflowitz was in Turkey to lobby for assistance in an attack against Iraq. Ecevit said, "There are other measures to deter the Iraqi regime of being a threat to the region." The Kurds in Iraq have warned against an invasion, as it would disturb their fragile autonomy.
The president has not made his case for an invasion of Iraq. Chicken Hawks, people who have never worn a uniform but encourage war especially against Iraq, surround the president. They include Vice President Dick Cheney, State Department Undersecretaries Elliott Abrams and John Bolton, presidential adviser Richard Perle, and aforementioned Paul Wolfowitz. They want to send American troops into unnecessary danger, but not their own children into this war on terror. Is George Bush trying to accomplish what his father could not? Is a personal grudge or revenge reason to go against the advice of our allies and the United Nations? How exactly is Iraq threatening American interests? Or could it be the U.S. economy that is threatening George Bush's interests and popularity?
This week we have another corporate scandal: WorldCom has filed for bankruptcy. The president spoke about it on television and the stock market responded by falling below 800 points.
The fragile U.S. economy is going to rush the decision to invade Iraq. The president wants to go to war right after Labor Day according to right wing pundit William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard. This is certainly the tail wagging the dog: war with Iraq will get people to stop thinking about their 401 retirement plans, or at least that is the hope of this administration. "War against Iraq is the president's much-planned-for-answer if the oft-rumored 'economic recovery' doesn't sustain his popularity," writes Robert Scheer, a syndicated columnist, on July 23, 2002. Is this not cynicism at its deadliest level?
The American people are not bloodthirsty and they would rather their government negotiate peace not war. The answer to Iraq is diplomacy and continued attention by the United Nations. The United States contained the USSR for 50 years using diplomatic measures. Our government has a responsibility to all the peoples of the world to end war not to start it.
Mr. Bush says that our government is "working towards peace." The government is in the position to spread peace by ending this threat to attack Iraq. Will he heed the advice from people outside his assemblage of provocateurs and henchmen?
[Keiler Hook, a journalist from the Deep South in the United States, writes pieces mostly concerning either the "War on Terror" or the "War on Drugs"; both subjects capturing her passion and her talent. Keiler is a woman, a mother, an activist, and a journalist.]
Keiler Hook encourages your comments: KeilerHook@comcast.net
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altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........
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