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Mujahideen From Mulla Bradar Unit Destroy US Tank, 10 US Soldiers Missing
21 July 2002
Kandahar (Azzam):
The intensity of guerrilla warfare in Southern Afghanistan has increased and Mujahideen troops are more frequently carrying out guerrilla raids.
The 'War on Terror' initiated by the US, which is trying to wrap up operations in Afghanistan soon as possible, now seems to have extended indefinitely.
Reports say that the Mujahideen have regrouped.
According to latest information, a severe clash took place recently in Mulla Fazal's parental region of Darawat in the Uruzgan province.
US troops were forced to retreat by Mujahideen belonging to the Mulla Bradar unit and one US battle tank was completely destroyed in the encounter.
A sense of fear and tension has crept in to the region.
A new checkpoint, which was set up near the Darawat district and manned by ten American commandos and fifty local militia men, was vacated in the night.
Locals say there were no helicopters seen arriving in the night and believe that the ten US commandos have been kidnapped by Mujahideen in the middle of the night.
There are also reports of another encounter between US and Mujahideen troops in the Trenkot region earlier during the day.
In the coming days, US officials will brush aside this recent incident of the ten missing commandos in the usual manner,
but locals are sure that they have been kidnapped from the checkpoint during the night.
Around 34,000 American Citizens Embrace Islam After 9/11 Attacks
Washington (Azzam):
According to US news network CNN, after the 9/11 attacks, while on one hand many Americans have shown hatred towards Islam and treat Muslims harshly and suspiciously, on the other hand a staggering 34,000 Americans have accepted Islam as their religion.
Islam is spreading very fast in Europe and America.
The US government is worried about the pace with which Islam is spreading in the United States and fear that one day Muslims may gain majority here.
Muslims living in America have shown great interest and enthusiasm towards Islamic books, videos and audio cassettes.
They prefer to purchase Islamic material rather than Western cultural items, and have also started practicing Islam more and have shunned bad Western Activities.
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