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「ビンラディン氏は死んでいる」とFBIテロ対策幹部(CNN) 投稿者 FP親衛隊
国家保安本部 日時 2002 年 7 月 18 日 10:30:06:
する。「2002年 7月 18日 木曜日」の日付の私個人宛の私信の一部である。
書で引くと、「Federal Emergency Management Agency (米国)連邦緊急時管理庁:大
Overview-World Trade Center Disaster
Date: Saturday, May 18 @ 16:46:06 CDT
Topic: The Elite & their Politics & Power Games
TIDBITS Sir Peter Bonnell CJSJ Bringing you the TRUTH since 1982
Overview-World Trade Center Disaster. Some evidence that has come out since
911 just cannot be discounted or ignored.
FEMA representative Tom Kennedy during interview on national TV by CBS
anchor Dan Rather admits -"We're currently one of the first teams that was
deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster". "We arrived in
New York late Monday night (Note: Sept. 10th) and were all set up and went
right into action Tuesday morning" (Note: Sept. 11th). *(1)
Tapes: Vedio and Voice.
Air Traffic Controller tapes talking to the doomed aircraft are all missing.
Taped conversation presented about pilot keying his mike and angry voices of
hijackers in background presented on national TV finally admitted by FBI to
be a fake. *(3)
All Surveillance videotapes from airport ticket counters, lounge, boarding
areas etc., that the doomed airliners departed from are all mysteriously
missing. (With the exception of the one tape shown on national TV of Atta
and Aomlari at a security checkpoint in Portland Maine)
Suicide Hijackers:
My investigation included a telephone interview with the owner of Hoffman
Aviation in Florida, proved neither Atta or Al-Shehhi were capable of
controlling even a small plane in flight no less a 757 or 767. An
experienced 727-airline pilot has to take over 70 hours of simulator time
just to be able to navigate a 757 or 767; the instrumentation is that
different; even from a 727. The airline pilot told me even with my 25 years
of experience as a pilot I would not be able to fly these aircraft even IN
FLIGHT without the proper training. I was informed neither Atta or Al-Shessi
could even navigate a 2 seat Cessna 150 in flight without an instructor.*(2)
Some of the supposed suicide hijackers left letters etc., indicating they
may have to serve time etc., for their acts. (I personally believe these
people were "duped" into thinking they were making a statement that would be
publicized expressing their feelings of the uneven handling of the Mid-East
situation by the U.S.) Obviously they did not know or suspect these planes
could be crashed by remote control from the ground using "Global Hawk"
technology, that takes control away from pilots and hijackers, developed by
DARPA and Israeli multi-nationalists.*(2)
4,000 Israelis were warned not to show up for work at the WTC the day of the
Only one Jew died in WTC (a major financial center largely occupied by
Also, Sharon's planned speech to Jewish Zionists that day near to the WTC
was cancelled by Israeli secret police. (A reader in England had written me
on April5, 2001 asking if I had been to any airports in England lately and
noticed the extreme, extra ordinary number of Jews traveling from them. And
said, "are they traveling more than the rest of us spreading their "cause".
secretly doing their thing?") (This is part of his letter that was printed
in Tidbits "Mid-East Turmoil" 4/5/01). Note: It didn't mean much to me at
the time, but such a warning would not be the type of warning you would send
by phone or e-mail - but could have been delivered to Jewish leaders and
Synagogue's in the U.S. by word of mouth). *(4)
Many of the world's top intelligence agencies agree: 1. bin Laden could not
have the resources to implement the WTC plan. 2. He lives on a dialysis
machine (Note: reportedly given to him by the CIA, who he has worked for
since 1982) and has to have constant medical care. (Note: This would
preclude his living in any cave in Afghanistan). 3. Milt Bearden former CIA
agent who directed bin Ladens covert CIA operation known as Maktab al
Khidamar, the MAK in Afghanistan was on Dan Rather's national TV show Sept.
12th 2001. When Rather asked, if he (Bearden) thought bin Laden was
responsible for 911, Bearden downright snubbed the possibility. Bearden
explained "a far more sophisticated intelligence operation had to be behind
these precise coordinated attacks". And said, ""if they didn't have a bin
Laden they would have invented one". 4. It appears fairly certain the
aircraft were flown by remote control using the anti-hijacking and military
guidance system "Global Hawk". (Note: Most modern large airliners produced
in the U.S. for the last 5 or 6 years have this capability built in. The
German airline Lufthansa found out about it and had it all stripped out of
the planes they purchased from us. They did not want some foreign agency or
country "acquiring" their airliners without their knowledge or permission.)
5. At least some of the, or Zionist portions of, Department of State,
Defense, FBI, CIA and Military had to have been involved (Note: Air Defense
aircraft were not scrambled until almost two hours after the first notice of
alarm and both WTC towers and the Pentagon were hit. Fighters are always
scrambled in minutes in situations like this under existing regulations. L .
One controller at an eastern AFB (his and Base name withheld for his
protection) said he had two calls warning them NOT to scramble any fighters.
After they were scrambled, eyewitnesses said they had seen a fighter plane
shoot down the airliner in Pennsylvania) to pull off an operation of this
size and magnitude and had to have had months if not years of planning
behind it. 6. With our "Echelon" satellite system filtering every electronic
transmission in the world the U.S. agencies had to have been aware of the
plan. 7.An intelligence source who requested his name be withheld, confirmed
the following. An internal U.S. intelligence memo circulated prior to 9/11
described information that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli
operation on U.S. soil, to turn mass public opinion against Palestinian
Arabs, via an apparent terrorist attack on U.S. interests, that would give
Israel the green light to implement large scale military onslaught against
the Palestinian Arab Population. *(5)
Largest spy network ever rounded up in the U.S. Over 160 known Israeli
Mossad agents, intelligence, munitions, electronics specialists, with maps
plans, data of all types, have been rounded up but that fact has never made
the mainstream news media. An intelligence source sent me the following:
THIS INFORMATION is being SUPPRESSED by the National Media. These ONGOING
arrests are at present REMAINING CLASSIFIED BY OUR GOVERNMENT and especially
the FBI.
Apparently, these Israelis were just sent back to Israel. These included
many posing as art students, as well as many working for moving companies
(this was the biggest false front being used) throughout the U.S.
One news item was about five Israelis (working for a Israeli moving company)
that were on a roof cheering when the first WTC building was hit by the
airliner. Relatives of the five said they had lost track of them and were
trying to contact them for over two weeks before 911, but to no avail.
There also seems to be some proof that explosions were set off at the WTC
buildings simultaneously with the aircraft striking the buildings. Could
these Israeli's have set off those explosions by remote control?
I'm afraid we will never know. They were put in two jails in New Jersey and
then returned very quietly to Israel and nothing has been said about them
since. *(6)
Gold price suppression: a lawsuit was too be filed before court closing on
Sep. 11th against some of the richest most powerful men in the world for
illegally suppressing gold prices for years.
All the evidence was in two FBI offices in the WTC that were completely
destroyed.*(7) Shades of Oklahoma, City where all the Waco records were kept
in the ATF offices in that building.
Heroin & cocaine that brings billions of dollars through Wall St. from the
CIA controlled poppy fields in Afghanistan were destroyed by the Taliban
(Now they are flourishing again).*(8)
Israeli credibility and support was at it's lowest ebb ever right before
911. The International Red Cross and several nations wanted to try Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in the World Court as a War Criminal for the
mindless slaughter of Lebanese and Palestinians. Also, many thousands of
Americans were demanding all aid to Israel be stopped. In addition, Israel
was declared a "racist" nation by the conference in Durbin.
Only Israel gained by the 911 disaster.
Now through their control of the mass media all that has been forgotten.*(9)
Israel Poll by Reuters: On 10/24/01 a poll taken by Reuters Israel and not
reported in the U.S. Shows: 46% of Americans want to "rethink" the U.S.
relationship with Israel-ending military and economic aid and ending U.S
support for Israel.
58% saw U.S. ties to Israel as "a major" cause of the attacks on N. Y. &
Washington. (10)
See www.tidbitsnews.com Website Index for full reporting of items mentioned
in this column-"WTC Part III", *(5) (9) - "WTC Part IV" *(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (9) - "Knowing Only What The Media Wants You To Know" *(6) (7) (8) (9).-
"AOL - America On Line" *(5).- "Global Hawk", * (2) (4) (5) (9). -"WTC Part
II" *(2) (5).- "WTC - Who Is Really Responsible?" *(5) (2) (9),- "Mid-East
Turmoil" (4)-"Reuters Israel Poll". *(2) (5) (6) (10)
Sir Peter Bonnell is an American who was Knighted in 1977 for "an
outstanding fight against world communism". He was promoted to Commander &
Brig. Gen. In 1978, served as Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of St. John
1978-1980, appointed as Chairman of the Ohio Governor's Export Council to
Central America in 1982. His political writing are distributed to news
services in the U.S. and other countries.
This article comes from Friends of Freedom
The URL for this story is:
altmedka:Alternative Medium by KIMURA Aiji
Big big name, ah, ah, ah........
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