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アメリカ−アフガニスタンの呪われた連合のもう一つの寒々としたエピソード ―『ロヤ・ジルガ』あるいは無知の大立法会議― が6月11日、カブール工業大学で招集された。
だがあなたがたの主に誓けてそうではないのである。彼等は信じないであろう。彼等の間の紛争に就いてあなたの裁定を仰ぎ、あなたの判決したことに、彼等自身不満を感じず、心から納得して信服するまでは。(コーラン4:65 ) 彼等が求めるのは、無明(時代)の裁判であるのか。だが信心堅固な者にとって、アッラーに優る裁判者があろうか。(コーラン5:50 ) 本当の信者たちは、裁きのため、アッラーと使徒に呼び出されると、「畏まりました。従います。」と言う。本当に、そのような人々こそ栄える者である。(コーラン24:51)
13 June 2002 :
U.S. Puppet Continues as President
Kabul (Azzam):
In yet another bleak episode of the accursed U.S.- Afghan coalition, the 'Loya Jirga', or the Grand Legislative Council of Ignorance convened at the Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul on June 11.
The former exiled Soviet puppet king, Muhammad Zahir Shah, who during his reign helped 'modernize' Afghanistan with ideals of disbelief, opened the council a day after rejecting a movement to draft him as president.
Zahih Shah had originally been ousted from Afghanistan by yet another Soviet puppet, Muhammad Dawud, who paved the way for further Soviet/Communist influence amongst the Muslims of Afghanistan.
[See: Jihad Lands: The Islamic History of Afghanistan]
In what is believed to be a U.S. backed move, Zahir Shah has thrown his support behind fellow puppet Pashtun, Hamid Karzai, who has served as interim government chairman since December and will most probably continue as president for another 18 months.
Some warlords and politicians oppose Karzai because he has allied with former leaders of the Northern Alliance, ethnic Tajiks who dominate the current cabinet.
Minutes before the council opened, former president Rabbani also withdrew himself from the leadership race, but he still remains the political leader of the Northern Alliance.
However, some observers suggest that the subsequent surprise revelation that interim interior minister Yunus Qanooni will leave office could spark political turmoil among Afghan factions.
Karzai continued, stating that Zahir Shah was to take on a more ceremonial role in Afghanistan and that he would be instrumental in endorsing the 'new constitution' planned for Afghanistan.
It suffices for the Muslims around the world to contemplate on the following verses of their constitution, the Holy Quran:
“But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction.“ [Quran 4:65]
“Is it then the judgment of (the times of) ignorance that they desire? And who is better than Allah to judge for a people who are sure?”
[Quran 5:50]
“The response of the believers, when they are invited to Allah and His Apostle that he may judge between them, is only to say:We hear and we obey;and these it is that are the successful.” [Quran 24:51]
May Allah humiliate and punish severely those who have replaced the Law of Allah with man-made laws and legislation of disbelief.
For Allah is the only Law Maker and He is All Knowing, All Powerful.
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