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911の真相があぶり出されそう 投稿者:himanarsi 投稿日: 4月27日(土)01時23分06秒
そこで勇気を得て、今度は英語のみ、Cynthia McKinneyを探したら、名前の記憶がある電網宝庫の掲示板に行き当たった。最も興味深いのは、自ら退役空軍兵士(retired Air Force veteran)と名乗る投稿者の証言である。
彼は当然のことながら、軍の行動機能を熟知しており、日本では片仮名語のスクランブルで通じるが、911事件での初歩的な疑問、interceptor、軍事「要撃[迎撃]戦闘機:緊急出撃能力を持つ防空戦闘機の発進が無かったことを指摘し、彼の同僚の多くがシンシア・マケニイの声明を支持している(many of my colleagues, support her statements)と証言しているのである。
続く投稿の中には、さらに、議会の調査活動への不信、ブッシュ、石油権力機構、軍産複合体が関与する陰謀(conspiracy involving Bush, the oil power structure and the military industrial complex)という表現も出てくる。
Editor's Mailbag
Supports Rep. Cynthia McKinney
I am writing to you in support of Rep. Cynthia McKinney. Recently, she has been attacked relentlessly by the media about her statements regarding the evidence on the Bush administration's possible foreknowledge of the events of 9/11. I, and many of my colleagues, support her statements.
I am a retired Air Force veteran and know how the military works. I cannot believe the level of incompetence displayed by the Department of Defense on the morning of September 11. Eastern seaboard airspace is one of the most heavily guarded and monitored areas in the world. The FAA tracked four commercial flights on radar hundreds of miles off course for over an hour. They promptly notified the Dept. of Defense. Andrews AFB (only 10 miles from the Pentagon) failed to launch their interceptors when they tracked Flight 77 approaching, even with the knowledge that the WTC Towers were hit 30 minutes beforehand, which is unusual in itself since the airspace around the WTC Towers was classified a "no-fly zone."
Also, taking into consideration when, a few years ago, pro golfer Payne Stewart's plane was intercepted promptly by fighters at Tyndall AFB in Florida when it when it went off course and crashed killing him and his crew. Why isn't this brought up by the media?
The actions of President Bush also leave much to be desired on September 11. Why did he just sit and listen to children's stories at a Florida elementary school for over a half hour after he was notified about a national emergency? A few weeks later at a press conference in Orlando, why did he state that he saw "the first tower hit on television" when there was no live coverage, or any possibility that anyone would know? (CNN))
Why were the 19 terrorists, identified in less than 24 hours, not on the original passenger lists of the airline companies? And just to expand matters further, why was Osama bin Laden not arrested at an American medical facility in Dubai by the CIA when they met him there just six weeks prior to 911? (Le Figaro)
A petition for a major investigation by thousands of concerned citizens and organizations was brought before Senators Boxer and Feinstein in California. What is the status of this?
All in all, I do not believe the official version of what happened on 911 as portrayed by the media, nor should you if there is any common sense or investigative inquisitiveness left in the government and the media. That is why I support Cynthia McKinney and I urge you to do the same.
Bill Greene,
U.S. Veteran for Peace
Excellent article . . . Well written and informative!
My compliments. Bruce Ticker's article is powerful and informative.
Your website is a success.
Keep up the excellent work.
Connecting the dots
Thank you for presenting an unbiased story. After listening to you on C-SPAN, I feel you are doing a wonderful job of telling the truth.
I have suggested to my many friends on the Net to read your story. Most of them do not have time to watch cable so you are providing a wonderful service.
Again, thank you.
Mary Anne Helton
Begala is a right wing toady
When the comments made by Rep. Cynthia McKinney, as to the need for a full investigation of the Sept. 11 tragedy and what led up to it were brought up on Crossfire by (what's his name) Carlson . . . Paul Begala stated that he was embarrassed; Begala than proceeded to crawl under the table to show just how embarrassed he was by Rep. Mc Kinney's statements.
Crossfire is no longer watched in our household. If Begala is liberal than Limbaugh is on loan from God.
J. Warren
Larry Chin
Thank you, thank you.
Do you think if we stood 500 deep around the White House . . .
Barbara Noble
No Nukes - Ever
Linda Deak article
Linda Deak has some great lines―who, after all, would willingly sleep with a cold-hearted, morally deficient, lying, hypocritical, selfish, arrogant, prone to lying and stealing, and for the most part monumentally stupid jerk? The defining characteristics of Repukelicans, as any critical observer can quickly ascertain, are hypocrisy, criminality, and blind, willing stupidity. Gold diggers may be able to put their revulsion aside long enough to get included in the will, but other than that, only dogs (and perverts) screw dogs.
However, the Repugnants' attitude towards sex is not so much aversion as PERversion. Their self-centeredness makes it impossible for them to participate in, much less enjoy, anything like a caring, loving, sexual relationship, so they take the drives of their defective hormones out in vicious dominance games. This is why they don't consider rape to be a crime much worth worrying about―"she asked for it"―but will howl with mortally wounded offense at a little consensual pleasuring, because they themselves are not capable of either mutual consent or pleasure.
The right wing slime have no problem with sex, so long as it hurts someone else. That's why so many holier-than-thou self-proclaimed "moralistas" are adulterers. What they can't stand is the idea that both, or all, parties might be perfectly willing and mutually satisfied.
There is not so much a "greed gene," which is only one manifestation of the "conservative" mentality that has the self-centeredness of a baby in diapers, as an all-around genetic psychological defect in the self-proclaimed "right's" ability to believe, or perceive, that anyone except themselves (and sometimes their wealthiest "pal") is a human being at all. Clinically, this trait is called "psychopathy." It is a severe mental disorder, not usually treatable. It is also the reason why all of the worst tyrants and mass murderers in history have been "hard-line right." Indeed, it is why Hitler and the Bush family worked so well together and are so easily compared to each other, and the only difference between one brand, or nationality, or religion, of terrorists and any other is what name they call their "invisible ghost."
Fortunately, it is a recessive trait, and in some undecided cases can be overcome by education and force of will, if they have reason enough. It is the responsibility of sane, thinking people everywhere to provide the reasons and the persuasion that will allow those who can still be helped, to open their eyes and learn that facts, reason, and sanity are, after all, entirely on the side of liberals.
Dian L. Hardison
Central Florida
Eli Lilly/Enron/Mitch Daniels
The April 10 New York Times (Enron Offered Management Aid To Companies) describes how Eli Lilly partook in at least one Enron financial strategy deal. The likelihood is that this occurred while Mitch Daniels was Eli's senior vice president of corporate strategy and policy.
While the article does not implicate Daniels or characterize Eli's transaction as illegal, the search for White House connections to Enron will yield high returns and generate public interest.
Open Secrets shows that as of April 10, Eli Lilly is the number three pharmaceutical political giver in the 2002 election cycle with 69 percent of its $715,061 contribution going to Republicans.
Making connections,
Richard F. Schilf
Park Forest, IL
Re: View from Abroad
Just a note to say I loved the View from Abroad, April 1, by Linda Deak. My sentiments exactly, madam, and more power to you for putting it so succinctly!!!
Christie Smith
Austin, TX
September 11
Joyce Lynn's article of March 27 reinforces a belief I have had relative to September 11 that there may be a conspiracy involving Bush, the oil power structure and the military industrial complex. When the Taliban refused to allow the pipeline to cross Afghanistan, Bush and his minions needed an excuse to destroy opposition to the pipeline. This sounds like Operation Northwoods that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff concocted to create a reason to invade Cuba in 1962. We need an independent and believable investigation into this matter. I am not sure I fully trust some in Congress to make such an investigation.
John E. Geyer
Tehachapi, CA
Larry Chin's article
Brilliant use of the English language in the piece Larry Chin did on Enron. The story blew me away and also sheds light on the underworld that is the American/Corporate Govt. we all know and trust???
Re: Marching like sheep to the slaughter
After reading the above article I couldn't help but recall the 'town meeting" put on by Peter Jennings and Co. When asked about the State of The Union address, the responses ranged from adoration to near sexual desire for the appointed president.
The final question was asked of a lady, who could easily have been baking apple pies in a red, white and blue apron prior to the show. After noting that Smirk didn't mention the Enron debacle in his "speech" she was asked "How do you think the president is handling the domestic front . . ."
I rose to my feet, thinking, "Now is the time to strike at the draft dodging Enron criminal and election thief, go lady go!!."
The lady responded . . ."I think" . . . long pause . . ."I think he (Bush) is" . . . pause . . ."for the people."
The Correspondent: "Peter . . . back to you."
E.J, Lloyd
Pasadena, CA
Re: Altered estates
Our thanks for the well written article. Mr. Higdon certainly has hit the nail on the head. We couldn't agree with him more.
Keep up the good work!
Edward & Sara Canade
Marshalltown, IA
1 Billion strong and growing
What markets look promising for the oil companies? Can the USA consume any more oil products? What about Mexico, India, China?
With a little analysis, it quickly becomes apparent that China's market for autos and energy will blow by the US in 10 years. That is a market to nurture. If China can be hooked on oil by introducing cheap fuel for five or so years, think of the long-term market opportunities for oil producers. Where does that leave the US? The US will subsidize the clearing of all obstacles and long term protection of oil reserves around the world. The reason we are in such an all-fired hurry is that it has become a game of who will get there first. China's demand for energy will place demand on its rulers. They, too, will have to find cheap oil. It looks like good timing. Go for broke while Russia is struggling and before China realizes the political pressure from consumer demand. The US taxpayer will essentially assist the oil companies, via US policies, in the development of markets for oil in places like China. With China's clamping down on access to information, they can be stuck in an industrial revolution for many years to come. With the US policy on secrecy also emerging, maybe home security can hinder new developing technology. The Chinese government will become heavily reliant on taxes created from fuel consumption.
The story that is not being told are the sacrifices that Americans will make in order to pay for that long range marketing plan that benefit global oil companies. US taxpayers will pay for aggressive military actions in more ways than one. On one hand, taxpayers pay for equipment to defend oil pockets in countries around the globe. On another hand, those activities tend to rile some groups that have demanded a wall around our country. Also, deficit budgets to deliver this agenda will ultimately drive up interest rates and provide Americans with a lower standard of living. The notion that the US needs to create energy strategies to become less dependent on oil lacks vision. It should read, the US needs to create technologies allowing the world to become less dependent on oil. When the global approach is taken, the US can become the leader in creating new technologies that can support a higher standard of living at home. It will reduce the need to use arms to protect oil reserves around the world thus allowing other opportunities. The oil companies would like to supply cheap oil, which reduces interest in change and new energy alternatives.
Cheap oil is available when there is lots of it from multiple locations. Cheap oil creates new markets, but reduces the greatness of American innovation and will certainly reduce our standard of living.
The choice in the 2000 election was made. The choice of oil over technology. Does anyone ponder what the board of directors at big oil companies thought when they saw all the dot.com billionaires being created. They might have considered what it might be like to take that money from them and put it back where it belonged. They even might have developed a plan. A plan to cripple the dot.com world and chase that equity back to real companies. After all, a PC was starting to become the car of the future. How could that be accomplished? I know a bunch of guys running a real shaky outfit in Texas that can shut down California's economy with some price gouging. Let's give it a try.
Clueless in Seattle
Good work
Keep up the good work. Online Journal is one of the few places to get an intelligent opinion and information that's unreported elsewhere.
David Lucier
Santa Cruz, CA
The article on Enron by Larry Chin just reinforces my view that the Bush family is one of the most corrupt political families in the country. I don't understand why George H. W. Bush stays on with the Carlyle group while his son is in the White House, asking for a massive increase in defense spending. It's just an astounding conflict of interest. Of course, with the right wing in control of the media, very little will be said.
Charles Hills
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