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27 May 2002 :
Joint Pak-US Operation In North Waziristan Agency Fails
Meeranshah(AZZAM) :
On the basis of incorrect information provided by agents of the disbelieving US and its allies, the Pakistan Army Frontier Corps troops, along with political administration forces and US commandos, carried out an operation on Saturday night, in the North Waziristan tribal region, but it was a total failure.
Reliable sources have informed that some people informed the US forces that Al-Qaida and Taliban troops were present in a village called Qutub Khail, located 3 km away from Meeranshah, in North Waziristan.
The Pakistani and American troops thus proceeded to raid Qutub Hal village on Saturday night.
They set up checkposts in the whole village and performed house by house search operations.
The raiding teams felt extremely embarrassed when they did not find even a single Taliban or Al-Qaida soldier there.
The raiding team used 20 4X4 vehicles as an indication of the huge numbers of personnel involved (over 100).
The locals were extremely disturbed and angry at this operation and, on the other hand, the Pakistani forces felt very stupid after causing so many problems just to please their disbelieving masters, and without result.
28 May 2002 :
Message from Azzam.Com to its Visitors
Please publicise this message as widely as you can through your web-sites, mailing lists and discussion boards.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind
By the Grace of Allah the Almighty, Allah has enabled us to provide news and information on Jihad and the Mujahideen, to the Muslim Ummah, since 1996.
This has not arisen because of us and our efforts, but only due to Allah's Grace and the duas (supplications) of our sincere visitors who have supplicated to Allah to keep our web-site open.
Nevertheless, our web-site has not been without problems and downtime.
Some of these problems have been due to a shortfall on our part, whilst others have been due to the plots and plans of our enemies (may Allah destroy them).
However, it is important for our Muslim visitors to understand that, contrary to what may be perceived, the work of Jihad and the Mujahideen, be it physical, media- related or financial, is not carried out by thousands of people, with thousands of dollars and professional resources at their disposal.
Rather, it is carried out by small numbers of individuals, who are human beings, with little resources and whatever financial means they have at their disposal.
Coupled with the inevitability of opposition for the one who traverses the path of Jihad, Truth and Honour, it is expected that problems will and must occur.
Therefore, it is only due to Our Creator's blessings if our work is successful and it is only due to ourselves and our sins if our work is a failure.
As for the one who follows the path of Jihad, Truth and Honour, it is inevitable that he will face opposition, trials and adversity.
It is inevitable that he will be forced to inconvenience himself in order to protect the work.
It is inevitable that he will play a 'cat and mouse' game with his enemies in order to allow the work to continue.
It is inevitable that he will have to sacrifice many more hours and money in order to sustain his work, then others whose work does not raise the anger of the disbelievers.
It is inevitable that his enemies will do all they can in order to destroy, disrupt and stop his work, whether by arrest, imprisonment or torture, but they will never be able to do this except by the Permission of the Almighty.
Bearing this in mind, we would like to apologise to our visitors and supporters for the continual problems that our web-site has been subjected to.
This was not the first time we have had problems and it may not be the last.
We would like to thank our visitors and supporters for their patience with us and their continual return to our web-site even when it has been slow or laced with problems.
We have mentioned many times before that one of the best ways the Muslims can assist and participate in our efforts is to spread and redistribute our news, articles and information (always mentioning Azzam.com as the source) everywhere they can, in every web-site, noticeboard, discussion board, email, mailing list, that they are able to.
Furthermore, we would like to inform our visitors that we have decided to temporarily switch back to our old site in order to continue to provide news at a fast download speed, whilst we work in order to rectify speed problems with our new site.
For this reason, we would like to request all our visitors and supporters, who have supported our efforts over the years, to inform the Muslims that our site is once again serving daily news at a fast speed, so that we may bring back those visitors whom we may have lost over the last month or so, to the site once again.
We would also like to request our visitors to continue to supplicate to Allah to enable us to resolve the problems on our site and for it to remain open, because a web-site does not remain open or shut down except by the Permission of the Almighty.
As a gesture of goodwill to our visitors and supporters, and an apology for our site problems, we will shortly be conducting an exclusive interview with a Foreign Mujahid Commander inside Afghanistan, whereby our visitors will be able to submit their questions on any topic, from how to assist the Mujahideen and American casualties, to accounts of miracles and the future.
Please watch our site for further details once we work out the logistics of this feature.
May Allah reward and help all those who support and serve the Mujahideen with their supplications, their time, their keyboards, their money and their efforts.
Azzam Publications (Azzam.com) 28 May 2002
http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan
http://www.maktabah.net or http://www.amazon.co.uk for Join the Caravan 2nd Edition by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
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