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1. 研究サークルや講義などのモスクの通常のグループ活動
2. コミュニティで上記の活動を組織すると個人の名前、ジハードや聖戦士との関連やそれらへの支持で知られている個人の名前。
3. モスク内にCCTVカメラを設置してMI5が、モスクに頻繁に来る人々と同様にモスクでのレギュラー活動に参加する人々の記録を簡単にビデオにとることが出来るようにすること。
9/11攻撃はまた、イスラムの所謂『学者』に混乱した声明、オピニオンとファトワ ― ジハードを魂に対する戦いとして正当化し、パレスチナやアフガニスタンの聖戦士の行動を非難し、アフガニスタンの聖戦士やキューバに拘留されている聖戦士(アッラーが彼らを解放なさいますように)を嘲り侮辱している ― を出させることになった。
●交通事故でアメリカ兵2名死亡、10名が重傷を負う − コースト
●カンダハル空港のB-52 爆撃機がミサイル攻撃で破壊
24 May 2002
Azzam.com would like to issue intelligence bulletins from time to time to inform the Muslims of new methods, tactics and procedures being employed by disbelieving intelligence authorities in their 'War Against Islam (Terrorism).
Please redistribute these bulletins widely through your web-sites, discussion boards and mailing lists in order to make the Muslims aware of these activities.
MI5 Visiting British Mosque Committees
Since 11 September 2001, British Intelligence MI5 has stepped up activities against Muslim residents of Britain.
Almost every single British mosque has had visits from MI5 officers, where they have sat down with the mosque committee and asked them for the following information amongst others:
1. Regular group activities at the mosque such as study circles, lectures, etc.
The timings of these activities, attendance, nature of topics discussed etc.
2. Names of individuals in the community who organise the above activities and other individuals who are known to be associated or supportive of Jihad and the Mujahideen.
3. To install CCTV cameras INSIDE the mosque premises so that MI5 can easily keep a record of video footage of individuals frequenting the mosque as well as those who attend regular activities there.
The mosques have been told to inform their worshippers that the CCTV cameras are being installed for their safety and comfort in the wake of 'Anti-Muslim backlash' following the 9/11 attacks, even though it is well-known that the number of Anti-Muslim incidents against Western mosques as a result of the 9/11 attacks are too small to even mention.
Although many of the 'Muslims' who run British mosques are modernist and pro- Western businessmen, supportive of the policies of Western Governments and anti-Muslim, anti-Jihad and anti-Mujahideen, there are some sincere individuals within the committees that have publicised this information to members of their communities.
The details above have been extracted on the basis of information provided by sincere individuals in several mosque committees in different parts of Britain.
Furthermore, MI5 has been placing adverts in national newspapers calling to recruit Urdu, Arabic, Punjabi, Bengali, Pushto and other Muslim language speakers.
Since 11 September 2000, MI5 has already recruited 150 British- based officers, who specialise in the above languages and it has received a budget to continue recruiting several hundred more over the next few years.
What this means for Muslims is that there is an increased number of spies working within Muslim communities, inside mosques and inside mosque committees, who will have beards, attend prayers, wear Islamic clothing and speak with Islamic words.
The Muslims should be aware of potential agents within their ranks according to the 'How to Spot Infiltrators and Agents' that we will shortly be releasing.
Furthermore, the Muslim communities should strongly protest any installation of CCTV cameras inside their mosques.
It is part of the plan that a few mosques were attacked and had windows smashed, in order to frighten Muslim communities and convince them of the need to install CCTV cameras.
For safety purposes, it is understandable that CCTV cameras should be placed outside mosques and cover the external parts of the premises.
However, what is the need to install CCTV cameras INSIDE mosque premises if not to spy on Muslims?
The Muslims should strongly oppose and resist any recent installation of CCTV cameras inside mosque premises and if the committee does not agree, they will be responsible if the Muslims remove the cameras from the insides of the mosques themselves or destroy the equipment themselves.
The mosques belong to Allah and all the Muslims:
they do not belong to wealthy, pro-Western, secular minded businessmen who entertain homosexual officials inside mosque premises in order to woo their support.
'Militant' Infiltrators into Islamic Discussion Boards
Another new tactic of Western intelligence authorities since 11 September 2001 and one actually acknowledged by MI5, is infiltration of Islamic discussion boards (in English, Arabic and other languages) to spread anti-Jihad propaganda.
The infiltrators are always those with Muslim usernames, usually those with militant signatures such as quotes of Bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, etc. in order to portray themselves as 'still being supportive of Jihad, but I don't agree with this or that, which is terrorism'.
These infiltrators seem to have some, but a rather basic understanding of the religion and can usually be silenced with some strong evidence.
Most of their comments are based on emotions as opposed to evidence from Shariah.
Recently, the case of the execution of Mossad Officer Daniel Pearl brought out a lot of these infiltrators who shouted and screamed on these discussion boards based on emotions as opposed to Shariah evidences.
The sincere Muslims who support the Jihad and the Mujahideen, but are not able to join them yet, should participate in fighting the enemies of Allah on the Islamic discussion boards and cleansing them of infiltrators, who normally stick out like sore thumbs with their comments and postings, which are based more on emotions and logic than solid Shariah evidences from early and latter scholars.
Some examples of infiltrated discussion boards can be found at clearguidance.com (Canada based), ymuk.net (UK based), islah.org (UK based, in Arabic).
New 'Islamic' Web Sites on the Internet to Dampen Pro-Jihad Feelings
Another phenomenon that has appeared on the Internet after the 9/11 attacks, is a large number of 'Islamic' web- sites that mention Jihad, the rules of Jihad and sometimes may even carry news reports from the Mujahideen.
However, upon closer study one will find that it is not unlikely that some of these sites may actually be run by Western Intelligence agencies in order to dampen Pro-Jihad feelings, whilst at the same time portraying themselves as 'Quran and Sunnah' following Islamic web-sites.
Since the web-sites are Islamic and appear to be written by practising Muslims, sometimes they are very misleading because the Muslims will readily believe news from an Islamic web-site as opposed to a non-Islamic one.
A point in particular is the issue of the execution of Mossad Officer, Daniel Pearl.
Some Islamic web-sites that otherwise may show themselves as supporting Jihad, specifically chose to either ignore this issue altogether and not even mention it, whilst others actively went out of their way to show that his execution was wrong for whatever reason.
For example, Azzam Publications posted several news reports relating to Daniel Pearl's execution, mixed with other news.
However, the news reports appeared on the Internet around various Islamic web-sites, with the Daniel Pearl bit specifically edited out and the other news included.
Furthermore, his execution video appeared on some web-sites but some Islamic web-sites specifically chose not to publicise this.
In order to safeguard themselves from such possibilities, the Muslims are advised to only take their news and opinions on Jihad and the Mujahideen from established, trusted web-sites, who have a history in providing this information which stretches long before the 9/11 attacks.
Islamic 'Scholars' Giving Opinions and Fatawa about Jihad
The 9/11 attacks also brought about a flurry of statements, opinions and fatawa from Islamic so-called 'scholars', justifying Jihad as a struggle against one soul, criticising actions of the Mujahideen in Palestine and Afghanistan and mocking or insulting the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and those imprisoned in Cuba (may Allah release them).
The Muslims must only accept fatawa relating to Jihad and current affairs from the Mujahideen and their scholars, of which there are many from all madhabs (Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali) and most Muslim countries from Pakistan and Indonesia to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
They should not forget the famous statement of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have mercy on his soul):
"Jihad today has become like a taboo subject that is discussed over tea or coffee. The one who speaks or writes about Jihad has not even spent a single minute in the battlefield."
If the Muslims hear any statement from any Muslim scholar in the World against Jihad or criticising the Mujahideen or their actions, they must first ask themselves,
"Who is this man and what track record or history does he have in Jihad? How long has he himself fought in the battlefield and participated in physical Jihad, for him to make such comments?"
Once the Muslims find the answers to these questions, the legitimacy of this 'scholar' to speak about Jihad will be made clear automatically.
Unfortunately, today, the Muslims accept fatawa about Jihad from everyone except the Mujahideen and their scholars, who are in a better position to comment on Jihad and the Mujahideen than those living far away, detached from the Jihad and the battlefield.
If a Muslim was to ask a bank manager about the permissibility of working in a bank, what type of answer will he give?
Of course, he will say it is permissible and go to extreme lengths to justify his answer with evidences from Quran and Sunnah.
Likewise, if, for a fatwa related to Jihad, the Muslims refer to a scholar who has never fought in battle for the sake of Allah, never buried martyrs with his own hands, never soaked the blood of the injured Mujahideen, never seen the bodies of his brothers and fellow Muslims, what type of answer will he give?
It is obvious that he will give an answer to justify his own actions of abandoning Jihad, and try his best to prop up his answer with evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah.
Many Muslim 'scholars' today have been specifically ordered by Western and hypocrite Governments to dampen Pro-Jihad feelings through their speeches, statements and lectures.
Muslims can protect themselves from these people by only accepting fatawa relating to the Jihad, from the Mujahideen leaders and scholars.
Serving Jihad and the Mujahideen
850 Canadian Troops Will Return From Afghanistan
Ottawa (AZZAM):
Canada while reassuring its support in the US lead War Against Islam said that its ground troops will withdraw from Afghanistan in August 2002 and may return back if needed in the future.
These views were expressed by Canadian Defence Minister Art Eagleton in Ottawa while speaking to journalists.
He said that they have decided to recall the 850 soldiers who are performing duties in Afghanistan alongside American troops.
Khost- U.S. Military Vehicle in Road Accident, 2 U.S. Troops Killed and 10 Seriously Injured
Meeranshah (AZZAM):
A traffic accident near Khost airport claimed the lives of two American commandos and seriously injured ten others.
According to information received from across the border, the soldiers were part of a large U.S. military convoy that had arrived in Khost to resolve the dispute between rival warlords, Abdul Hakeem Tanwal and Bacha Khan, on the issue of governorship.
Around 600 U.S. commandos were present in this convoy.
The injured were taken to a nearby American base via helicopters.
The situation between Abdul Hakeem Tanwal and Bacha Khan continued to be tense and the deadline for talks would have ended on Wednesday.
Both opponents are ready to fight it out and have set up front lines against each other.
B-52 Bomber Was Destroyed in Missile Attack on Kandahar Airport
Kandahar (AZZAM):
The warplane was completely burned out as a result of a successful missile attack on the airport by the Mujahideen.
According to sources, on Tuesday, two missiles were fired from an unknown location at the military planes parked on the runway.
The first missile missed the targets, but the second struck a B-52 bomber, which caught fire and was destroyed in a very short time.
Eyewitnesses told a Daily Islam correspondent that the U.S. personnel were so scared and disorientated after the incident, they dismissed all local Afghan servicemen present in the airport.
Reports also indicate the Americans have no clue about the origin of the attack.
The locals say the uncertainty, speed and ferocity of these attacks have sent waves of fear across the troops present in the city and cast a shadow of death over the minds of the soldiers.
The demoralised troops think that an attack and death could come at any time, and have banned free movement in certain areas, thinking the entire Afghan community is in league with the Taliban.
http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan
http://www.maktabah.net or http://www.amazon.co.uk for Join the Caravan 2nd Edition by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
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UK Marines in Afghan firefight
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