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― たいていの場合ジャーナリストや作家または『当局者』の仮面をつけている ― を捕えて処刑することは許され得る。
「ハキフ(Thaqif ムスリムと戦ったアラビアの部族)は、バヌ・アキィール(アラビアの別の部族)の同盟国であった。
囚人は答えた:「何故、あなたは私を囚人にしたのですか?何故、あなたは私のラクダをとるのですか? ― 預言者(彼に平安あれ)はこのラクダをとり、アル-アドゥバーと名付けた
●米偵察機撃墜 ― ジャコババード
●合衆国が恐れる不可避の攻撃 ― 米国防長官
Video Release Showing Execution of Mossad Agent, Daniel Pearl
20 May 2002
Pakistan (Monitoring Desk):
A short video has been released recently on the public domain, showing the execution of the Mossad agent, Daniel Pearl.
This video can be found on www.khurasaan.com (see below for link).
The Muslims who did such a deed were reported to have said that
"We are weaker than some countries but we are not shameless.
We have investigated Daniel Pearl and we came to know that he is not a CIA official but a Mossad agent.
Therefore, we warn that if the United States does not meet our demands within 24 hours then we will kill Daniel Pearl.
However, we will keep on sending food to his family after killing him.
We cannot forget American kindness that they gave a gift of death to hundreds of thousands of Muslims and rained food on their relatives."
It seems that some Muslims around the world have criticized this action, saying that it is 'unislamic' to capture 'journalists' who attempt to infiltrate Islamic countries and then to execute them as a lesson to the disbelievers for not meeting their demands, which were to benefit the Ummah.
Furthermore, some Muslims have openly voiced their concern about the apparent mutilation of Pearl's body and how 'inhumane' the Mujahideen have become.
The truth from Islam is that it is permissible to capture and execute treacherous agents of Kufr organizations, who strive to gather information and intelligence from Muslim communities, usually under the guise of journalists, writers or 'officials'.
Such intelligence usually leads to the arrests, torture and imprisonment of many Muslims around the world.
The decision to do such actions relies upon the leader of the Muslims of that locality or group, who have consulted Islamic scholars and are acting according to the Divine Law of Allah and the Practise of His Messenger (peace be upon him), which is sufficient for them.
As for mutilation, then such Muslims should not be so quick to blame their brothers for doing something which may be deemed as permissible under their specific circumstances.
Mutilation for the sake of humiliating the dead and dishonouring them is forbidden in Islam, however if the killers of Daniel Pearl wished to dispose of his body, then they wouldn't have put his body in a coffin and buried him in the local graveyard!
If their intention was to conceal the body so that the authorities could not find them, then perhaps cutting the body in pieces was a way of doing so.
Again, the Muslims must think twice before blaming Muslims for doing things which maybe permissible by necessity.
The Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, upon instruction from Angel Gabriel (upon him be peace) ordered the execution of at least 600 of the treacherous Jews of Banu Quraiza by beheading, who had betrayed the Muslims and sided with the disbelievers during the Battle of the Confederates.
This was a lesson to the disbelievers and was a practise continually used by the Companions as a way of striking fear in the hearts of the disbelievers as a recompense for their treachery.
Daniel Pearl was no different in the eyes of the Muslims who did this,
and it is their word that we accept over and above what the disbelieving media may profess from its usual lies and misinformation.
To illustrate another point, the following narration from the Prophetic History, authenticated by Imam Muslim:
"Thaqif (an Arabic tribe at war with the Muslims) were allies of Banu Aqeel (another Arabic tribe).
Thaqif captured two companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Thereafter, other companions captured a man from Banu Aqeel, and brought him to the encampment of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
The prisoner said:
"Oh Muhammad!"
upon which the Prophet approached him and replied:"What do you seek?"
the prisoner replied:
"Why have you taken me (prisoner) and why have you taken my camel (which was taken by the Prophet, peace be upon him, and named 'Al Addbaa').
The Prophet replied to the prisoner:
"I took you because of the crimes committed by your allies Thaqif."
The Prophet, peace be upon him, was not mistaken in his actions, for war demands such actions in defence of the soldiers of Islam.
For a discussion on the Islamic ruling on the permissibility of executing prisoners of war, please click the following link:
US Spy Plane Shot Down In Jacobabad, Tension Among the U.S. Authorities
Islamabad(Islam Correspondent/Agencies) :
One of the US spy planes was shot down in Pakistan on Saturday.
This unmanned spy plane was destroyed during a routine flight mission.
According to information this plane took off from Jacobabad airbase.
On Saturday morning at about 3:30 am the plane's contact with the base was disconnected.
According to a foreign news agency report this spy plane was destroyed in a village called Bahram, which lies to the south west of Pakistan.
The cause of the crash has not been revealed and there has been no reaction by the United States while on the other hand this incident has created great tension among the U.S. and Coalition authorities.
One Thousand British Marines Deployed in Eastern Afghanistan
Kabul(ANN) :
According to the New York Times, another one thousand British Marines have started a operation against Taliban and Arab Mujahideen on Saturday, soon after they had arrived in Afghanistan.
The British Marines were deployed in Eastern Afghanistan.
According to reliable sources, about 100 Taliban or Arab Mujahideen are active in the region.
According to the Afghan administration, around 40 innocent citizens were killed due to U.S. retaliatory bombing.
The US administration on the other hand insisted that their warplane was targetted from the ground.
The commander of 1700 British troops in Afghanistan, Brigadier Roogerlin, said that British marines are carrying out an operation after being attacked.
Meanwhile, nearly 400 British Marines have been taken ill with an illness, which is reportedly spreading amongst their ranks.
May Allah rain upon the disbelieving occupying troops all sorts of disease and destruction and make an example of them in front of the whole world.
More Unavoidable Attacks Feared Upon the United States - U.S. Defense Minister
Washington(Sana News) :
The U.S. Defence Minister Donald Rumsfield said that despite all the security measures available, it is not possible to avoid terrorist attacks in the United States because all places will not be guarded all the time.
He divorced the fact that no more attacks are expected over the United States.
He said that security has been tightened since the September 11 attacks, but it was not possible to safeguard all American installations.
Forthcoming Titles from Azzam Publications
20 May 2002
1. 'Defence of the Muslim Lands' by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
Paperback, 108pp, 2nd Revised English Edition, ISBN:
Expected August 2002.
A new, fully checked and revised version of this classic book, with the addition of over 150 explanatory footnotes and a scholars base containing brief biographies of every single classical scholar mentioned in the text.
2. 'The Lofty Mountain' by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
Paperback, 1st English Edition.
A biographical book on the life of Sheikh Tameem Adnani, a heroic scholar of the Afghan Jihad.
It contains a unique, descriptive, first-hand account of the famous Lion's Den Operation in Jaji, Afghanistan, in 1987 whereby 50 Mujahideen held off a month-long assault by several battalions of Soviet and Communist soldiers.
3. 'Signs of Ar-Rahman in the Jihad of the Afghan' by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
Paperback, 2nd Revised English Edition.
A fully checked and revised version of a book listing over a hundred eyewitness accounts of miracles experienced by the Mujahideen in the Soviet-Afghan Jihad, from perfumed bodies of martyrs to accounts of angels helping the Mujahideen.
4. 'Lovers of the Paradise Maidens' by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.
Paperback, 1st English Edition [NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED IN ENGLISH].
Widely regarded as one of the best books written by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and completed shortly before his own martyrdom, Lovers of the Paradise Maidens contains the biographies and stories of over 150 Mujahideen who were martyred in the Soviet-Afghan Jihad.
This book contains unique, authentic material that has never before been translated into the English language.
5. 'The Manuscript of Jihad' by Imam Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak (Died 181AH).
Paperback, 1st English Edition.
Perhaps the first book ever written on Jihad by the 2nd Century Hijri Mujahid scholar, Imam Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak, this book is a reference on the merits, rewards and excellence of Jihad, containing hadith that have not previously been translated into the English language.
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http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan
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VIDEO: The execution of agent Daniel Pearl * 時々消されます