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10 killed as US warplane bombs wedding in eastern Afghanistan:report
(Updated at 1200 PST)
ISLAMABAD:At least 10 people were killed and many others were wounded when a US warplane bombed a village in the eastern Afghan province of Khost, the Afghan Islamic Press reported Friday.
The bombing occurred overnight in Bal Khel village in Sabari district, 30 kilometers (around 19 miles) northeast of Khost, the Pakistan-based private news service said, quoting local sources.
A wedding was in progress in the village when people fired into the air in traditional celebration and US helicopters flying over the area could have mistaken it for hostile fire.
An aircraft later bombed the area for several hours, the agency said.
It quoted sources as saying that terrified residents had been confined to their homes by fear and had not been able to remove dead bodies and evacuate the injured to hospitals for some time after the attack.