★阿修羅♪ ★阿修羅♪ |
●有名なアフガニスタンの聖戦士マウラナ・ナビ・ムハンマディ死去 81歳
The Famous Afghan Mujahid, Maulana Nabi Muhammadi Dies, Aged 81
24 April 2002
PESHAWAR (Special Correspondent):
The famous Afghan Mujahid, Maulana Nabi Muhammadi, has died after suffering from a prolonged illness at the age of 81.
He had played a vital role in the Jihad against the then Soviet Union.
He was born in the Afghan province of Logar and had been the commander of several organizations working for Jihad and the Mujahideen.
He had held the post of Vice President of the Afghan government founded by the Mujahideen after they had defeated the Russians.
Maulana Nabi Muhammadi had been one of the four main Afghan commanders who had been the first to raise the banner of Jihad against the Russians.
He had been a staunch supporter of the Taliban government and remained supporting them until his last breath.
He passed away in the Pakistan city of Rawalpindi and will be buried honourably in his village of birth in Afghanistan.
May Allah have mercy on you and reward you for all that you strived for in His Way.
Jihad is the Best Path to Paradise. -- Usama Bin Ladin
In a video tape recently discovered in a residential home in Kabul, Usama Bin Ladin has been shown encouraging the Muslim Ummah to participate in an International Jihad.
He warned the Muslims not to be deceived by the deceptive glory of this world and that they must adopt the righteous and most holy path of Jihad, which is one of the best ways to lead a believer to Paradise.
Furthermore, Usama Bin Ladin specifically referred to the ongoing atrocities on the Muslims of Palestine, Kashmir and Chechniya committed under the guise and approval of the United States and he was shown discussing the unnecessary and dishonourable presence of U.S. troops in the holy vicinity of the Jazeera (encompassing most of modern day Saudi Arabia).
He dismissed the opinion of the people that fighting against the U.S. was something difficult and impossible to do and said that the Soviet Union was believed to be, at that time, stronger than the Americans and they were defeated by the Mujahideen by a long fought out guerrilla war campaign.
He encouraged the Muslims to act in defence of the honour of the Deen of Allah and not to delay in doing so.
http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan
http://www.maktabah.net or http://www.amazon.co.uk for Join the Caravan 2nd Edition by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
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