平和維持軍のスポークスマン(Surgi Khoon大尉)によると、身元不明の男(明らかに完全武装していた)が通常の警備任務に就いていたフランス部隊に80発以上の機関銃砲火を浴びせた。
最新且つ最高性能のアメリカのF-8 D-ホーネット軍用機がキルギスタンの空軍基地からアフガニスタン空爆に参戦する。
ミナス空港の連合軍スポークスマン ウィリアム・グレイは、「米軍用機は既に数回のトレーニングを完了し、現在最高司令部からの命令待ちの状態である。」と言った。
カラチ(ドーン紙 2002年4月4日):
想像上『無実の』ジャーナリスト ダニエル・パールが2002年1月にパキスタンのカラチで殺された後、無知なムスリムたちは憤慨した。
水曜日、ヒンドスタン・タイムズは公表されたレポートを引用して、「イスラエルの対外情報部モサドは米ジャーナリスト ダニエル・パールの死に責任がある者を殺すよう命令された。」と報道した。
French Occupying Troops Attacked in Kabul, One Soldier Critically Injured
22 April 2002
KABUL (Islam Corresponent) :
At least one French soldier was seriously injured due to firing on a unit of french troops by unknown assailants in Kabul on Friday.
According to a spokesman of the peacekeeping forces, Captain Surgi Khoon, the French troops were on regular guard duty when unknown attackers, apparently fully equipped, fired over 80 rounds of machine gun fire.
French troops retaliated where it is believed at least one of them was seriously injured and then transferred to the French medical camp in Kabul.
Kyrgyzstan Air Base to be Used for U.S. Air Strikes on Afghanistan
BISHKEK(Islam News) :
The latest and most sophisticated U.S. F-8 D-Hornet warplanes will now participate in air stirkes over Afghanistan from air bases in Kyrgyzstan.
F-8 warplanes are believed to have already arrived in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek's Minas Airport, which is already in use by the coalition forces.
The Coalition troop spokesman at Minas Airport, William Gray, said that U.S warplanes have already completed several training exercises and are now ready for action upon the order of the High Command.
These warplanes can strike in any climatic condition and are on 24-hour standby, ready to target at a moments notice.
It is believed that the Crusading Coalition have spent over 2 billion dollars in repairing Minas airport, whereas the Muslim Ummah continues to be miserly and untouched by the suffering and oppression of Disbelief that will not rest until the Muslims become one of them.
Mossad Ordered by Ariel Sharon to Assassinate Killers of Daniel Pearl
KARACHI (Dawn 04 April 2002):
After the murder of supposedly 'innocent' journalist, Daniel Pearl in Karachi, Pakistan, in January 2002, there was outrage amongst many ignorant Muslims.
Some of them condemned the killing of an innocent journalist, whilst others even emailed around petitions.
This incident shows the power of the Zionist controlled World media in that it even manages to convince some practising Muslims on lies.
The Muslims are encouraged to distribute this news piece widely, via their web-sites, emails and discussion boards, especially to those who mourned and lamented at his death. http://www.azzam.com Daily news, articles and interviews on the Jihad in Afghanistan Associated Links : Mossad told to murder Pearl killers:paper Red Cross stepping in to feed Taliban prisoners Afghanistan: First war and now plague of locusts
The truth is that Daniel Pearl was a Jew employed jointly by the CIA and Mossad, who held dual US-Israeli citizenship.
A report given by the Pakistani newspaper, Dawn, on 04 April 2002, states:
The newspaper quoted the Jane's Information Group as saying that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called in Mossad director Ephraim Halevy in the third week of February and issued "a precise instruction" to "get the assassins of Danny Pearl". It said Indian intelligence sources accepted the credibility of the report.
Though a US resident, Pearl held US-Israeli dual citizenship, the report said.
His father, Yehuda Pearl, was a well- known Jewish academic born in Tel Aviv.
His grandmother still lives in that city.
Sharon issued the order after Pearl's kidnappers released a video recording of Pearl's execution, with Pearl saying, "I'm a Jew, so is my father", before he died.
The report says Sharon's instructions to the Mossad followed the assumption that Pearl was killed for his religion rather than nationality.
The Hindustan Times quoted Israeli officials as saying that the Jane's report was incorrect. They said such rumours had arisen just after the video recording had been released but had died soon after.
"Intelligence analysts say denials would be routine if such an order were given," the Times said.
"Sharon would be just the type to give such an order," one source told the Hindustan Times.-JN>>
Further proof that Daniel Pearl was not just an innocent journalist is given by the response of both the US Government, including the President, and the Israeli Government, as mentioned above.
Many journalists, from Western countries, are killed every year whilst on duty, but there is not an international outrage or efforts to find their killers.
If Daniel Pearl was just an ordinary journalist who was following a story, why would the US President speak personally to the Pakistani President about extraditing his killers to the US?
Why would Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon order Mossad to assassinate his killers?
It is because Daniel Pearl was a senior-ranking CIA and Mossad intelligence officer, who was investigating militant groups in Karachi, under the guise of a journalist.
http://www.maktabah.net or http://www.amazon.co.uk for Join the Caravan 2nd Edition by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam