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(回答先: ビルダーバーグ2002年年次総会 主要出席者 投稿者 倉田佳典 日時 2002 年 6 月 14 日 11:17:49)
Lyndon Larouche Jr. のEIRのHP上で、Bilderbergについて調べていたところ、
TC, CFR, Club of Isle, RIIA, Tavistockなどについては、ビシバシ、ヒットする
のですが、 Bilderbergに関しては完全に情報が欠落していました。
これはどうしたことかと思って、Web Surfin をしてみると、意外なことが判明。
Thursday, 27-Jul-2000 21:40:36
CFR Bankers Plot Coup And Genocide
CFR Bankers Plot Coup & Genocide - By Richard Freeman
- Destroying Africa -
- Global Financial Meltdown -
{EIR:} Concentration camps are places where people were worked to death, and then gassed.
{Schwartz:} Oh, well. Well, the bubonic plague was very good: It killed people right away.
The CFR's "Next Financial Crisis" was the third in a series of events of the Financial Vulnerabilities Project.
Bilderberg Conferences
Bilderberg meetings consist overwhelmingly of non-Jews, so how could any
serious critic paint Bilderberg as a Jewish cabal?
"But how could anyone, the ADL or The Spotlight consider Bilderberg to be a Jewish issue?
Hardly any of the Bilderbergers are Jews. This really should disqualify them from being a
Jewish conspiracy." Jon Ronson, Secret Rulers of the World, The Bilderberg Group,
Channel Four TV, 27Jun01.
Are those that criticise Bilderberg anti-Jewish?
Is The Spotlight racist? Are all Bilderberg watchers? Make up your own mind.
Why The Spotlight covers Bilderberg when hardly anyone else ever does
Is the Spotlight racist? 1
So is The Spotlight playing fair? - by an Anonymous Guardian columnist
Spotlight's racism - Mike Peters
'Critics of Bilderberg must be 'Conspiracy Theorists'
Willis Carto set up the Liberty Lobby which publishes Spotlight. He is a fascist (a l'americain) and an
anti-semite and is happy to be involved not only with holocaust-deniers (IHR, Irving etc.) but with a seedy
underworld including the occultic Moonies and Lyndon Larouche (who are, by the way, financed and
manipulated by the CIA). If only on moral grounds, he and his like are nasty and malevolent, and their minds
are perverted by hatred & ignorance. Nothing good can come from this discredited milieu.
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