>>26さん >米民主党隷属カスメディアじゃないところからのトランプが示唆したという文書を上げてくれんかね? 2016年4月3日に、当時は米国大統領共和党予備選挙の候補者であったトランプ大統領が、FOXニュースの 『 Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 』 という番組に出演してインタビューを受けた際に、トランプ大統領は日本の核武装を容認する発言をしていました: >>(Donald Trump) north korea has nukes. japan has a problem with that. they have a big problem with that. maybe they would be better off if they defend themselves. >>(Chris Wallace) with nukes? >>(Donald Trump) including with nukes, yes. ◆ Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace (FOX News, April 3, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT) >>(Chris Wallace) you weighed in this week on foreign policy, national security. here is what you said about japan and south korea defending themselves against north korea. >>(Donald Trump) no problem with south korea and japan having nuclear weapons. >>(Chris Wallace) at some point we have to say, you know what we're better off if japan protects itself against this maniac in north korea. better off if south korea is going to start to protect itself. >>(Donald Trump) we're defending japan. we can't afford it. >>(Chris Wallace) i understand. but the question -- that's not the question. the question is, letting them develop their own nuclear program. for more than half a century, u.s. policy has been that we protect those countries with our nuclear umbrella so they don't -- >>(Donald Trump) and lose a fortune doing it. >>(Chris Wallace) i understand. but the idea is not to have a nuclear arms race in -- >>(Donald Trump) ready -- >>(Chris Wallace) in the northern pacific on the korean peninsula. you want to throw that away. >>(Donald Trump) are you ready? i'm not throwing anything away. this is commonsense. like trade. we lose on every trade deal. sometimes you're better off saying wait a minute, we're defending japan, we're -- what we're doing is costing us a fortune. and not only japan, south korea, we have 28,000 soldiers on the line. and part of that defense is nukes, right? at some point, they have to pay us because we cannot continue -- >>(Chris Wallace) they do pay us. >>(Donald Trump) they pay us peanuts. >>(Chris Wallace) $2 billion in japan. >>(Donald Trump) that's peanuts compared to what we're talking about. >>(Chris Wallace) you want to have a nuclear arms race on the korean peninsula? >>(Donald Trump) in many ways -- i say this -- the world is changing. right now you have pakistan and you have north korea and you have china and russia and india and you have the united states. many other countries have nukes. it's not like nobody has them. north korea has nukes. japan has a problem with that. they have a big problem with that. maybe they would be better off if they defend themselves. >>(Chris Wallace) with nukes? >>(Donald Trump) including with nukes, yes. >>(Chris Wallace) south korea with nukes. >>(Donald Trump) they're right next door. you already have it, chris. you already have a nuclear arms race. when a guy like kasich gets up and talks about trump wants to give everybody missiles. i don't want to give missiles. i'd leave it the way is, my number one choice is leave it the way it is. but they have to pay us. we cannot afford to continue to lose the billions and billions of dollars that we're losing in order to defend japan, and germany and south korea and saudi arabia. ※【引用者の新共産主義クラブによる注】 Fox News のウェブページのアーカイブのページソースにあるインタビューの書き起こしから引用した。ページソースの書き起こしの原文にはトランプ候補とインタビュアーの Chris Wallace さんの発言が区別されていないが、文脈から判断して、トランプ候補の発言には先頭に (Donald Trump) の文字列を、インタビュアーの Chris Wallace さんの発言には先頭に (Chris Wallace) の文字列を、それぞれ新共産主義クラブが付け加えた。 https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20160403_180000_Fox_News_Sunday_With_Chris_Wallace/