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(回答先: カザルス・トリオ (コルトー・カザルス・チボー) 投稿者 中川隆 日時 2020 年 3 月 26 日 18:36:41)
ジャック・ティボー(Jacques Thibaud, 1880年9月27日 - 1953年9月1日)
Thibaud/Cortot - Franck: Violin Sonata in A, 1923 (entire)
The first of two recordings Jacques Thibaud and Alfred Cortot made of the Franck, the second in 1929.
I like this version better (I think) despite the recording quality which doesn't affect the violin sound very much but diminishes the quality of sound from the piano when Cortot is playing large chords. These two friends have a special affinity for this work, one of Franck's greatest compositions.
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since 1995
