弁護団が白血病を取り上げるのを拒否!/郡山高校の生徒が白血病! Lawyer Not To Tackle leukemia issue! /Leukemia student in Kooriyama High School! http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.com/2014/01/blog-post.html 2014年1月14日 Save Kids Japan
悲報!2014年9月、レーガン号の米海軍の20代の水兵が白血病でお亡くなりになったと言う情報が入りました。http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/11/2-us-sailors-dead-after-fukushima.html ご冥福をお祈りすると同時に、このような事態を少しでも回避してほしい。
Very sad news...a US Navy sailor in his 20s died of leukemia in September 2014. The court proceeding will start in Southern California soon http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/11/2-us-sailors-dead-after-fukushima.html ...I really don't want to hear such kind of tradgedy..
私がこのブログを本格的に書くようになったきっかけも福島で幼い兄弟がほぼ同時期に白血病に罹ったと言う悲惨なニュースを聞いてからでした。。 I started writing this blog very seriously right after I heard a tradgedy of young brothers in Fukushima were diagnosed with leukemia simultaneously in 2012...
In July 2014, I heard a story from a mail friend that a son of a Fukushima mother develped leukemia and she tried to make an appointment to a lawyer from Fukushima Nuclear Power Victims' Lawyers Group. But she was refused to get an appointment by the lawyer who said, "Too busy."
This is quite shocking. I think there is nobody among anti-nuclear lawyers who take up the issue of on-going health hazards. Why is this? Isn't life and health the most important issue after nuclear accident?
As for the leukemia case, I also consulted the local police and the Human Rights Protection Bureau, but both of them obviously avoided taking up this topic.
******************** Nov 27, 2014
This morning, I found the following tweet by Ms. Ryoko Ando who said that she filed the criminal accusation against me mainly because I telephoned and questioned Tokyo Health Medical University where Prof. Nobuhiko Ban (@buvery, I acquired this information through whistle blower inside ETHOS through a third party) belongs to.
While Ms. Ando was communicating with another person, she suggested that she would attack someone again.
ando_ryoko:これ以上、伴先生にご迷惑をおかけするようでしたら、不本意ながら、私も、あなたの情報源と思われる方に対して、それなりの対応を取らせていただかざるを得なくなろうかと思います。 If you (another person, not Takenouchi) annoy Prof Ban furthermore, I need to take another countermeasure against the person who is the source of this information.
以前彼女は、不起訴になった直後にも反原発連合の野間易道氏(官邸前デモの主催者の一人で本も出している) ともさらなる竹野内に対する脅迫を示唆しており、私はとうてい安東氏の警察権力を使った脅迫を許容することはできません。http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/03/further-legal-case-against-takenouchi.html
Prior to this, Ms. Ando made another threat against Takenouchi right after the non-indictment in collaboration with Mr. Noma (Tokyo No Nukes Coalition, organizer of Prime Minister's Residence Ralley).
I cannot tolerate Ms. Ando's harassement and threat using police power any further. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2014/03/further-legal-case-against-takenouchi.html
My parents also say, "We really do NOT understand why our innocent Mari got criminal accusation. We really want to talk to Ms. Ando from Iwaki City. What kind of person is she?"
A sad news came recently.
A track and field club student was found to have leukemia early this year.
A friend of him also collapsed during a sport game and became cardiopulmonary arrest and diagnosed as "sudden ventricular fibrillation."
Some anonymous parents put up the following notices around the school.
日本列島震撼!! 郡山市の高校生が白血病 High school students in Fukushima Prefecture has now leukemia
張り紙にはこう書かれてあります。 「白血病の責任を取れ!県教と校長は放射能を軽視している!」 「これ以上、白血病の生徒を出すな!生徒の野外活動を中止せよ!」 子供たちを放射能から守りたい父母 The notice says, "Take responsibility of occurence of leukemia! The Education Board and the school principle play down the radiation issue."
"Do not make another student suffer from leukemia. Stop all the outside activities at school. From fathers and mothers who want to protect children from radiation."
"There was no outside fence around the school. Is there any fact the school needs to hide? Since youtube video where students were made decontaminate the swimming pool, did you hurriedly build up such a fence?"
The following is the video in which Kooriyama High School students are made to clean up the swimming pool without any protective gears.
This is the situation in Fukushima 未成年が除染作業を強いられている 福島県郡山市
What saddens me most is that actually a young leukemia patient emerged from a careless school as in the above, and this hasn't made through a major media.
Moreover, only a handful of parents are anonymously protesting only through such notice sheets.
This is a chilling fact in Fukushima.
Let's raise our voice regarding the Fukushima children's health issue! I don't think there is nothing more important than this right now!
After Fukushima accident, Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare suspended collecting data of various diseases including leukemia in Fukushima and southern Miyagi, though the data had been collected before the accident.
Meanwhile, leukemia experts, such as Professor Nobuhiko Ban from Tokyo Health Medical University has been vigorously promoting Fukushima ETHOS.
The ETHOS program, which increased diseases among children after Chernobyl though demagogue of safer living ways in the contaminated areas, is now being repeated in Fukushima.
To my surprise, Professor Ban had actually written on the mechanism of developing leukemia by radiation some years ago.
According to his papers, he had already found that radiation damages the gene Sfpi1 on chromosome No. 2 and promotes the aging process of hematopoietic stem cells, thus mouse could develop leukemia only after 1 or 2 years after irradiation!!
Thesis written by Prof. Nobuhiko Banhttp://www.labome.org/expert/japan/oita/ban/nobuhiko-ban-572788.html
While, Professor Ban wrote a number of excelled thesis on radiation effects, he assistes ETHOS progam that allows even pregnant women and children to live in contaminated areas. I truly believe what he is doing is ethically wrong and this issue is a one of the most grave character which could affect the health and lives of many residents.
伴信彦東京医療保健大学教授への公開質問 http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.com/2013/07/blog-post.html%C2%A0%E2%80%A6
同大学学長への書簡 http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.com/2013/09/buvery.html%C2%A0%E2%80%A6
事故直後はこんなツイートもあったのに。。。 buvery @buvery 2011年3月28日
今回の事故は短期で解決できません。『屋内退避』は『棄民』を体よく言っただけです。早く組織的な疎開を。@hosakanobuto:「汚染地扱い」されて「陸の孤島」 http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/5446539/

Post Script
I also saw a report of a 4 year old boy who developed acute leukemia. The boy was evacuated from Tokyo to Kyushu on March 15, 2011 when a thick radioactive plume passed through Tokyo.
Since my boy has gone through exactly the same path, I am so scared when I saw this report. Please see the initial exposure in Tokyo. The radiation level on March 15 was so high! http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/i-2011315tokyo-march-15-2011.html
In addition, report of leukemia high school kids are heard both from Fukushima and Niigata.
ちなみに新潟には世界最大の出力である柏崎原発があり、東京電力はこちらを今年中に稼働させようとしています。柏崎原発は、建設前から小断層がしきちないにたくさんあると指摘されてきた原発です。地盤そのものが変形して、福島のように制御棒が入らなくなる可能性だってあるはずです。 http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/04/please-stop-insane-japan-from-nuke.html
In Niigata, the world biggest nuclear power station is located and TEPCO intends to restart the reactors.
However, the premise of Kashiwazaki nuclear station is known to have a number of small sized faults even before the construction of the plant. http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/04/please-stop-insane-japan-from-nuke.html
Unlike Fukushima, there could be a case that the control rods cannot be inserted if the soil itself is massively deformed.
The latitude of Kashiwazaki and Fukushima nuclear power station is almost the same, and if another accident takes place in Kashiwazaki, the impact would be truly catastrophic.
Grown-ups who have realized the facts that children are being harmed by radiation related health hazards and that some people try to restart perilious nuclear reactors should stand up and act.
I believe there is nothing more important than this to do in this year in Japan.
ドイツ反核医師の会がチェルノブイリでも事故後1~2年でベラルーシで白血病が増加という記事を書いています。 German IPPNW wrote the following article saying that leukemia was increased only after 1 or 2 years in Belarus. http://takenouchimari.blogspot.jp/2013/05/198733199019921152.html
2014年に入って、福島に限らず、全国の病院で様々な重大疾病が上昇傾向にあることを示す以下のまとめを拡散していたら、いつのまにか非公開とされました。なぜなのでしょうか? In 2014, when I was spreading the information of nationwide hospitals' data showing the increased trend of various diseases, it was closed...whey?
→ショック!DPC導入病院の甲状腺悪性腫瘍、肺の悪性腫瘍、白血病などの年次変化抜書き togetter.com/li/631559 が見えなくなっている!
Also, a frequent twitter user @japanwings who had lost his ex-wife through leukemia was suspended December 2013. I trusted him most among all the twitter users with important information and his followers were more than 10000.
Most of all, I got criminally accused by ETHOS leader only 2 weeks after I posted this page. なにより、私がエートス代表安東量子氏から刑事告訴を受けたのが、このブログページをアップしてからたった2週間後の2014年1月末でした。
竹野内真理さんは原発事故から少し経った後、@mariscontactというツイッターアカウントで一時、非常に注目された方です。 その時点(2012か2013か忘れた)では、まだ小学生くらいの息子さんを連れて、沖縄に移住してまもなかったと思います。東京の有名な反原発団体に関わっていたということで、放射能汚染についてもものすごく詳しく、それは竹野内ファイルを見ればよくわかると思います。 ところが、当然のことだとは思いますが、ある時点から、原発擁護派からのものすごい攻撃を受け初め、#デマリンというハッシュタグで彼女を誹謗中傷するツイートがツイッター上に溢れてしまい、竹野内さんのツイートをいいねしたり、リツイートするだけで攻撃にあうので、ツイッターユーザーは彼女に触れなくなり、影響力も徐々にしぼんでいきました。 彼女の主張の大半はまともだったのですが(放射能に対する恐怖心が強い傾向はありましたが、それは当然のこと)、「東京の有名な反原発団体にはスパイが紛れ込んでいた」とか、「彼らは実は裏で原発推進派とつながっている」というような主旨の、(え、じゃあ私たち素人はどうすればいいの?)というようなツイートがあったこと、「私の子供が狙われている」という主旨の、被害妄想と思われてしまうツイートを連発していた時期があったこと(真偽はわかりません。原子力ムラは何でもやる、という認識が前提なら、恐怖心も理解はできます)、「〇〇さんは自殺ではない、殺されたのだ。なぜ調べないのだ」という主張を繰り返していたことなど、フォロワーがどう応じていいかわからないツイートもありました。 >竹野内ファイルで知ったバンダジェスキー博士が指弾した、住民を放射能下で生活させるというチェルノブイリのエートス、初めて聞く言葉が、フクシマにも既に存在しているというのだ。これも腰を抜かしてしまいそうな暴政であろう。 エートスは、原発事故のすぐ後から、ツイッター上で活動を始めていました。 ツイッターにおけるエートスの代表は、— buvery (@buvery)こと伴信彦と、安東量子 (@ando_ryoko)で、他にも身元がバレた小物が何人かいたと記憶します。 今や、あの山本太郎でさえ、福島のことはほとんど口にしなくなりました。 事故の影響が消えたわけではないが、福島のことを言っても、忘れっぽい日本人の人心をつかめないからだと思います。 一方、一部の人をのぞいて、福島県民自身が、事故を一刻も早く忘れたがり、「福島の産物は安全です」と言ってきたことを思うと、この国に救いは無いと私は思います。 (覚え書き、メモとして書きました)。