だいたい^^ これ↓の何処が、脅迫やねん?^^ November 26, 1941.^^ 昭和16年11月26日^^ Outline of Proposed Basis for Agreement Between the United States and Japan^^ 合衆国及び日本国間協定の基礎概略^^ Section I^^ 第1項^^ Draft Mutual Declaration of Policy^^ 政策に関する相互宣言案^^ The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan both being solicitous for the peace of the Pacific affirm that their national policies are directed toward lasting and extensive peace throughout the Pacific area, that they have no territorial designs in that area, that they have no intention of threatening other countries or of using military force aggressively against any neighboring nation, and that, accordingly, in their national policies they will actively support and give practical application to the following fundamental principles upon which their relations with each other and with all other governments are based:^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、共に太平洋の平和を欲し、その国策は太平洋地域全般にわたる永続的かつ広汎なる平和を目的とし、両国は右地域に於いて何等領土的企図を有せず、他国を脅威し又は隣接国に対し侵略的に武力を行使するの意図なく、又その国策に於いては相互間及び一切の他国政府との間の関係の基礎たる左記根本諸原則を積極的に支持し、かつこれを実際的に適用すべき旨宣明す。^^ (1) The principle of inviolability of territorial integrity and sovereignty of each and all nations.^^ 一切の国家の領土保全及び主権の不可侵原則^^ (2) The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.^^ 他の諸国の国内問題に対する不干与の原則^^ (3) The principle of equality, including equality of commercial opportunity and treatment.^^ 通商上の機会及び待遇の平等を含む平等原則^^ (4) The principle of reliance upon international cooperation and conciliation for the prevention and pacific settlement of controversies and for improvement of international conditions by peaceful methods and processes.^^ 紛争の防止及び平和的解決並びに平和的方法及び手続による国際情勢改善の為めの国際協力及び国際調停遵拠の原則^^ The Government of Japan and the Government of the United States have agreed that toward eliminating chronic political instability, preventing recurrent economic collapse, and providing a basis for peace, they will actively support and practically apply the following principles in their economic relations with each other and with other nations and peoples:^^ 日本国政府及び合衆国政府は、慢性的政治不安定の根絶、頻繁なる経済的崩壊の防止及び平和の基礎設定の為め、相互間並びに他国家及び他国民との間の経済関係に於いて左記諸原則を積極的に支持し、かつ実際的に適用すべきことに同意せり^^ (1) The principle of non-discrimination in international commercial relations.^^ 国際通商関係に於ける無差別待遇の原則^^ (2) The principle of international economic cooperation and abolition of extreme nationalism as expressed in excessive trade restrictions.^^ 国際的経済協力及び過度の通商制限に現れたる極端なる国家主義撤廃の原則^^ (3) The principle of non-discriminatory access by all nations to raw material supplies.^^ 一切の国家による無差別的なる原料物資獲得の原則^^ (4) The principle of full protection of the interests of consuming countries and populations as regards the operation of international commodity agreements.^^ 国際的商品協定の運用に関し消費国家及び民衆の利益の十分なる保護の原則^^ (5) The principle of establishment of such institutions and arrangements of international finance as may lend aid to the essential enterprises and the continuous development of all countries and may permit payments through processes of trade consonant with the welfare of all countries.^^ 一切の国家の主要企業及び連続的発展に資し、かつ一切の国家の福祉に合致する貿易手続きによる支払いを許容せしむるが如き国際金融機構及び取り極め樹立の原則^^ Section II^^ 第2項^^ Steps To Be Taken by the Government of the United States and by the Government of Japan^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府の採るべき措置^^ The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan propose to take steps as follows:^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、左の如き措置を採ることを提案す^^ 1. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will endeavor to conclude a multilateral non-aggression pact among the British Empire, China, Japan, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union, Thailand and the United States.^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、英帝国、支那、日本国、和蘭、蘇連邦、泰国、及び合衆国間多辺的不可侵条約の締結に努むべし^^ 2. Both Governments will endeavor to conclude among the American, British, Chinese, Japanese, the Netherland and Thai Governments would pledge itself to respect the territorial integrity of French Indochina and, in the event that there should develop a threat to the territorial integrity of Indochina, to enter into immediate consultation with a view to taking such measures as may be deemed necessary and advisable to meet the threat in question.^^ 両国政府は、米、英、支、日、蘭、及び泰政府間に各国政府が仏領印度支那の領土主権を尊重し、かつ印度支那の領土保全に対する脅威発生するが如き場合、かかる脅威に対処するに必要かつ適当なりとみなさるべき措置を講ずるの目的を以って即時協議する旨誓約すべき協定の締結に努むべし^^ Such agreement would provide also that each of the Governments party to the agreement would not seek or accept preferential treatment in its trade or economic relations with Indochina and would use its influence to obtain for each of the signatories equality of treatment in trade and commerce with French Indochina.^^ かかる協定は又協定締約国たる各国政府が印度支那との貿易若しくは経済関係に於いて特恵的待遇を求め、又はこれを受けざるべくかつ各締約国の為め仏領印度支那との貿易及び通商に於ける平等待遇を確保するが為め尽力すべき旨規定すべきものとす^^ 3. The Government of Japan will withdraw all military, naval, air and police forces from China and from Indochina.^^ 日本国政府は、支那及び印度支那より一切の陸、海、空軍兵力及び警察力を撤収すべし^^ 4. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will not support - militarily, politically, economically - any government or regime in China other than the National Government of the Republic of China with capital temporarily at Chungking.^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、臨時に首都を重慶に置ける中華民国国民政府以外の支那に於ける如何なる政府、若しくは政権をも軍事的、経済的に支持せざるべし^^ 5. Both Governments will endeavor to obtain the agreement of the British and other governments to give up extraterritorial rights in China, including right in international settlements and in concessions and under the Boxer Protocol of 1901.^^ 両国政府は、外国租界及び居留地に於ける諸権利並びに1901年の団匪事件(義和団事件)議定書による諸権利を含む、支那に於ける治外法権放棄に付き、英国政府及びその他の諸政府の同意を取り付くべく努力すべし^^ 6. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will enter into negotiations for the conclusion between the United States and Japan of a trade agreement, based upon reciprocal most favored-nation treatment and reduction of trade barriers by both countries, including an undertaking by the United States to bind raw silk on the free list.^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、互恵的最恵国待遇及び通商障壁の低減並びに生糸を自由品目として据え置かんとする米側企図に基づき、合衆国及び日本国間に通商協定締結の為め協議を開始すべし^^ 7. The Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will, respectively, remove the freezing restrictions on Japanese funds in the United States and on American funds in Japan.^^ 合衆国政府及び日本国政府は、それぞれ合衆国に在る日本資金並びに日本国に在る米国資金に対する凍結措置を撤廃すべし^^ 8. Both Governments will agree upon a plan for the stabilization of the dollar-yen rate, with the allocation of funds adequate for this purpose, half to be supplied by Japan and half by the United States.^^ 両国政府は、円弗為替の安定に関する案に付き協定し、右目的の為め、適当なる資金の割り当ては半額を日本国より半額を合衆国より供与せらるべきことに同意すべし^^ 9. Both Governments will agree that no agreement which either has concluded with any third power or powers shall be interpreted by it in such a way as to conflict with the fundamental purpose of this agreement, the establishment and preservation of peace throughout the Pacific area.^^ 両国政府は、その何れかの一方が第三国と締結しおる如何なる協定も、同国により本協定の根本目的、即ち太平洋地域全般の平和確立及び保持に矛盾するが如く解釈せられざるべきことを同意すべし^^ 10. Both Governments will use their influence to cause other governments to adhere to and to give practical application to the basic political and economic principles set forth in this agreement.^^ 両国政府は、他国政府をして本協定に規定せる基本的なる政治的経済的原則を遵守し、かつこれを実際的に適用せしむる為めその勢力を行使すべし^^ ↑^^