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2018年04月18日 のんきに介護
「イラついているトランプ大統領、衰弱した #安倍首相 を迎える」=ワシントンポスト紙
— Nemesisネメシス (@zodiac0088) 2018年4月17日
#安倍晋三 #PMAbe

— 渡邉葉 (@YoWatShiinaEsq) 2018年4月17日
— 野村弘明 (@shambleau1961) 2018年4月18日
A grumpy Trump welcomes Japan’s weakened leader
by Ishaan Tharoor April 17 at 12:59 AM
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On Tuesday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will call on President Trump at his Florida resort for two days of meetings and meals. It may serve as a welcome reprieve for the duo: Abe and Trump are both weathering scandals at home, with investigators and journalists poring over evidence of both leaders' alleged cronyism.
Their latest summit at Mar-a-Lago — the pair has already met twice during Trump's time in office — may offer a brief window to change the conversation. But it may also crack the lid on a new and turbulent period of U.S.-Japan relations.
As my colleagues report, the Trump administration has recently ruffled feathers in Tokyo. First, Abe's government was alarmed by the White House's decision to embrace talks with North Korea and kick-start a diplomatic process that could downplay long-standing Japanese concerns. Then it was stung by Trump's decision not to grant Japan waivers from new U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, making Japan the only major U.S. ally not to receive such an exemption. (Washington granted Seoul a waiver after revising the terms of their existing bilateral free-trade deal.)
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