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ウランの「プーチナイゼーション」 update7 弁財天
The New Cold War: The “Putinization” of Uranium

「その為にはイエローケーキをまず転換施設でフッ化ウラン(UF6)にしないといけない。その後濃縮施設で濃縮か圧縮を行なう。 露の主力の転換施設はアンガースク(Angarsk)で年間4200万ポンドのウランを処理できる。モスクワの近郊にも小さな施設があり年間154万ポンドの処理能力で再処理ウランの転換に使われてる。」


ウラン濃縮の世界シェアは露40% 独蘭英23% 米20% 仏15% 中国2% EU27カ国のウラン輸入元は露32% カザフスタン/ウズペキスタン19% ニジェール/ガボン12% 南アフリカ/ナミビア7% 他2% 豪12% 米2% EU3%
イエローケーキを六フッ化ウランに変換するプラントは露のアンガースクで年間4200万ポンドを処理。六フッ化ウランへの転換シェアは露41% 仏24% カナダ20% UK10% 中国5%
Putin’s Power Play – How It Will Change the Uranium Sector
Russia: Key Player in the Uranium Market
Russia is bestowed with immense resource wealth, in large part because Mother Russia is simply the biggest country in the world. The nation covers 17 million square kilometers, upwards of twice the size of the next largest country, Canada. Even if its lands and waters were only moderately imbued with resources, Russia would have a lot of natural wealth.
Russia was the sixth-largest uranium producer in the world in 2010, behind Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Namibia, and Niger. But that ranking only includes uranium produced from mining operations. When we include production from the downblending of its decommissioned nuclear weapons, Russia jumps to second.
It's hard to overstate Russia's dominance of the world's capacity to process uranium. Australia, Kazakhstan, and Canada rely on Russia to enrich the uranium they mine, while for the last 18 years the United States has relied on Russia's downblending capability. The Megatons-to-Megawatts agreement provides fully half of the uranium fueling America's nuclear reactors, or 10% of its electricity.
The agreement is scheduled to end in December 2013, at the same time as global demand for uranium is rising. The US will have to go on the hunt for new uranium suppliers just as the race to secure those supplies heats up… and Putin knows it.
Not only will he not renew Megatons, he will encourage the world's uranium-needy nations – China, India, the US, France, South Korea, and Japan – to outbid each other for the opportunity to secure stable supplies of Russian uranium.
We've said it before: Putin is working to corner the global uranium market. He already has a strong grip over Europe's gas needs and holds considerable sway over the continent's oil supply. Why wouldn't he want to also control the world's supply of nuclear reactor fuel?
「露は計り知れない量の資源に恵まれている、大きな理由は母なるロシアが単純に世界一広大な国だからだ。 露は1700万平方kmを所有していて、次に大きな国であるカナダの2倍以上ある。 仮にもし土地と海が控えめに資源を抱えていたとしてても露は天然資源豊富な国である。」
「2010年の世界で露はカザフスタン、カナダ、オーストラリア、ナミビア、ニジェールに次ぐ6番目のウラン生産国だ。 しかし順位はウラン採掘からのウラン生産した含んでいない。 退役した核兵器をダウンブレンドしたものを含めると露は第2位に飛び上がる。」
「世界のウラン処理能力の露の優位性を大げさと言うのは難しい。 過去18年間米が露のダウンブレンド能力に頼ってきたように、 オーストラリア、カザフスタン、そしてカナダは採掘したウラン濃縮を露に頼っている。 メガトンメガワット合意は米の原発の半分のウラン燃料と10%の電力を供給してる。」
「合意は2013年12月の終了が計画されていると同時に世界のウラン需要は増えている。 米は新しいウラン供給元をさがさなければならなくなるだろう。供給の確保競争が熾烈になっている…、プーチンも知っている。」
「彼はメガトン条約を更新しないだけでなく世界のウラン必要国である中国、インド、米、仏、韓国、日本に 露のウランの安定供給を確保する機会に対して互いに高値を付けさせた。」
「我々が以前に言ったように:プーチンは世界のウラン市場の一角を占めるべく働いている。 彼は既に欧の天然ガスの強い需要を把握して大陸の原油供給の相当に支配している。 彼は世界の原発燃料もコントロールするに違いない。」
A Near-Monopoly on Downblending
The global race to secure uranium resources is on. Russia already produces a fair bit of uranium; on top of that, Putin carries a lot of clout in neighboring Kazakhstan, the world's top primary uranium producer. So Russia already controls a lot of primary production.
But that's just the start. Since primary production won't be able to meet demand, secondary sources will become extra important. And there is only one significant secondary source: downblended Russian warheads.
One American company, WesDyne International, has facilities in the US to downblend HEU, but its capacity is limited to roughly 8 tonnes a year. Russia can churn through 30 tonnes annually. It means the US has little choice but to send its old warheads to Russia for downblending.
So Russia has that secondary production well in hand, too.
And Russia isn't just the world leader in downblending – the country also operates 40% of the world's enrichment capacity, giving the Russian leader another avenue of control over the nuclear fuel market.
Control over so much LEU production capacity gives Putin the ability to ink supply deals with countries desperate to secure nuclear fuel for the future. For example, a new bilateral agreement between Russia and Japan is about to take effect, paving the way for Japanese utilities to secure uranium enrichment services from Russia.
Putin also finds long-term uranium customers in the countries that have asked Russia's state nuclear utility, Rosatom, to build their reactors.
Rosatom is an absolute giant in the global nuclear sector. The company builds more nuclear power plants worldwide than anyone else, with builds currently underway in China, Vietnam, India, Iran, and Turkey. The 21 new builds in Rosatom's order book are worth US$50 billion.
And how handy is it that many of those new builds include a lifetime fuel supply contract, such as the contract Rosatom signed with Bangladesh to build and fuel that country's first nuclear reactor.
Rosatom is also the conduit through which Russia exports uranium, a trade currently valued at US$3 billion per year. One-fifth of those exports go to the Asia-Pacific region, a market growing so quickly that Rosatom is building a new Vostok complex for uranium-products transportation and logistics to better serve the region.
Nuclear power has been the world's fastest-growing major source of energy every decade since 1960. That's not going to change. Putin is acutely aware that uranium will be one of the most closely contested battlegrounds in the global race for resources.
Unfortunately for everyone else, he's given Russia a significant head start.
「ウラン資源確保の世界競争が始まった。露は既に大量のウランを生産している。 ;その上、プーチンは隣国で世界第一位のウラン生産国のカザフスタンに強い影響力がある。 そう。露は既に第一の生産をコントロールしてるのだ。」
「しかしそれは始まりに過ぎない。なぜなら第一の生産は需要に見合わないからだ。第二の資源が非常に重要になる。 そして唯一顕著な第二資源がある:露の核弾頭のダウンブレンドだ。」
「米のWesDyne International社は米国内にHEUをダウンブレンドする施設を保有。しかし処理能力は年間約8トンに限られる。露は年30トン大量生産できる。これは米の古い核弾頭をダウンブレンドする為に露に送るしかないことを意味する。」
「そして露はダウンブレンドの世界のリーダーではない。-- 世界の濃縮能力の40%を操業している国でもある。 露に核燃料市場をコントロールするもう1つの手段を与えつつある。」
「LEU生産能力の支配はプーチンに将来の核燃料確保に必死の国々に分配供給する権限を与える。 例を上げれば、新しい日露二カ国協定に影響を与える、日本の電力会社が露のウラン濃縮サービスの確保への道を開く。」
「1960年以来原子力は世界で最も速く成長してる主なエネルギー源になってる。これは変わらない。 世界の資源争奪戦でウランが最も競争が激しくなることをプーチンは敏感に認識してる。」
Russia's Far East - Rising Energy Superpower
Techsnabexport (TENEX) and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co, the monopoly operator for South Korea's nuclear power plants have agreed to use the Vostok transport and logistics complex, to be built in Russia's Far East, for enriched uranium product supplies instead of shipping nuclear material via St. Petersburg.
TENEX, which last year earned $126 million from uranium exports to South Korea, is a subsidiary of Atomenergoprom, which is in turn part of the State Nuclear Energy Company Rosatom. The Asia Pacific region now accounts for over 20 percent of Russian uranium product exports and the Vostok complex will reduce the time it takes to transport uranium products to countries in the Asia Pacific region by 50-60 percent compared to the current route.
TENEX and USEC exchanged letters confirming the entry into force of the Contract signed on March 23, 2011. The deliveries under the Contract will take place in the period from 2013 through 2022.
TENEX will cooperate with Mitsubishi on project for Vostok transport-logistics complex.
Article from: Russia & CIS Business and Financial Newswire | March 27, 2012 | Copyright
TENEX will cooperate with Mitsubishi on project for Vostok transport-logistics complex
MOSCOW. March 27 (Interfax) - Russian nuclear materials exporter OJSC Techsnabexport (TENEX) will cooperate with Japan's Mitsubishi in creating the Vostok nuclear materials transport and logistics complex in the Far East.
"We are negotiating with Mitsubishi on opening a nuclear materials transport route through the Far East. In this case, we see Mitsubishi as our partner," head of TENEX subsidiary Tenex-Japan Sergei Pluzhnik told Interfax in an interview.
Mitsubishi's role will hinge on resolving issues related to the overland transport of nuclear materials in Japan, as …
露Texex社 JSC Techsnabexport 2012 Annual Report

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