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日時:20170416 / アフガニスタン東部
*BIN LADEN: On The Second Anniversary of 911
Sep 13, 2003
Here is the complete text, uncut and uncensored, of remarks made by Sheikh Osama
bin Laden via video tape sent to Arab television channel Al Jazeera and aired in
part Wednesday September 10th, 2003. One item to note - it appears this tape may
have been clipped. Bin laden generally starts his addresses with a preamble
which is omitted from the audio. Further the footage appears similar to the last
tape released by Al Jazeera and there is no specific reference to current
events, indicating it may have in fact been recorded some time earlier.
We remind our viewers that the statements, opinions and points of view expressed
in this article are those of the author and shall not be deemed to mean that
they are necessarily those of Jihad Unspun, the publisher, editor, writers,
contributors or staff.
In The Name Of God, The Merciful, The Mercy-Giving
On The Occasion Of The Second Anniversary Of The Attacks On New York And
Those young men inflicted enormous losses on the enemy, both materially and in
terms of morale. They also foiled their aggressive plans. For it has been
documented that this plan of aggression involving the occupation and partition
of the region was hatched more than six months before the two attacks. The enemy
was thrown into confusion and this was enough to alert the people and rouse them
from their slumber for jihad in the path of God.
I had the honor of coming to know those men, for indeed people are honored by
such individuals. How can it be otherwise, when God has honored them and enabled
them to be of support to Islam? I see them as being like a seedling planted by
God in His religion that He used in a pious deed for Him. Their achievements
belong to God.
"These are my forefathers; bring me men like them if we are to meet again, O
He who wants to learn truthfulness, faithfulness, generosity, and courage to
support religion from contemporary examples, then he must draw lessons from
(Saeed) al-Ghamidi, Muhammad Atta, Khalid al-Mihdar, Ziad al-Jarrahi, Marwan al-
Shehhi, and their brothers, may God have mercy on them.
These people learned from the traditions of our prophet Muhammad, may God's
peace and blessings be upon him, who is the most honest of all people, the most
courageous, and most generous. He, may God's peace and blessings be upon him,
said "You will never find me to be stingy, a coward, or a liar." These traits
are necessary for upholding the faith. Whoever is denied these traits cannot
champion or uphold the religion of God.
And here, I say to those who do not enjoy some of these characteristics and who
have hung back and mixed things up about the jihad: He who is not convinced of
killing should get out of the way and not mislead those who are convinced. I say
to them: He who fears climbing mountains will always live in holes.
This faithful youth and his brothers were young. Man is judged by the tiniest
parts of his body; that is his heart and tongue (saying of the Prophet Muhammad
PBUH). However, they were men with great minds and great resolve. They
repeatedly protected their sanity and minds from being trampled underfoot or
exposed to danger by the deception of the lackey governments and their
institutions, which paint vice as virtue and virtue as a vice, falsehood as
truth, and enemies as friends, time after time.
This is because these young men were true believers, and believers are not
bitten twice from the same hole, as our prophet, may God's peace and blessings
be upon him, said. Those youths knew that the road to eternal damnation is the
obstruction of the Shari'a [Islamic law], even of some of its rulings. They
refused to be subservient in this, even to princes and Ulema. They believe that
the integrity of the Shari'a takes precedence over the safety of men regardless
of how great they are, and that in God's religion people are equals. They are
guided by the saying of the prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him,
that says: "By God, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, I would
cut her hand off."
These young men have understood the meaning of the phrase "There is no god but
God", which is the core of Islam. It must prevail over our actions, and guide us
in all aspects of our life. But since the facts on the ground are otherwise; in
fact, it is the rulers' whims and their legislation that prevail over people's
actions, even though they allow people to perform some rituals - these young men
knew that the rulers had nothing to stand on. As a matter of fact, they [those
leaders] are apostates, even if they pray, fast, and claim to be Muslims.
These young men refused to sit back with others and safely engage in hellish
things. Instead, they set out and hastened to uphold the cause of God and the
call of monotheism: There is no God but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of
God. They waged jihad against the infidels.
They were like Mu'adh ibn al-Jamuh when he asked Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Awf, may God
be pleased with both of them, the following question: "Do you know Abu Jahl,
uncle?" Ibn 'Awf said: "Yes. But what do you want with him, nephew?" Ibn al-
Jamuh said: "I have been told that he reviles God's messenger. By Him in whose
hand my soul is, if I see him, I shall not leave him until the one of us who is
to die first dies." [Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, see Mishkat al-Masabih,
pp. 856-857]
This is honesty, and this is faith. Each and every matter has its own reality.
The reality of this hero, Saeed al-Ghamidi and his brothers is that they showed
the truthfulness of their faith by offering themselves and their heads for the
sake of God. Thus, they trod a path that tremendously enraged the infidels, and
that will continue to enrage them for a long time, God willing.
This happened when they opted for practical applications and fundamental
solutions to champion the cause of the faith and tossed aside the unjust infidel
solutions, the solutions offered by the United Nations, and by the atheistic
parliaments, the solutions offered by tyrannical rulers, who have made
themselves into gods who legislate in place of God. Moreover, they paid no
attention to the futile solutions, the solutions of the prevaricators, the Arabs
of the desert who sit down and hang back, who have been preoccupied with their
money and kindred and who have deceived themselves to the effect that they have
been busy [preparing for jihad] for dozens of years.
There is a vast difference between him who views the fields of preparation and
the arenas of jihad as a hardship, separation of fathers and sons, and risking
one's life and money (for Satan will prevent him from continuing on the road to
jihad getting him to sit back with the other slackers) and he who views the
arenas of jihad as being the market of paradise, whose doors are open, causing
him to fear to tarry even for an hour, lest the doors might close before him, or
he fears that he might become one of those whose resurrection God is not pleased
with, and so, He will make him lag behind, as God the Exalted said:
"And if they had intended to go forth, they would assuredly have made some
preparation for it; but God was averse to their being sent forth, so he held
them back, and it was said to them: 'Sit back among those who sit (at home).”
Qur'an 9:46
He fears that if he does not respond to God's order and disobeys Him by sitting
back, away from the jihad in obedience to the Arabs of the desert who failed to
join the Mujahideen, God will come in between him and his heart, and thus he
will stray from the right path and be of the sinful ones.
God the Exalted says:
"O you who believe! Answer God (by obeying him) and his Messenger when he calls
you to that which will give you life, and know that God comes in between a
person and his heart, and verily, to him you shall all be gathered." Qur'an 8:24
God also says:
"Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the
wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the
dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than God and his Messenger, and
jihad in His cause, then wait until God brings about his decision. And God
guides not the wrong doers." Qur'an 9:24,
Osama bin Laden
14 Rajab 1424 (September 10, 2003)
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